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Manual for Participation in the Special

and Annual Shareholders’ Meetings of

March 10, 2015










Information in this Manual also includes:


§  Call Notice;

§  Proposals to be analyzed in mentioned Shareholders’ Meetings; and

§  All information required by CVM Instructions #480 and #481.











Table of Contents



Message of the Board of Directors Chairman and of the Chief Executive Officer   3
Information on the Shareholders Meetings   4
Quorum       4
Exercise of Voting Right   5


  Holders of common shares   5


  Holders of preferred shares and non controlling common shareholders   5
Multiple Vote Process   5
Participation in Shareholders' Meetings   6


  Attendance   6


  Attorneys-in-fact   6
Call Notice   7
Special Shareholders' Meeting   9


  Board of Directors proposal to increase the capital stock by means of capitalization of free existing reserve and bonus stock to shareholders   9


  Board of Directrors proposal to partially amend the Bylaws   11
Annual Shareholders Meeting   13


Board of Directors proposal for the net income allocation of the fiscal year 2014 and ratification of the early distribution of interest on shareholders equity and dividends paid and to be paid 13


  Parent Companies proposal to set the number of members of the Board of Directors and to elect them   13


  Parent Companies proposal to elect the Fiscal Council s members   14


  Appointment of candidates to compose the Fiscal Council formalized by preferred shareholder   15


  Appointment of candidates to compose the Fiscal Council formalized by non controlling common shareholder17    


  Board of Directors proposals for the Compensation and Social Security Amount of the Management and18    
    Compensation for the Fiscal Council s Sitting Members   19
Complementary Information   21
Attachment I Information on the capital stock increase by means of bonus stock   21
Attachment II - Information on the legal and economic effects derived from the statutory amendment   24
Attachment III Transcription of the consolidated proposed Bylaws   25
Attachment IV Information on the net income allocation of the year   37
Attachment V Résumés of the candidates appointed by the parent companies to compose the Board of Directors   46
Attachment VI Résumés of the candidates appointed to compose the Fiscal Council   112
   · parent companies candidates   112
   · preferred shareholder s candidates   127
   · non contorolling common shareholder s candidates   132
Attachment VII Information on the Management Compensation and Fiscal Council Sitting Members Compensation   139
Attachment VIII Power of Attorney Sample   158
Attachment IX Specific Power of Attorney Sample to separate voting shareholders holding preferred shares   159
Attachment X Management s Comments on the Company   160









Message of the Board of Directors’Chairman and of the Chief Executive Officer



Cidade de Deus, Osasco, SP, February 5, 2015.

Dear Shareholders,


Wearepleasedto invite youtoparticipatein the  Special  anAnnual  Shareholders’ Meetingsof BancoBradescoS.A. (“Bradescoor “Company”)tobecumulatively heldon March  10,  2015,  at  4  p.m.,  in  our headquarters, in NúcleoCidadedeDeus, Prédio  Vermelho,  Salão  Nobre  do  5 andar, Vila Yara, Osasco,SãoPaulo.

In this manual, you will find the necessary guide lines for thee valuation of the matters that will be object of resolution in the ShareholdersMeetings, as well as for the exercise of your voting right.

We consider Bradescos Shareholders’ Meetings  as  extremely  important  events within our annual calendar, because in them we  see  the  opportunity  that  shareholders have to participate in the discussion of issues that are relevant to the Company.




Historically, Bradescos Annual Shareholders’ Meeting has been one of the first to be held in the market, with almost two months in advance of the deadline established by the Brazilian law.

In order for shareholders to have enough time to duly examine the matters to be resolved, all required documents are being made available to the market on this date, 33 days in advance of the event.

Confident that we will continue receiving your support,   w remain   at   you disposal   to provid an other   additional   information.




Lázaro de Mello Brano  

 Luiz Carlos Trabuco Cappi

Chairman of the Board of Directors  

   Chief Executive Of ficer and

 Vice Chairman of the Board of







Information on the Shareholders’ Meetings


The Shareholders’ Meetings are called and installed in accordance with the law and the Bylaws. Shareholders gathered in the Shareholders’ Meeting have powers to resolve on all matters related  to  the  corporate  purpose  of  the  Company  and  to  make  decisions  considered appropriate to its defense and development. This issue is mentioned in Chapter XI (Articles 121 to 137) of Law # 6,404/76.


In compliance with Article 132 of the aforementioned Law, Corporations must hold their Annual Shareholders’ Meeting within the first 4 (four) months following the end of the fiscal year, to address the following matters:


I.    to  analyze  th managemen accounts,  examine,  discuss  and  vote  on  the  financial statements;

II.   to  resolve  on  the  allocation  of  the  net  income  for  the  year  and  the  distribution  of dividends; and

III.  to elect the management and the fiscal council’s members.


Other matters that are interesting to the Company, when provided by law, bylaws or listed in the Call Notice, will be discussed and resolved at the Special Shareholders’ Meeting.

According to the Sole Paragraph of Article 131 of Law # 6,404/76, the Special and Annual Shareholders’ Meetings may be cumulatively called and held at the same place, date and time, as well as drawn up in single minutes.


Thus, the Call Notice of this Manual expressly lists, in the agenda, all matters to be discussed in the Special and Annual Shareholders’ Meetings, and no other matter pending approval by the shareholders’ meeting shall be included.


The documents mentioned in Article 133 of Law #6,404/76, related to the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2014, were sent to BM&FBOVESPA, CVM, SEC, NYSE, LATIBEX and were made available to shareholders (website) on January 29, 2015, and were published on February 4,  2015 in the newspapers “Diário Oficial do Estado de São Paulo” and “Valor Econômico”, and they may also be viewed on the website


These documents are:


I.     Management Report  on  the  business  and  main  administrative facts  of  the  fiscal  year ended;

II.    Financial Statements;

III.   Independent Auditors’ Report;

IV.   Fiscal Council’s Opinion; and

V.    Summary of the Audit Committee’s Report.

All the other documents referring to the Shareholders’ Meetings are part of this Manual and are at the disposal of the shareholders at the Shares and Custody Department of Bradesco, in cleo Cidade de Deus, Prédio Amarelo, Vila Yara, Osasco, São Paulo, which may also be viewed on the website Corporate Governance Shareholders, and on BM&FBovespa ( and CVM ( websites.




Pursuant to Article 125 of Law # 6,404/76, save the exceptions provided for by law, the Shareholders’ Meeting will be installed, on first call, with the attendance of shareholders representing at least ¼ (one quarter) of the voting capital stock and, on second call, it shall be installed with any number of shareholders.


The Special Shareholders’ Meeting resolving on the amendment to the Bylaws, pursuant to Article 135 of Law # 6,404/76, will be instated on first call with the attendance of shareholders representing at least 2/3 (two thirds) of the voting capital stock, and it may be installed with any number of shareholders on second call.




Exercise of Voting Right


Holders of common shares

The shareholders holding common shares shall be entitled to vote on all matters listed in the



Holders of preferred shares and non controlling common shareholders


- Board of Directors (item 3 of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting Agenda)


Pursuant to the provisions of Article 141 of Law # 6,404/76, will be entitled to elect and dismiss a Board of Director’s member, in a separate voting process, except the controlling shareholder, the majority of holders:


I.    of common shares that represent, at least, 15% (fifteen percent) of the total of common shares; and

II.   of preferred shares that represent, at least, 10% (ten percent) of the capital stock.


Verifying that neither the holders of common nor the holders of preferred shares comprise the quantity required in the items above, they will be entitled to combine their shares to elect jointly a member for the Board of Directors, taking into consideration the 10% (ten percent) of the capital stock.


Only shareholders that prove the uninterrupted ownership of shares required during the period of at least 3 (three) months immediately preceding the Shareholders’ Meeting  will be entitled to elect or dismiss Board of Director’s members by means of separate voting process.

- Fiscal Council (item 4 of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting Agenda)


In the establishment of the Fiscal Council the following standards will be observed:


a) the holders of preferred shares will be entitled to elect, in a separate voting process, 1 (one) member and his/her respective deputy; non controlling common shareholders will have the same right, since there is at least 10% (ten percent) or more of common shares issued by the Company;

b) except for the provisions in the previous item, other common shareholders may elect the sitting and deputy members that, in any case, shall be equal to the number of the elected members in accordance with subparagraph a, plus one.


Multiple Vote Process


Pursuant to CVM Instructions # 165, as of December 11, 1991, and # 282 of June 26, 1998, to request  the  adoption  of  the  multiple  vote  process  to  elect  the  members  of  the Board  of Directors, the requesting shareholders shall represent the minimum of 5% (five percent) of the Company’s voting capital.


As provided for in Paragraph One of Article 141 of Law # 6,404/76, this right shall be exercised by shareholders within 48 (forty-eight) hours before the Shareholders’ Meeting, being the Presiding Board chairing the Meeting responsible for informing the shareholders in advance, in view of the Attendance Book”, the number of votes necessary to elect each member of the Board of Directors.













Participation in the Shareholders’ Meetings




The Company’s shareholders may take part in the Shareholders’ Meetings by attending the meetings at the place they are held and by casting their vote, according to the class of shares held by them (common and/or preferred) and the matters to be voted on.


Pursuant to the provisions in Article 126 of Law # 6,404/76, shareholders must attend the Shareholders’ Meetings providing, in addition to their identification document, a certificate of ownership of the Company’s shares, issued by the depositary and/or custodian financial institution. The management recommends that referred certificate of ownership be sent within 2 (two) business days before the date of the mentioned Shareholders’ Meetings.


Legal entities shareholders, such as Companies and Investment Funds, must be represented in accordance with their Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation or Charters, delivering the documents that evidence the good standing of the representation, having with them the Minutes of the election of Management, as the case may be, at the place and time indicated in item below.


Before the Meetings are installed, shareholders will sign the Attendance Book, which will bear their name, nationality, place of residence, and the number and class of shares they hold.


Shareholders without voting rights may attend the Shareholders’ Meeting and discuss the matters submitted for resolution.




Shareholders may also be represented by an attorney-in-fact appointed not more than one year,  provided  that  he/she  is  a  shareholder,  manager  of  Banco  Bradesco  S.A.,  lawyer  or financial institution, being incumbent upon the investment fund manager to represent its condominium members, pursuant to Article 126, Paragraph One, of Law # 6,404/76, and the power of attorney shall mandatorily bear a notarized signature of the grantor at the Notary. We also observe that the legal entities shareholders may be represented as their bylaws/articles of incorporation.


In order to help shareholders, the Power of Attorney Samples in Attachments VIII and IX  may be used, in which case the attorney-in-fact shall vote in strict compliance with the instructions contained in the respective powers of attorney. The shareholders may also grant powers of attorney with different texts from those suggested herein, provided that they comply with the provisions of Law # 6,404/76 and the Brazilian Civil Code.


When the shareholder is represented by an attorney-in-fact, the good standing of the power of attorney will be verified before the beginning of the Shareholders’ Meetings. In order to speed up the process and facilitate the works in the Meetings, the certificate of ownership of the shares and the power of attorney may, at the shareholders’ discretion, be sent to the Company’s headquarters, preferably, within 2 (two) business days before the date of the ShareholdersMeetings, at Banco Bradesco S.A. - Secretaria Geral - Área Societária Núcleo Cidade de Deus - 4o    andar  do  Prédio  Vermelho  -  Vila  Yara  -  Osasco,  SP  -  CEP  06029-900.  Copy  of  the documentation may also be sent by email to


Before being forwarded to the Company, the powers of attorney drawn up in foreign language must be translated into Portuguese and their translation must be registered at the Registry of Deeds and Documents.














Call Notice




Banco Bradesco S.A.

CNPJ (Corporate Taxpayer’s ID) #60.746.948/0001-12

NIRE (Corporate Registry ID) #35.300.027.795

Publicly-Held Company

Special and Annual Shareholders’ Meetings

Call Notice


We invite the shareholders of this Company to meet at the cumulative Special and Annual Shareholders’ Meetings, on March 10, 2015, at 4 p.m., at the Company’s headquarters, cleo Cidade de Deus, Vila Yara, Osasco, São Paulo, at Salão Nobre do 5o andar, Prédio Vermelho, to:


I.     at the Special Shareholders’ Meeting


To resolve on the Board of Directors’ proposals to:


1) increase     the     capital     stock     in     R$5,000,000,000.00,    increasing     it     from R$38,100,000,000.00 to R$43,100,000,000.00, with bonus stock, by means of capitalization  of  part  of  thbalance  othe  Profit  Reserves  –  Statutory  Reserve” account,  according  to  the  provisions  of  Article  169  of  Law  #6,404/76,  by  issuing 841,454,808 new book-entry registered shares, with no par value, of which 420,727,426 are common shares and 420,727,382 are preferred shares, to be allotted free of charge to shareholders at the ratio of 2 new shares for each 10 shares of the same class that they hold on the record date;


2) partially amend the Bylaws, as follows: (i) in the “caput of Article 6,  in order to reflect the changes in the capital stock derived from the resolution mentioned in item 1 above; (ii) in the Sole Paragraph of Article 1, adapting it to the new   Regulation for Issuers Listing and Admission to Trading of Securities of BM&FBOVESPA;  (iii) in the “caput of Article 8,   raising from 9 to 10 the maximum number of members in the Board of Directors, as a result of the expansion that the Bradesco Organization comes in all areas in which it operatres, and including the Paragraph Two into the mentioned Article so as to allow flexibility in the form of participation of the members of the Board of Directors at meetings of that Body, consequently renumbering the subsequent Paragraphs; (iv) in the "caput" of Article 13, improving its wording; (v) in Article 20, by making the Fiscal Council become permanent; and (vi) in Article 21, which regulates the functioning of the Audit Committee, including the Paragraphs One and Two, so as to adapt the wording to the provisions of the Resolution #4,329, of April 25, 2014, of the National Monetary Council, providing the reappointment of up to 1/3 of the members of that Body to the maximum of other five consecutive annual terms, consequently renumbering the Sole Paragraph.


II.    at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting


1) acknowledge the management accounts and examine, discuss and vote on the Financial Statements related to the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2014;


2) resolve on the Board of Directors’ proposal for the allocation of the net income of the fiscal year 2014 and ratify the early distribution of interest on shareholders’ equity and dividends paid and to be paid;










Call Notice



3) set the number of members of the Board of Directors and elect t