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Washington, D.C. 20549

For the month of February, 2019
Commission File Number 1-15250

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)
Cidade de Deus, s/n, Vila Yara
06029-900 - Osasco - SP
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

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Message of the Chairman of the Board of Directors


Information on Shareholders’ Meetings




Quorum for Resolutions


Exercise of Voting Rights


Common Shareholders


Voting separately for the Fiscal Council


Holders of American Depositary Receipts (ADRs)


Participation in the Shareholders’ Meetings






Participation by Remote Vote


Participation through the electronic voting platform


Call Notice


Special Shareholders’ Meeting


Proposal for the increase of the capital stock


Annual Shareholders’ Meeting


Proposal for the net income allocation of the fiscal year 2018


Proposal to elect members to compose the Fiscal Council


Appointment of candidates to compose the Fiscal Council formalized by preferred shareholders who are not members of the controlling block


Appointment of candidates to compose the Fiscal Council formalized by non-controlling common shareholders


Proposal for the overall Management compensation and social security amount


Proposal for the monthly compensation of the Fiscal Council’s effective members


Complementary Information


Attachment 14 required by Article 14 of CVM Instruction No. 481/09, regarding the capital stock increase


Legal and economic effects derived from the statutory amendment


Transcription of the Bylaws containing the current and proposed wordings


Attachment 9-1-II, regarding the allocation of net income for the year


Information about the candidates appointed by the controlling shareholders to compose the Fiscal Council


Information about the candidates appointed by the common shareholders to compose the Fiscal Council, not integrating the controlling block


Information about the candidates appointed by the preferred shareholders to compose the Fiscal Council, not integrating the controlling block


Management compensation


Specific power of attorney template for shareholders holding common shares


Specific power of attorney template for separate voting – shareholders holding preferred shares





Message of the Chairman of the Board of Directors


Cidade de Deus, Osasco, SP, February 7, 2019


Dear shareholders,



It is with great pleasure that I invite you to participate in the Special and Annual Shareholders' Meetings of Bradesco, which will be held, cumulatively, on March 11, 2019, at 4 p.m. In the Meetings, you will have the opportunity to discuss and vote on the matters set out in the Call Notice, which accompanies this Manual and will be disclosed in the official gazettes from tomorrow, February 8.


It is important to highlight that, if you are not able to attend the event, the exercise of your right to vote may be manifested to Bradesco either by power-of-attorney or Remote Voting Form, in accordance with the legislation in force, in addition to the electronic voting platform available. Any of these options will ensure the full participation of shareholders in the Meetings.


Aligned with our commitment with transparency and the democratization of information, you will find in this manual all the information and guidelines required by the applicable laws, as well as others that can assist you in the thorough examination of the matters that will be the object of resolution in the Shareholders’ Meetings and, consequently, for the best decision of your votes.


In order to give you enough time to examine the matters that will be submitted for your deliberation, all the documents required will be informed to the market on this date, 32 days prior to the meeting.


Certain that we will continue counting on your support, Bradesco is at your disposal for any further enquiries.


I wish you all a great event!



Banco Bradesco S.A.


Luiz Carlos Trabuco Cappi

Chairman of the Board of Directors






Complementary Information


Information on Shareholders’ Meetings


According to the Sole Paragraph of Article 131 of Law No. 6,404/76, the Special and Annual Shareholders’ Meetings may cumulatively be called and held at the same place, date and time, as well as drawn up in a single minutes.


Using this option, we summon Shareholders’ Meetings, cumulatively held on March 11, at 4 p.m., whose Call Notice, contained in this Manual, lists, separate and expressly, on the agendas all matters to be discussed in the Meetings, and no other matter pending approval by the shareholders shall be included.


The documents mentioned in Article 133 of Law No. 6,404/76, related to the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2018, are listed below:


I.          Management Report on the business and main administrative acts of the fiscal year ended;

II.        Financial Statements;

III.      Independent Auditors’ Report;

IV.      Fiscal Council’s Opinion; and

V.        Summary of the Audit Committee's Report.

·      they were available, on January 31, 2019, to investors in Brazil (B3 S.A. - Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão –; and CVM – Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission – and to investors abroad (NYSE and LATIBEX) and, henceforth, they can be viewed on the websites mentioned above, as well as on Bradesco’s website (; and


·      they were published, on February 5, 2019, in the newspapers “Diário Oficial do Estado de São Paulo” and “Valor Econômico”.


All other documents referring to the Shareholders’ Meetings are part of this Manual and are at the disposal of shareholders at the Market Relations Department, Núcleo Cidade de Deus, Prédio Vermelho, 3º andar, Vila Yara, Osasco, São Paulo, and may also be viewed on Bradesco, B3 and CVM websites, as given above.




Pursuant to Article 125 of Law No. 6,404/76, save the exceptions provided for by law, the Shareholders’ Meeting will be installed, on first call, with the attendance of shareholders representing at least one quarter (1/4) of the voting capital stock and, on second call, it shall be installed with any number of shareholders.


The Special Shareholders’ Meeting, deciding on the amendment to the Bylaws, pursuant to Article 135 of Law No. 6,404/76, will be instated, on first call, with the attendance of shareholders representing at least two thirds (2/3) of the voting capital stock and, on second call, it may be instated with any number of shareholders.


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Complementary Information


Quorum for Resolutions


According to Article 129 of Law No. 6,404/76, the resolutions shall be taken by the absolute majority of votes, not counting blank votes.


Exercise of Voting Rights


Common Shareholders


Pursuant to Brazilian legislation and Bradesco’s Bylaws, common shareholders shall be entitled to vote on all matters listed in the Agenda, except for the separate election of candidates for members of the Fiscal Council that may be appointed exclusively by the preferred shareholders, pursuant to the following item.


Voting separately for the Fiscal Council


In relation to the election of members to compose the Fiscal Council, item 3 of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting Agenda, Law No. 6,404/76 establishes the possibility for preferred shareholders and common shareholders, not part of the controlling block, to elect their candidates, in a separate vote, in which: a) the holders of preferred shares will be entitled to elect one (1) member and his/her respective alternate; and b) common shareholders will have the same right, as long as there is in the market at least ten percent (10%) or more of common shares issued by the Company.


Except for the provisions above, other common shareholders may elect the effective and alternate members that, in any case, shall be equal to the number of the member selected by minority shareholders, plus one.


Holders of American Depositary Receipts (ADRs)


The right to vote on the matters listed in the Agenda will be given to holders of American Depositary Receipts (ADRs), according to the types of shares (common or preferred) their ADRs represent.


The ADR holders will be properly instructed by The Bank of New York Mellon, the depositary financial institution of ADRs backed by Bradesco's shares.


Participation in the Shareholders’ Meetings



The Company’s shareholders may take part in the Shareholders’ Meetings by attending the meetings at its headquarters and by casting their votes, according to the class of shares held by them (common and/or preferred) and the matters to be voted on.



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Complementary Information


Pursuant to the provisions in Article 126 of Law No. 6,404/76, shareholders must attend the Shareholders’ Meetings providing, in addition to their identification document, a certificate of ownership of the Company’s shares, issued by the depositary and/or custodian financial institution. Management recommends that such certificate of ownership be issued at least two (2) business days before the date of mentioned Shareholders’ Meetings.


Legal entities shareholders, such as Companies and Investment Funds, must be represented in accordance with their Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation or Charters, delivering the documents that evidence the good standing of the representation, having with them the Minutes of the election of Management, as the case may be, at the place and time indicated in the item below.


Shareholders without voting rights may attend the Shareholders’ Meeting and discuss all the matters submitted for resolution, in addition to the ones contained in item 3 of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.




Shareholders may also be represented by an attorney-in-fact appointed not more than one year prior, provided that he/she is a shareholder, manager of Bradesco, lawyer or financial institution, being incumbent upon the investment fund manager to represent its condominium members, pursuant to Paragraph One of Article 126, of Law No. 6,404/76, and the power of attorney shall mandatorily bear a notarized signature of the grantor at the Notary. We also observe that the legal entities shareholders may be represented as set out in their bylaws/articles of incorporation. It is not mandatory that their attorneys be shareholders, managers of Bradesco, lawyers or a financial institution.


In order to help shareholders, the Power of Attorney Templates contained in this Manual may be used, in which case the attorney-in-fact shall vote in strict compliance with the instructions contained in the respective powers of attorney.


Optionally, the shareholders may also grant powers of attorney using different texts from those suggested herein, provided that they contain, expressly, the powers granted and the precise identification of both the shareholder and the attorney.


When the shareholder is represented by an attorney-in-fact, the good standing of the power of attorney will be verified before the beginning of the Shareholders’ Meetings, as well as the ownership of shares.


In order to speed up the process and facilitate the proceedings in the Meetings, we request that the certificate of ownership of the shares, the power of attorney and eventual voting declaration, at the shareholder’s discretion, are sent to the Company’s headquarters, preferably, with at least two (2) business days before the Shareholders’ Meetings, at Banco Bradesco S.A. – Secretaria Geral – Área Societária – Núcleo Cidade de Deus – Prédio Vermelho, 4º andar – Vila Yara – Osasco, SP, Brazil –  CEP 06029-900. A copy of the documentation may also be sent by email to


Before being sent to Bradesco, corporate and representation documents of legal entities and investment funds written in a foreign language must be translated into Portuguese. The said translations must be registered in the Titles and Documents Registry (a certified translation is not required).


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Complementary Information



Participation by Remote Vote


As accounted for in Articles 21-A et seq. and pursuant to CVM Instruction No. 481/09, the Company's shareholders may also exercise their right to vote in shareholders' meetings through the remote voting process, to be formalized in a document named as "Remote Voting Form" (Form), whose template is available on the Corporate Governance area of Bradesco’s Investor Relations website ( or on the CVM – Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission’s website (


Bradesco informs that:


ü  The common shareholders with positions held up to the date of the Meetings will be entitled to vote on all matters of the form, except in the separate vote for the election of the members of the Fiscal Council appointed EXCLUSIVELY by the minority shareholders who are holders of preferred shares;


ü  The minority shareholders who are holders of preferred shares with positions held up to the date of the Meetings are entitled to vote EXCLUSIVELY in the item of the Form regarding the separate vote process to elect members of the Fiscal Council appointed by the shareholder(s) holder(s) of such type of share.


The shareholder who decides to exercise their right to vote remotely must do so by one of the options described below:


I.          By delivering the Form, completed and signed, to one of Bradesco’s Branches


This option is intended exclusively for the shareholders with shares backed by Bradesco, as the registrar of shares issued by itself:


In order to offer a greater convenience to shareholders with a position in our Record Book of Shares, the entire Bradesco's Network of Branches in Brazil is available, during the business hours of the local bank, to take the necessary actions for the shareholder to exercise their remote voting right.


To do so, the shareholder must take the following measures:


ü  Access the Corporate Governance area of Bradesco's Investor Relations website ( or the website of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission – CVM (, print the Form, fill it out, initial each page and sign it.


ü  With the Form completed, initialed and signed, as well as the documents listed in the table below, the shareholder must go to any Bradesco Branches, up until March 1, 2019, during the local bank's business hours, in order for the information in their Form, in their presence, to be transferred to Bradesco systems, receiving a proof of the completion of the voting process.

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Complementary Information



Documents to be presented at Bradesco’s branches, together with the Form


Legal Entity

Inv. Fund





Individual Taxpayers’ ID and Identity Card with photo of the shareholder or their legal representative 1





Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws consolidated and updated 2





A document that demonstrates the granting of powers, including representation, if applicable2





Consolidated and updated fund regulation


(1)        Identity cards accepted: Identity Card, Identity Card of Foreigner, National Driving License, Passport and professional registration officially recognized.

(2)        For investment funds, documents of the manager and/or administrator, pursuant to the voting policy.


Before being forwarded to Bradesco Branches, corporate and representation documents of the legal entity and the investment funds drawn up in a foreign language must be translated into Portuguese. The said translations must be registered in the Titles and Documents Registry (a certified translation is not required).


Important: Forms received by the Bradesco’s Branches after the end of the bank’s business hours, on March 1, 2019, will be disregarded.


The Management highlights that the procedures above cannot be adopted for the holders of shares in custody at B3 and/or with any other custodian agent. In this case, the provisions of section II below must be observed.


II.        By vote instructions conveyed by the shareholders to its respective custody agents


This option is intended exclusively for the shareholders who own shares held in custody at B3. In this case, the remote voting shall be exercised by the shareholders in accordance with the procedures adopted by the Institutions and/or Brokers holding their positions in custody.


The holder of shares deposited at B3 that chooses to exercise their remote voting right must do so by forwarding their voting instructions to the Institution and/or Broker (Custody Agent) holding their shares in custody, subject to the rules set forth by the latter, which, as a result, shall forward such vote statements to the Central Depository of B3.

Given that the services to receive and convey the instructions to complete Form is optional for Custody Agents, we recommend that the shareholders verify if their custodian is entitled to provide such services and also check the procedures set forth by them to issue the voting instructions, as well as the documents and information required by them.


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Complementary Information


Bradesco informs that, if your Custody Agent does not provide the remote voting service, the shareholder will have the option to send their Form and applicable documents directly to the Company itself, pursuant to section III below.


III.      By forwarding its vote instruction directly to the Company


This option may be used by all shareholders of the Company, both the holders of shares deposited in Bradesco, as custodian of the shares of their own issuance, and those holders of shares deposited in B3:


In case the shareholder chooses to direct his or her voting orientation directly to the Company, the following deadlines must be observed:


Up to March 6, 2019

the shareholder may forward to the email a copy of the Form completed, initialed and signed as well as a copy of the documents indicated in the table below. 

Up to March 7, 2019

Bradesco will confirm, also by email, the receipt of the Form and its acceptance or, in the case of the need to rectify the Form partially or completely, the necessary guidelines for the correct completion, advising them about any irregularity found in the documents indicated in the table below.

Up to March 8, 2019

the shareholder must return, via the email, the rectified Form and/or the remaining documents.


Whether it is sent in advance, according to the description in the table above, Bradesco requests that the shareholder should send, by post, a hard copy, of the Form together with hard copy of the documents indicated in the table below, for the timely receipt, by the cut-off date, which is March 8, 2019 (included), in its headquarters, at Núcleo Cidade de Deus, Prédio Vermelho, 4o andar, Vila Yara, Osasco, SP, Brasil - CEP 06029-900.


Certified Documents to be presented at the Company, together with the Form


Legal Entity

Inv. Fund





Individual Taxpayers’ ID and Identity Card with photo of the shareholder or their legal representative 1





Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws consolidated and updated 2





A document that demonstrates the granting of powers, including representation, if applicable2





Consolidated and updated fund regulation  

(1)           Identity cards accepted: Identity Card, Identity Card of Foreigner, National Driving License, Passport and professional registration officially recognized; and

(2)           For investment funds, documents of the manager and/or administrator, pursuant to the voting policy.


Before being sent to Bradesco, the corporate and representation documents of legal entities and investment funds written in a foreign language must be translated into Portuguese. The said translations must be registered in the Titles and Documents Registry (a certified translation is not required).



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Complementary Information


If the physical documentation indicated in the table above is not received in its headquarters by March 8, 2019, Bradesco will communicate to the shareholder that the votes cast via the Form will not be considered.



General Information


The Company highlights that:


ü  as established by Article 21-S of CVM Instruction No. 481/09, the Central Depositary of B3, upon receiving voting instructions by the shareholders through their respective custodian agents, will disregard any divergent instructions in relation to the same resolution that may have been issued by the same Individual or Corporate Taxpayer's ID;


ü  when the period for remote voting ends, the shareholder may not change the voting instructions already sent, unless they are present at the Shareholders’ Meetings or represented by proxy, through an explicit request to disregard the voting instructions sent through the Form, before the respective matter(s) is cast to vote.


Participation through the electronic voting platform


For investors with shares in custody in B3 or directly with the bookkeeper, in addition to the participation processes listed above, Bradesco also allows the exercise of the right to vote electronically free-of-charge.


Thus, the shareholder that so desires, must access the link, request access to the voting platform and provide the necessary information to confirm their status as a shareholder of Bradesco.


Bradesco emphasizes that the procedure should be completed at least 72 hours before the time of the Meetings, i.e. up until March 8, 2019, at 4 p.m.


Additional information can be obtained on the phones and email address contained on the website of the electronic platform mentioned above.



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Complementary Information


Call Notice


Banco Bradesco S.A.

Corporate Taxpayer's ID No. 60.746.948/0001-12 - Company Registration No. 35.300.027.795

Publicly-Held Company

Special and Annual Shareholders’ Meetings


We invite the Company’s shareholders to meet at the cumulatively Special and Annual Shareholders’ Meetings to be held on March 11, 2019, at 4 p.m., at the Company’s headquarters, Núcleo Cidade de Deus, Vila Yara, Osasco, SP, Prédio Vermelho, at Salão Nobre, 5o andar, for the resolutions listed below:


I.          Special Shareholders’ Meeting


1)        increase the capital stock by R$8,000,000,000.00, increasing it from R$67,100,000,000.00 to R$75,100,000,000.00, with bonus stock, by means of the capitalization of part of the balance of the “Profit Reserves – Statutory Reserve” account, according to the provisions of Article 169 of Law No. 6,404/76, by issuing 1,343,971,619 book-entry, registered shares, with no par value, of which 671,985,845 are common shares and 671,985,774 are preferred shares, to be attributed free of charge to shareholders at the ratio of 2 new shares to each 10 shares of the same type they hold on the base date, to be established after the approval of the process by the Central Bank of Brazil, with the consequent amendment to the “caput” of Article 6 of the Bylaws;

2)        change item “e” of Article 9 of the Bylaws, to adapt the term “Permanent Assets” to the “Non-Current Assets”, according to the legislation in force;

3)        change Article 21 of the Bylaws, pertinent to the term of office of the members of the Audit Committee, from five (5) to two (2) years;

4)        consolidate the Bylaws, with the amendments mentioned in items 1, 2 and 3 above.


II.        Annual Shareholders’ Meeting


1)        acknowledge the management accounts and examine, discuss and vote on the Financial Statements related to the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2018;

2)        resolve on the Board of Directors’ proposal for the allocation of the net income of the fiscal year 2018;

3)        elect the Fiscal Council’s members, observing the provisions of Articles 161 and 162 of Law No. 6,404/76;

4)        resolve, for the 2019 fiscal year, on the overall management compensation, as well as the amount to support the Pension Plan and the amount regarding the pension contributions to the INSS borne by the Company; and

5)        to resolve, for the 2019 fiscal year, on the remuneration of the effective members of the Fiscal Council, as well as on the amount corresponding to the contributions to the INSS that are borne by the Company.



Participation in the Meetings: pursuant to Article 126 of Law No. 6,404/76, and later amendments, in order to attend and resolve on the Shareholders’ Meetings, the shareholder must observe that:


·           in addition to the identification document, they must also provide a certificate of ownership of the shares issued by the Company, issued by the custodian financial institution. For the holder of book-entry shares held in custody at Bradesco, the presentation of said certificate is waived;


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Complementary Information



·           in the event of impossibility to attend the Shareholders’ Meetings, the shareholder may  be represented by an attorney-in-fact appointed not more than one year prior, provided that they are a shareholder, manager of the Company, lawyer or financial institution, it being incumbent upon the investment fund manager to represent their condominium members, observing that legal entities shareholders might also be represented according to their bylaws/articles of incorporation;

·           before being forwarded to Bradesco, the corporate and representation documents of legal entities and investment funds drawn up in a foreign language must be translated into Portuguese and their translation must be registered at the Titles and Documents Registry (a certified translation is not required);

·           in order to speed up the process and facilitate the proceedings in the Shareholders’ Meetings, we request that, at the discretion of shareholders, the certificate of ownership of the shares, the power of attorney and any voting declarations be sent to the Company’s headquarters, preferably at least two (2) business days before the Shareholders’ Meetings, at Banco Bradesco S.A. – General Secretariat – Corporate Area – Núcleo Cidade de Deus – Prédio Vermelho, 4º andar - Vila Yara - Osasco, SP – Brasil - CEP 06029-900. A copy of the documentation may still be forwarded, in advance, to the email;

·           in the case of opting to vote remotely, you must state your intention to vote, sending the said Remote Voting Form: 1) to the bookkeeper of the Company's shares through all Bradesco’s Branch Network; or 2) to your custodians that provide this service in the case of holders of shares deposited in the central depository; or 3) directly to the Company. For more information, see the rules set out in CVM Instruction No. 481/09 and the procedures described in the Form made available by the Company, as well as in the said Manual for Participation in the Special and Annual Shareholders’ Meetings (Manual);

·           for investors with shares in custody in B3 or directly with the bookkeeper, in addition to the participation processes listed above, Bradesco also allows the exercise of the right to vote electronically, up to 72 hours before the time of the Meetings, i.e. up to March 8, 2019, at 4 p.m. (for further information, check the Manual);

·           for more fluidity of the activities, the access of shareholders to the Salão Nobre of 5o andar (floor), where the Meetings will be held, will be authorized after 2 p.m., where any further enquiries related to the matters on the agenda to be deliberated can be discussed.



Documents made available to shareholders: all legal documents and further information necessary for the analysis and exercise of voting rights are available to shareholders at the Market Relations Department, in Núcleo Cidade de Deus, Prédio Vermelho, 3º andar, Vila Yara, Osasco, São Paulo, and on the Bradesco websites (, of B3 S.A. - Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão ( and of CVM (


Eventual clarifications may be obtained on the Investor Relations website – – Corporate Governance, in the Bradesco’s Branches Network or via email


Osasco, SP, February 7, 2019


Luiz Carlos Trabuco Cappi

Chairman of the Board of Directors



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Complementary Information


Special Shareholders’ Meeting


Proposal for the increase of the capital stock with a bonus of 20% in shares, with the subsequent change of the “caput” of Article 6 of the Bylaws, and for the partial amendment of the Bylaws

Proposal for the increase of the capital stock


Dear Shareholders,


The Board of Directors of Bradesco hereby submits, to be examined and resolved by you, proposals to:


1)        increase the capital stock by R$8,000,000,000.00, increasing it from R$67,100,000,000.00 to R$75,100,000,000.00, with bonus stock, through the capitalization of part of the balance of the "Profit Reserves - Statutory Reserve" account, pursuant to Article 169 of Law No. 6,404/76, issuing 1,343,971,619 registered book-entry shares with no par value, being 671,985,845 common shares and 671,985,774 preferred shares, which will be allocated free of charge to the shareholders in the proportion of 2 new shares for each 10 shares of the same type they hold on the base date, to be established after the approval of the process by the Central Bank of Brazil, observing:


I.           Goals: the bonus operation’s purpose is to: a) increase the liquidity of the shares in the market, considering that the greater amount of outstanding shares will possibly generate a growth in the business; b) enable an adjustment in the shares price, making the unit price more attractive and accessible to a larger number of investors; and c) improve the compliance of the balance of the profit reserve with the legal limits.


II.         Base date of Right to Bonus Stock: it will be announced to the market after the approval of the respective process by the Central Bank of Brazil.


III.       Trading: current shares will continue to be traded with the right to bonus and the new shares shall be available for trading after the approval of the said process by the Central Bank of Brazil and the inclusion in the position of the shareholders, which will be dealt with in a notice to the market.


IV.      Right to Shares with Bonus: will be entitled to dividends and/or interest on own capital that may be declared as of the date of their inclusion in the position of shareholders. They are also entitled, in full, to any benefits attributed to other shares as of the aforementioned date.


V.        Monthly Interest on Shareholders’ Equity: will be maintained at R$0.017249826 per common share and R$0.018974809 per preferred share (gross), with the payment for the net amount of R$0.014662352 per common share and R$0.016128588 per preferred share, after the deduction of tax income at the source of fifteen percent (15%). They will continue to be paid in accordance with the Systematics of Monthly Payment of Dividends/Interest on Equity. Income tax at the source does not apply to legal entities that are exempt from this tax.


Thus, the total amount paid monthly to the shareholders will have an increase of 20%, after the inclusion of the new shares into its position.


VI.      Fractions of Shares: the bonus will always occur in whole numbers. Shares remaining unsubscribed arising from the fractions of shares will be separated, grouped in whole numbers and sold in an auction to be held at B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (B3). After the approval needed for the process by the Central Bank of Brazil and, prior to the sale, Bradesco will establish a period of no less than 30 days, during which the shareholders may transfer the fractions of shares, as provided for in Paragraph Three of Article 169 of Law No. 6,404/76. After the sale of the shares, the respective amounts will be made available to the shareholders entitled thereto. Other additional details will be announced to the shareholders in due course.


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Complementary Information



VII.    Cost of the Shares with Bonus: the cost attributed to the shares with bonus is of R$5.952506650 per share, regardless of the type, for the purposes of Article 10 of Law No. 9,249/95 (with new wording granted by Law No. 12,973/14), and Paragraph One of Article 58 of Instruction No. 1,585/15, of the Internal Revenue Service.


VIII.  Additional Procedures – Payment of Fractions of Shares: the amounts resulting from the fractions of shares will be made available to the shareholders as follows:


a)       to shareholders whose shares are deposited in the Company and with their registration and banking data up to date, through a credit to be made in the bank accounts at a Financial Institution appointed by them; and


b)       to those whose shares are deposited at B3, by means of the Institutions and/or Brokers that maintain their positions in custody.


Shareholders whose such data is not updated should seek a Bradesco Branch of their choice with their Individual Taxpayer's ID, their Identity Card and their proof of residence to update their registration data and receive the respective amounts to which they are entitled to.


2)        change item “e” of Article 9 of the Bylaws, in order to adapt the term “Permanent Assets” to “Non-Current Assets”, according to the legislation in force;


3)        change Article 21 of the Bylaws, pertinent to the term of office of the members of the Audit Committee, from five (5) to two (2) years, in order to standardize the term of office to the members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Executive Officers.


The new wording for the aforementioned statutory provisions are included in the Attachment Transcription of the consolidated Bylaws proposed and will be submitted for the approval of the Central Bank of Brazil.




All other information required by Article 11 of CVM Instruction No. 481/09 can be found in the Attachment Detailing the origin and rationale of the statutory amendments proposed and analysis of their legal and economic effects. The information required by Article 14 of CVM Instruction No. 481/09 can be consulted in the Attachment related to the increase of the capital stock.



Further information may be obtained in the Attachment related to the capital stock increase, according to Attachment 14 required by Article 14 of CVM Instruction no. 481/09.


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Complementary Information


Annual Shareholders’ Meeting

Proposal for the net income allocation of the fiscal year 2018


Dear shareholders,


Taking into account that Bradesco obtained during the year ended on December 31, 2018 the net income of R$19,084,952,954.44, the Board of Directors hereby submits, for examination and resolution, the proposal to allocate it as follows:


ü  R$954,247,647.73 for the "Profit Reserves - Legal Reserve" account;

ü  R$10,832,109,533.97 for the "Profit Reserves - Statutory " account;

ü  R$7,298,595,772.74 for the payment of interest on shareholders´ equity, of which:

·           R$2,633,595,772.74 has been paid; and

·           R$4,665,000,000.00 will be paid on March 8, 2019, reaffirming that a new distribution of interest on equity/dividends for 2018 will not be proposed to the Shareholders’ Meeting.



Additional information may be found in the Attachment concerning the allocation of the net income of the fiscal year, in accordance with Attachment 9-1-II of CVM Instruction No. 481/09.



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Complementary Information


Annual Shareholders’ Meeting

Proposal to elect members to compose the Fiscal Council


Dear Shareholders,


Article 20 of the Company's Bylaws inform that the Fiscal Council shall be composed of three (3) to five (5) effective members and an equal number of alternates, shareholders or not.


Considering the provisions of letter “b” of Paragraph Four of Article 161 of Law No. 6,404/76, which gives to the shareholders with voting rights (except the minority shareholders, to whom applies letter “a” of Paragraph Four of the mentioned Article) the possibility to elect the majority of the members of the mentioned Body and their respective alternate members, acting as controlling shareholders, we hereby submit to you the proposal for the election of the Fiscal Council’s members, all with 1 year term of office, until the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting to be held in 2020, indicating to compose it:



Effective Member

Alternate Member

Controlling Shareholders

Ariovaldo Pereira, Brazilian, married, accountant, Identity Card 5.878.122-5/SSP-SP, Individual Taxpayer’s ID 437.244.508/34, domiciled on Avenida Escola Politécnica, 942, Bloco C2, ap. 172, Rio Pequeno, São Paulo, SP, CEP 05350-000

João Batista de Moraes, Brazilian, married, lawyer, Identity Card 8.780.236/SSP-SP, Individual Taxpayer’s ID 863.025.078/04, domiciled on Avenida dos Autonomistas, 896, Torre Mykonos, sala 811, Osasco, SP, CEP 06020-010

Domingos Aparecido Maia, Brazilian, married, accountant, Identity Card 7.220.493-X/SSP-SP, Individual Taxpayer’s ID 714.810.018/68, domiciled on Rua Teixeira da Silva, 515, ap. 131, Paraíso, São Paulo, SP, CEP 04002-032

Nilson Pinhal, Brazilian, married, business administrator, Identity Card 4.566.669-6/SSP-SP, Individual Taxpayer’s ID 221.317.958/15, domiciled on Avenida Doutor Martin Luther King, 1.999, ap. 52, Edifício Lorys, Jardim Umuarama, Osasco, SP, CEP 06030-016

José Maria Soares Nunes, Brazilian, in stable union, accountant, Identity Card 10.729.603-2/SSP-SP, Individual Taxpayer’s ID 001.666.878/20, domiciled on Alameda Franca, 571, Residencial Alphaville 4, Santana de Parnaíba, SP, CEP 06542-010

Renaud Roberto Teixeira, Brazilian, married, businessman, Identity Card 3.022.895-5/SSP-SP, Individual Taxpayer’s ID 057.180.078/53, domiciled on Rua Edson, 291, ap. 61, Condomínio Edifício Place Saint Remy, Campo Belo, São Paulo, SP, CEP 04618-031


We clarify that the candidates filed at the Company’s headquarters a statement, under legal penalties, declaring that they are not prevented from performing the management of a commercial company due to criminal conviction and that they fulfill the conditions set forth in Article 162 of Law No. 6,404/76. Should they be elected, they will take office after their names are approved by the Central Bank of Brazil.




For additional information, see the Résumés of those appointed for the Fiscal Council by the controlling shareholders, in compliance with Items 12.5 to 12.10 of Attachment 24 of CVM Instruction No. 480/09, in accordance with Attachment A of CVM Instruction No. 552/14.


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Complementary Information


Annual Shareholders’ Meeting

Appointment of candidates to compose the Fiscal Council formalized by preferred shareholders who are not members of the controlling block


Dear Shareholders,


Pursuant to item "a" of Paragraph Four of Article 161 of Law No. 6,404/76, below we make available the names and qualifications of the candidates appointed by non-controlling shareholders holders of preferred shares, to compose the Fiscal Council:



Effective Member

Alternate Member

Alain Charles Edouard Moreau and family

Luiz Carlos de Freitas, Brazilian, married, accountant, Identity Card 7.580.603/SSP-SP, Individual Taxpayer’s ID 659.575.638-20, com domicílio na Avenida Miguel Frias e Vasconcelos, 1.200, apartamento 15, Jaguaré, São Paulo, SP, CEP 05345-000

João Batistela Biazon, Brazilian, married, businessman, Identity Card 549.241/SSP-PR, Individual Taxpayer’s ID 003.505.919/20, domiciled at Alameda dos Anapurus,  511,  apartamento 21, Moema, São Paulo, SP, CEP 04087-000

Aberdeen Asset Management PLC, itself and on behalf of the investment funds and portfolios managed by companies in its economic group

Walter Luis Bernardes Albertoni, Brazilian, married, lawyer, Identity Card 14.009.886/SSP-SP, Individual Taxpayer’s ID 147.427.468/48, domiciled at Rua Urussuí, 92, conjunto 91, Itaim Bibi, São Paulo, SP, CEP 04542-050

Reginaldo Ferreira Alexandre, Brazilian, married, economist, Identity Card 8.781.281/SSP-SP, Individual Taxpayer’s ID 003.662.408/03, domiciled at Rua Leonardo Mota, 66/122, Vila Indiana, São Paulo, SP, CEP 05586-090





For additional information, see the Résumés of those appointed for the Fiscal Council by preferred shareholders who are not members of the controlling block, in compliance with Items 12.5 to 12.10 of Attachment 24 of CVM Instruction No. 480/09, in accordance with Attachment A of CVM Instruction No. 552/14.


We suggest the shareholder holding preferred shares that eventually already has the intention of constituting attorney-in-fact to represent him/her in the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, use the attached power of attorney sample, in order to exercise his/her voting right.




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Complementary Information


Annual Shareholders’ Meeting

Appointment of candidates to compose the Fiscal Council formalized by non-controlling common shareholders


Dear shareholders,


Pursuant to item "a" of Paragraph Four of Article 161 of Law No. 6,404/76, below we made available the names and qualifications of the candidates appointed by non-controlling shareholders holders of common shares issued by the Company, to compose the Fiscal Council:



Effective Member

Alternate Member

IGN Participações Ltda. and Magnat Participações Ltda.


João Sabino, Brazilian, married, lawyer, Identity Card 10.255.945-4/SSP-SP, Identity Card ID 989.560.358/49, domiciled at Avenida Doutor Cândido Motta Filho, 500, casa 6, Cidade São Francisco, São Paulo, SP, CEP 05351-000


João Carlos de Oliveira, Brazilian, married, business consultant, Identity Card 50.785.140-7/SSP-SP, Individual Taxpayer’s ID 171.602.609/10, domiciled at Avenida Doutor Martin Luther King, 980, apartamento 71, Torre Top, Jardim Umuarama, Osasco, SP, CEP 06030-003

PREVI - Caixa de Previdência dos Funcionários do Banco do Brasil

Ivanyra Maura de Medeiros Correa, Brazilian, married, engineer, Identity Card 59.886.740-5/SSP-SP, Individual Taxpayer’s ID 009.092.797-48, domiciled at Alameda Ministro Rocha Azevedo, 726, 4º andar, Jardins, São Paulo, SP, CEP 01410-000

Cézar Manoel de Medeiros, Brazilian, married, economist, Identity Card M3627440/SSP-MG, Individual Taxpayer’s ID 006.688.346-68, domiciled at Alameda do Ipê Branco, 279, São Luiz, Belo Horizonte, MG, CEP 31275-080




For additional information, see the Résumés of those appointed by non-controlling common shareholders to compose the Fiscal Council, in compliance with Items 12.5 to 12.10 of Attachment 24 of CVM Instruction No. 480/09, in accordance with Attachment A of CVM Instruction No. 552/14.


We suggest the non-controlling shareholder holding common shares that eventually already has the intention of constituting attorney-in-fact to represent him/her in the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, use the attached power of attorney sample, in order to exercise their voting right.






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Complementary Information


Annual Shareholders’ Meeting

Proposal for the overall Management compensation and social security amount


The Board of Directors of the Company hereby submits for your examination and approval  a proposal for establishing the total compensation, social security funds and contributions to the INSS for the year 2019, in the total of up to R$ 995,000,000.00, of which:


a)        R$632,000,000.00, of which:      (i)    R$515,918,367.35, as fixed and variable compensation;

       (ii)   R$116,081,632.65, as contributions to INSS, borne by the Company; and

b)        R$363,000,000.00 to fund the management’s pension plan.


The Company clarifies that:


1)      In relation to the year 2018, the amount of the global compensation, social security funds and contributions to INSS is being increased by 31.8%.


The main indices justifying the increase proposed here are:

•    the positive change of 50.9% in the market value of Bradesco, achieved in the last 2 years, considering that in 2018 there was no increase in compensation funds;

•    the 30.2% increase in net income in the fiscal year 2018 compared to the year 2017;

•    the 19.0% profitability achieved in 2018, which is the highest in recent years;

•    the expectation of raising the guidance indexes disclosed for the year 2019 compared to 2018.


2)        in view of the guidelines of the Superintendence of Relations with Companies of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission - CVM, consolidated in Report No. 238/2018-CVM/SEP/GEA, Bradesco, henceforth, will consider the contributions to the INSS to be borne to the Company. The Company clarifies that, until then, it did not include this amount in the proposal regarding the overall compensation of the Management submitted to the Annual Shareholders’ Meetings;


3)        the values proposed above are consistent with the great experience of the Management and their high level of knowledge on the Company, considering that the majority has made its career in the Organization itself, as well as the need to retain talents in an increasingly competitive market;


4)        it will be incumbent on the Remuneration Committee to continue assessing the corporate performance, the fulfillment of the objectives and the sustainability of the business, for the purpose of checking whether the results justify the distribution of the overall annual amount of the remuneration funds up to the limit proposed; and


5)        pursuant to item "p" of Article 9 of the Bylaws, the Board of Directors will decide the distribution of the annual overall remuneration, including the one related to the pension plan, to its own members and to the members of the Board of Executive Officers.




For further details, check the Attachment Information on the Management Compensation, according to Item 13 of Attachment 24 of CVM Instruction no. 480/09.


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Complementary Information


Annual Shareholders’ Meeting

Proposal for the monthly compensation of the Fiscal Council’s effective members


The Company's Board of Directors is submitting, for your examination and approval, proposal for the individual compensation of the effective members of the Fiscal Council, for the fiscal year 2019, established at R$216,000.00/year, plus the individual amount/year of R$48,600.00 corresponding to the pension contributions to the INSS borne by the Company.


Finally, Bradesco clarifies that the amount proposed for the compensation:


1)        remained unchanged in relation to that which was approved in the Annual Shareholders' Meeting held in 2018. In compliance with the orientations of the Superintendence of Companies Relations of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission – CVM, contained in the Report no. 238/2018-CVM/SEP/GEA, Bradesco, henceforth, will consider the amount corresponding to the contributions to INSS to be borne by the Company. The Company clarifies that, until then, it did not include in the propose regarding the overall compensation of the Fiscal Council submitted to the Annual Shareholders’ Meetings;


2)        meets the provisions of Paragraph Three of Article 162 of Law No. 6,404/76, which establishes that the remuneration for the Fiscal Council’s members will be determined by the Shareholders’ Meeting in which they are elected and that it cannot be lower, for each member in office, than ten percent (10%) of the monthly compensation that, on average, is attributed to each Officer as fixed compensation, without the payment, according to current legislation, of benefits, expense account and participation in the Company’s profit sharing, or any other denomination; and


3)        the alternate members are remunerated only when they replace the Effective Members, in the cases of vacancy, absence or temporary impediments.




For further details, check the Attachment Information on the Management Compensation, according to Item 13 of Attachment 24 of CVM Instruction no. 480/09.


Complementary Information



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Complementary Information
































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Complementary Information


Complementary Information

Attachment 14 required by Article 14 of CVM Instruction No. 481/09, regarding the capital stock increase


1.      State the amount of the increase and of the new capital stock


Increase of R$8,000,000,000.00, raising the capital stock from R$67,100,000,000.00 to R$75,100,000,000.00


2.    State if the increase will be carried out through: (a) the conversion of debentures or other debt securities into shares; (b) the exercise of the subscription rights or of the subscription warrant; (c) the capitalization of profits or reserves; or (d) the subscription of new shares


Increase through the capitalization of part of the balance of the "Profit Reserve - Statutory Reserve" Account, in accordance with the provisions of Article 169 of Law No. 6,404/76, with a bonus of 20% in shares.


3.    Explain in detail the reasons for the increase and its legal and economic consequences


The Capital Increase aims to increase the liquidity of the shares in the market, considering that a greater amount of outstanding shares may generate a growth in the business, may enable an adjustment in the shares price, making the unit price more attractive and accessible to a larger number of investors and also improve the compliance of the profit reserve’s balance with the legal limits.


The operation will produce:


legal effects solely by virtue of the assignment of ownership of 2 new shares to each 10 shares of the same type previously held, getting preserved the ownership of all shareholders, without distinction; and


economic effects arising from the increment of 20% in the total amount of interest on shareholders’ equity and/or dividends paid monthly, benefiting proportionally all shareholders. Will be held the monthly amount of interest on shareholders' equity and/or dividends per share, by changing the total amount due to the greater number of shares issued and received by the shareholders due to the bonus stock.


4.      Provide a copy of the Fiscal Council's opinion, if applicable


Full transcription of the Fiscal Council’s Opinion registered in Special Meeting of mentioned Body, held on February 7, 2019: “Fiscal Council's Opinion - Banco Bradesco S.A. The undersigned, members of the Fiscal Council of Banco Bradesco S.A., according to the provisions in Section III of Article 163 of Law No. 6,404/76, proceeding with the examination of the Board of Directors’ Proposal to increase the capital stock by means of capitalization of reserves with 20% bonus stock and the consequent amendment to the “caput” of Article 6 of the Bylaws, registered in the Special Meeting, of said Body, held on this date, opine that the proposal will be analysed  by the shareholders  of the Company that meet in the Special Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on March 11, 2019, at 4 p.m. Cidade de Deus, Osasco, SP, February 7, 2019. ss) Ariovaldo Pereira, Domingos Aparecido Maia, José Maria Soares Nunes, João Carlos de Oliveira and Walter Luis Bernardes Albertoni.”



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Complementary Information


5.    In case of capital increase through the subscription of shares


It is not applicable since the capital stock increase will not be performed by subscription of shares, but through capitalization of profit reserves.


6.    In case of capital increase through the capitalization of profits or reserves


a.    Inform whether the face value of shares will be changed, if applicable, or whether new shares will be distributed among shareholders

The Company’s shares, pursuant to statutory provision, have no par value, including the ones to be issued as a result of the capital stock increase proposed. The 1,343,971,619 shares to be issued are attributed free of charge to shareholders, as bonus stock, in the proportion of 2 new shares to each 10 shares held of the same type the shareholders hold on the base date.


b.   Inform whether the capitalization of profits or reserves will take place with or without change to the number of shares in the companies with shares with no par value


The capitalization proposed herein will increase the number of shares issued by the Company as follows:


Number of shares













c.  In the event of distribution of new shares


          i.          State the number of shares issued of each type and class


Number of Shares Issued by Type








        ii.          Inform the percentage in shares to be received by shareholders


All shareholders will receive, as bonus stock, 20% of his/her stockholding position.






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Complementary Information


      iii.          Describe the rights, advantages and restrictions attributed to the shares to be issued.







·  voting right;

· in case of a public offer arising from eventual sale of control of the Company, common shares that are not part of the controlling block shall be entitled to receive one hundred percent (100%) of the amount paid per common share owned by the controlling shareholders.

·   will be entitled to dividends and/or interest on own capital that may be declared as of the date of their inclusion in the position of shareholders. They are also entitled, in full, to any benefits attributed to other shares as of the aforementioned date.

·  the conversion of common shares into preferred shares is not allowed.


·  priority in the reimbursement of Capital Stock in the case of liquidation of the Company;

·  dividends ten percent (10%) higher than those attributed to common shares;

·  inclusion in a public offer arising from eventual sale of control of the Company, ensuring their holders to receive a price equal to eighty percent (80%) of the amount paid per common share in the controlling block.

·    as above.

·  have no voting rights, except in the cases provided in law;

·  the conversion of preferred shares into common shares is not allowed.


      iv.          Inform the acquisition cost, in Reais per share, to be assigned so that the shareholders can attend the Article 10 of Law No. 9,249, of December 26, 1995


The cost attributed to the bonus shares is R$5.952506650 per share, regardless of the type of share.


        v.          Inform the treatment given to fractions, if applicable


The bonus share will always occur in whole numbers. The remaining shares resulting from fractions of shares will be separated, grouped into whole numbers and sold at an auction to be held at B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão, whose date will be determined after the process is duly approved by the Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN).


After approval by the Central Bank of Brazil and the realization of said auction, the respective amounts will remain available to shareholders entitled thereto.


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Complementary Information



d.  Inform the period set forth in Paragraph 3 of Article 169 of Law No. 6,404/76


Before the auction specified in item 6.c.v, the Company will establish a time limit of not less to thirty (30) days, during which the shareholders may transfer the fractions of shares.


e.  Inform and provide information and documents mentioned in item 5, when applicable


Not applicable.


7.    In case of capital increase by conversion of debentures or other debt securities into shares or through the exercise of subscription warrants


Not applicable.


8.    The provisions in items 1 to 7 of this Attachment shall not apply to capital increases arising from option plan, in which case the issuer must inform: “...”


Not applicable.






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Complementary Information


Legal and economic effects derived from the statutory amendment

Legal and economic effects derived from the statutory amendment


The proposed amendment of the "caput" of Article 6 of the Bylaws arises from the capital stock increase of Bradesco through the capitalization of existing profit reserves and subsequent issuance of shares that shall be allocated free of charge to the shareholders, as a bonus, at a ratio of 2 new shares for every 10 shares of the same type that they hold on the base date. The Management of Bradesco foresees that the mentioned statutory amendment will produce:


ü   legal effects: solely by virtue of the assignment of ownership of two (2) new shares to each ten (10) shares of the same type previously held, getting preserved the ownership of all shareholders, without distinction; and


ü   economic effects: arising from the increment of 20% in the total amount of interest on shareholders’ equity and/or dividends paid monthly, benefiting proportionally all shareholders. Will be held the monthly amount of interest on shareholders' equity and/or dividends per share, by changing the total amount due to the greater number of shares issued and received by the shareholders due to the bonus stock.


With respect to other statutory amendments:


1)        in item "e" of Article 9, to amend the term “Permanent Assets” to “Non-Current Assets”, according to the legislation in force;


ü  Legal and/or economic effects are not expected, once the amendment is only an adaptation to the terms of Law No. 6,404/76, updated by Law No. 11,941/09;


2)        in Article 21, change the term of office of the members of the Audit Committee from five (5) years to two (2) years, in order to standardize the term of office of the members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Executive Officers.


ü  Legal and/or economic effects are not expected, once the amendment is just to adapt the term of office currently practiced for the Company’s Management.








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Complementary Information


Transcription of the Bylaws with the amendments to be submitted to resolution of shareholders at the Special Shareholders’ Meeting

Transcription of the Bylaws containing the current and proposed wordings


Current Wording

Wording Proposed

Section I - Organization, Duration and Headquarters

No amendments

Article 1)        Banco Bradesco S.A., a publicly-held company, hereinafter referred to as the Company, is governed by these Bylaws.

No amendments

Sole Paragraph - With the admission of the Company on June 26, 2001, in the special listing segment called Level 1 of Corporate Governance of B3 S.A. - Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (B3), the Company, its shareholders, managers and members of the Fiscal Council are subject to the provisions of the Corporate Governance Level 1 Listing Regulation of the B3 (Level 1 Regulation). The Company, its managers and shareholders must also observe the provisions of the Regulation for Listing of Issuers and Admission to Trading of Securities, including the rules concerning the withdrawal and exclusion of trading of securities admitted to trading on Organized Markets managed by B3.

No amendments

Article 2) The Company’s term of duration is indefinite.

No amendments

Article 3) The Company’s headquarter and jurisdiction are located in the administrative center called “Cidade de Deus”, in Vila Yara, city and judicial district of Osasco, State of São Paulo.

No amendments

Article 4) The Company may set up or close Branches in the Country, at the discretion of the Board of Executive Officers, and Abroad, upon the additional approval of the Board of Directors, hereinafter referred to as the Board, which shall also be responsible for approving the incorporation and/or closure of any other Areas/Subsidiaries of Bradesco outside the national territory.

No amendments

Section II - Corporate Purpose

No amendments

Article 5) The Company’s corporate purpose is to perform general banking activities, including foreign exchange transactions.

No amendments

Section III - Capital Stock


Article 6) The capital stock is R$67,100,000,000.00 (sixty-seven billion and one hundred million reais), divided into 6,719,858,095 (six billion, seven hundred and nineteen million, eight hundred and fifty-eight thousand, ninety-five) book-entry, registered shares, with no par value, of which 3,359,929,223 (three billion, three hundred and fifty-nine million, nine hundred and twenty-nine thousand, two hundred and twenty-three) are common shares and 3,359,928,872 (three billion, three hundred and fifty-nine million, nine hundred and twenty-eight thousand, eight hundred and seventy-two) are preferred shares.

Article 6) The capital stock is R$75,100,000,000.00 (seventy-five billion and one hundred million reais), divided into 8,063,829,714 (eight billion, sixty-three million, eight hundred and twenty-nine thousand, seven hundred and fourteen reais) book-entry, registered shares, with no par value, of which 4,031,915,068 (four billion, thirty-one million, nine hundred and fifteen thousand, sixty-eight) are common shares and 4,031,914,646 (four billion, thirty-one million, nine hundred and fourteen thousand, six hundred and forty-six) are preferred shares.



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Complementary Information


Transcription of the Bylaws containing the current and proposed wordings


Paragraph One - Common shares will provide to its holders the rights and privileges provided for by law. In case of a public offer arising from the transfer of the Company’s control, the common shares that are not part of the controlling block shall be entitled to receive one hundred percent (100%) of the amount paid per common share owned by the controlling shareholders.

No amendments

Paragraph Two - Preferred shares will have no voting rights, but will entitle their holders to the following rights and privileges:

No amendments

a) priority in the reimbursement of capital stock in case of liquidation of the Company;

No amendments

b) dividends ten percent (10%) higher than those attributed to common shares;

No amendments

c) inclusion in a public offer arising from the transfer of control of the Company, entitling their holders to receive a price equal to eighty percent (80%) of the amount paid per common share in the controlling block.

No amendments

Paragraph Three - In the event of a capital increase, at least fifty per cent (50%) of the capital will be paid at the time of subscription and the remaining amount will be paid through a Board of Executive Officers’ call, as per legal precepts.

No amendments

Paragraph Four - The Company’s shares are all book-entry, being kept into deposit accounts in the Company, issued in favor of their holders, without issuance of certificates, whereby the shareholders may be charged for the cost of the service regarding the transfer of ownership of these shares.



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Complementary Information


Transcription of the Bylaws containing the current and proposed wordings


Paragraph Five – The following actions will not be permitted:

No amendments

a) conversion of common shares into preferred shares and vice versa;

No amendments

b) issue of participation certificates.

No amendments

Paragraph Six - The Company may, upon the authorization of the Board, acquire shares issued by the Company itself, for cancellation or temporary maintenance in treasury, and posterior sale.

No amendments

Section IV - Management

No amendments

Article 7) The Company will be managed by a Board of Directors and a Board of Executive Officers.

No amendments

Paragraph One - The positions of Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer cannot be cumulated by the same person, except for the assumptions of vacancy which shall be purpose of specific disclosure to the market and to which measures shall be taken to fill in respective positions within one hundred and eighty (180) days.

No amendments

Paragraph Two - The investiture of members of the Board of Directors and Board of Executive Officers shall be subject to the previous signature of the Management Statement of Consent, pursuant to Level 1 Regulation, as well as the compliance with applicable legal requirements.

No amendments

Paragraph Three - The members of the Board of Directors and of the Board of Executive Officers will have a unified mandate term of two (2) years, wherein reelection is permitted, which will extend until the investiture of new elected managers.

No amendments

Paragraph Four - Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the members of the Board of Executive Officers shall exercise their terms only until the day on which they reach sixty-five (65) years of age.

No amendments

Section V - Board of Directors

No amendments

Article 8) The Board of Directors will be constituted by six (6) to ten (10) members elected by the Shareholders’ Meeting, who will choose, among themselves, in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph One of Article 7, one (1) Chairman and one (1) Vice-Chairman.



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Complementary Information

Transcription of the Bylaws containing the current and proposed wordings


Paragraph One - The Board’s decisions will only be valid if supported by the absolute majority of the effective members, including the Chairman, who will have the casting vote, in the event of a tie.

No amendments

Paragraph Two - The participation of any member, absent for justifiable reason will be admitted, by means of teleconference or videoconference or by any other means of communication that can ensure the effectiveness of his/her participation, with his/her vote considered valid for all legal purposes.

No amendments

Paragraph Three - In the event the position of the Chairman of the Board being vacant or the Chairman being absent or temporarily unavailable, the Vice-Chairman will take over. In the absence or temporary unavailability of the Vice-Chairman, the Chairman will appoint a substitute among other Board members. In the event of a vacancy of the Vice-Chairman’s position, the Board will appoint a substitute, who will serve for the time remaining to complete the term of office of the replaced member.

No amendments

Paragraph Four - In the event of temporary or permanent leave of any other member, the remaining members may appoint a substitute, to serve on a temporary or permanent basis, with due regard to the precepts of law and of these Bylaws.

No amendments

Article 9) In addition to the duties set forth by law and these Bylaws, the Board's responsibilities and duties include the following:

No amendments

a) to ensure that the Board of Executive Officers is always rigorously capable of performing its duties;

No amendments

b) to make sure that the corporate business is being conducted with probity, in order to preserve the Company’s credibility;

No amendments

c) to maintain management continuity, whenever possible, which is highly recommended for the stability, prosperity and security of the Company;

No amendments

d) to establish the general guidelines of the Company’s business, as well as to resolve on the constitution and performance of Operational Portfolios;

No amendments


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Complementary Information

Transcription of the Bylaws containing the current and proposed wordings


e) to authorize, in cases of operations with companies not composing the Bradesco Organization, the acquisition, disposal and encumbrance of assets composing the Permanent Assets and nonpermanent equity interest of the Company and its direct and indirect subsidiaries, when referring to amounts higher than one percent (1%) of their respective Shareholders’ Equity;

e) to authorize, in cases of operations with companies not composing the Bradesco Organization, the acquisition, disposal and encumbrance of assets composing the Non-current Asset and nonpermanent equity interest of the Company and its direct and indirect subsidiaries, when referring to amounts higher than one percent (1%) of their respective Shareholders’ Equity;

f) to decide on trades involving shares issued by the Company, in accordance with Paragraph Six of Article 6;

No amendments

g) to authorize the granting of any kind of donation, contribution or aid, regardless of the beneficiary;

No amendments

h) to approve the payment of dividends and/or interest on shareholders’ own capital proposed by the Board of Executive Officers;

No amendments

i) to submit to Shareholders’ Meeting appreciation proposals aiming at increasing or reducing the capital stock, share grouping, bonuses or splits, merger, incorporation or spin-off transactions and reforms in the Company’s Bylaws;

No amendments

j) to manifest themselves in relation to any public offer having as object shares or securities that can be converted or exchanged for shares of the Company, which shall contain, among other relevant information, the opinion of the Management about the possible acceptance of the public offer and of the economic value of the Company;

No amendments

k) to manifest themselves on corporate events which may give rise to a change of control, determining if they ensure fair and equitable treatment to shareholders of the Company;

No amendments

l) to deliberate upon associations, involving the Company or its Subsidiaries, including participation in shareholders’ agreements;

No amendments

m) to approve the investment of resources resulting from fiscal incentives;

No amendments

n) to examine and resolve on budgets and financial statements submitted by the Board of Executive Officers;

No amendments

o) to assume decision-making powers on specific matters of the Company’s interest and to deliberate upon defaulting cases;

No amendments


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Complementary Information

Transcription of the Bylaws containing the current and proposed wordings


p) limited to the overall annual amount approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting, to distribute the compensation and social security amounts of the Managers;

No amendments

q) to authorize, whenever necessary, the representation of the Company by a member of the Board of Executive Officers individually or by an attorney, in which case a respective mandate will indicate what actions may be practiced;

No amendments

r) to establish the remuneration of the Audit Committee members, observing the market parameters; and

No amendments

s) to approve the Corporate Report on Internal Controls Conformity and determine the adoption of strategies, policies and measures focused on the diffusion of a controlling and risk mitigation culture.

No amendments

Sole Paragraph - The Board of Directors may assign special duties to the Board of Executive Officers and to any of its members, as well as establishing committees to deal with specific matters in the scope of the Board of Directors.

No amendments

Article 10) The Chairman of the Board shall preside the meetings of the Body, subject to the provisions of the Paragraph Three of Article 8.

No amendments

Sole Paragraph - The Chairman of the Board may call the Board of Executive Officers and participate, together with other Board members, in any of its meetings.

No amendments

Article 11) The Board shall meet regularly six (6) times per year, and in special sessions when the interests of the company so require, convened by its Chairman or half of the other active members, whereby the minutes should be drawn up of each meeting held.

No amendments

Section VI – Board of Executive Officers

No amendments

Article 12) The Company’s Board of Executive Officers is elected by the Board of Directors, and will be composed of eighty-three (83) to one hundred and eight (108) members, distributed, at the Board's discretion, as follows: i) seventeen (17) to twenty-seven (27) Executive Officers, with one (1) Chief Executive Officer and sixteen (16) to twenty-six (26) Officers distributed among the positions of Executive Vice-President, Managing Officer and Deputy Officer; and ii) sixty-six (66) to eighty-one (81) Officers, distributed among the positions of Department Officer, Officer and Regional Officer.

No amendments


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Complementary Information

Transcription of the Bylaws containing the current and proposed wordings


Paragraph One – The Board of Directors shall establish, in the first meeting of the Body that takes place after the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting that elected them, and whenever necessary, the number of officers to be elected, designating them, by name, within the positions in the “caput” of this Article, subject to the provisions of Paragraph One of Article 7 and the requirements of Articles 17, 18 and 19 of the present Bylaws.

No amendments

Paragraph Two - The requirements provided for in Articles 18 and 19 may be exceptionally waived by the Board of Directors up to the limit of one fourth (¼) of the positions of the Board of Executive Officers, except in relation to the Officers appointed to the positions of Chief Executive Officer and Executive Vice-President.

No amendments

Article 13) The Officers shall manage and represent the Company, having powers to bind it in any acts and agreements of its interest. The Officers may condescend and waive rights and acquire, sell and encumber assets, observing the provisions of Paragraph Four of this Article and item “e” of Article 9 of the present Bylaws.

No amendments

Paragraph One - Which due reservation to the exceptions expressly set forth herein, the Company will only be bound by the joint signatures of at least two (2) Officers, one of whom will be the Chief Executive Officer or Executive Vice-President.

No amendments

Paragraph Two – The Company may also be represented by at least one (1) officer and one (1) attorney, or by at least two (2) attorneys, jointly, especially consisting of two (2) officers, as described in the previous paragraph, in which case the respective power of attorney will establish their powers, the acts they may practice and its duration.

No amendments

Paragraph Three - The Company may be also severally represented by any member of the Board of Executive Officers or by attorney with specific powers, in the following cases:

No amendments


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Transcription of the Bylaws containing the current and proposed wordings


a) powers of attorney with "ad judicial" clause, assumption in which the power of attorney may have an indeterminate duration and be empowered;

No amendments

b) receive judicial or extrajudicial summons or services of process;

No amendments

c) participation in biddings;

No amendments

d) representation in Shareholders’ Meetings or Quotaholders’ Meetings of companies or investment funds in which the Company holds interest, as well as of entities in which it is partner or affiliated company;

No amendments

e) representation in public agencies and authorities, provided that this does not imply the assumption of responsibilities and/or liabilities by the Company;

No amendments

f) in “legal testimonies”.

No amendments

g) before the certifying entities to obtain digital certificates.

No amendments

Paragraph Four - Department Officers, Officers and Regional Officers are prohibited from practicing acts that imply the sale and encumbrance of assets and rights of the Company.

No amendments

Article 14) In addition to the regular duties conferred upon them by law and by the present Bylaws, each member of the Board of Executive Officers will have the following responsibilities:

No amendments

a)                 the Chief Executive Officer shall: (i) coordinate the execution of the strategic plan outlined by the Board of Directors; (ii) promote the distribution of responsibilities and of the areas the Executive Officers are responsible for; (iii) supervise and coordinate, directly, the actions of the Executive Vice-Presidents and, indirectly, of the other members of the Board of Executive Officers; and (iv) preside over the meetings of the Board of Executive Officers;

No amendments

b) Executive Vice-Presidents shall: (i) cooperate with the CEO in the performance of his/her duties; (ii) replace, when appointed by the Board of Directors, the CEO in his absence or temporary impediment; and (iii) supervise and coordinate, directly, the actions of the Managing Officers and, indirectly, of the other members of the Board of Executive Officers, in the scope of their reporting line;


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Transcription of the Bylaws containing the current and proposed wordings


c) Managing Officers shall: perform the duties assigned to them, supervising and coordinating the actions of the officers that are in the scope of their reporting line;


No amendments

d) Deputy Officers shall: perform the duties assigned to them, supervising and coordinating the actions of the officers that are in the scope of their reporting line;

No amendments

e) Department Officers shall: conduct the activities of the Departments they work for;

No amendments

f) Officers shall: perform the duties assigned to them;

No amendments

g) Regional Officers: guide and supervise the Service Points under their jurisdiction and perform the duties assigned to them.

No amendments

Article 15) The Board of Executive Officers will hold general meetings on a weekly basis, and special meetings whenever necessary. The decisions taken will only be valid when more than half of the effective members attend the respective meeting. The presence of the Chief Executive Officer or his substitute, who will have the casting vote in the case of a tie, is obligatory. The special meetings will be held whenever called by the Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer or by half of other Executive Officers.

No amendments

Article 16) In the event of vacancy, absence or temporary unavailability of the Chief Executive Officer, it will be responsibility of the Board of Directors to appoint his substitute.

No amendments

Article 17) To exercise the position of Officer it is necessary to dedicate themselves to the Company and observe its internal rules, where the exercise of other activities that conflict with the objectives of the Company is forbidden.

No amendments

Article 18) To be eligible to the position of Executive Officer, the candidate must, on the date of the election, belong to the staff of employees or managers of the Company or associated companies for more than ten (10) years, uninterruptedly, observing the provisions of the Paragraph Two of Article 12 of these Bylaws.

No amendments


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Transcription of the Bylaws containing the current and proposed wordings


Article 19) To be eligible to the position of Department Officer, Officer and Regional Officer the candidate must, on the date of the election, belong to the staff of employees or managers of the Company or associated companies, observing the provisions of the Paragraph Two of Article 12 of these Bylaws.

No amendments

Section VII - Fiscal Council

No amendments

Article 20) The Fiscal Council, whose operation will be permanent, will be constituted by three (3) to five (5) effective members and an equal number of alternates.

No amendments

Section VIII - Audit Committee

No amendments

Article 21) The Company will have an Audit Committee constituted by three (3) to five (5) members, of recognized technical competence, being one (1) Coordinator, appointed and dismissible by the Board of Directors, with a five (5) year term of office, extending up to the investiture of new members appointed.

Article 21) The Company will have an Audit Committee constituted by three (3) to five (5) members, of recognized technical competence, being one (1) Coordinator, appointed and dismissible by the Board of Directors, with a two (2) year term of office, extending up to the investiture of new members appointed.

Paragraph One - The members of the Audit Committee may only return to integrate the Body after, at least, three (3) years from the end of the last reappointment allowed.

No amendments

Paragraph Two - Up to one-third (⅓) of the members of the Audit Committee may be reappointed to the body to a single consecutive term only, dispensing the interstitium provisioned in the Paragraph One.

No amendments

Paragraph Three - In addition to those provided for by law or regulations, these are also attributions of the Audit Committee:

No amendments

a) to recommend to the Board of Directors the company to be hired for rendering independent auditing services, its respective remuneration, as well as, its replacement;

No amendments

b) to review financial statements including notes, management reports and independent auditors’ report, prior to their disclosure to the market;

No amendments

c) to evaluate the effectiveness of both internal and independent audits regarding the fulfillment of legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the Company, in addition to internal regulations and codes;

No amendments

d) to evaluate the fulfillment, by the Company’s Board of Executive Officers, of recommendations made by either internal or independent auditors, as well as recommending to the Board of Directors the resolution of eventual conflicts between external auditors and the Board of Executive Officers;


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Transcription of the Bylaws containing the current and proposed wordings


e) to establish and announce the procedures for the acceptance and treatment of information related to noncompliance with legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the Company, in addition to regulations and internal codes, including the recommendation of specific procedures to protect the provider and the confidentiality of the information;

No amendments

f) to recommend to the Company’s Board of Executive Officers correction or improvement in policies, practices and procedures included in its attributions;

No amendments

g) to hold meetings, at least on a quarterly basis, with the Company’s Board of Executive Officers and internal and independent auditors;

No amendments

h) to verify, during its meetings, the fulfillment of its recommendations and/or explanations for its questions, including the planning of respective auditing works. Minutes of all meetings shall be drawn up;

No amendments

i) to establish operating rules for its functioning;

No amendments

j) to meet with the Fiscal Council and the Board of Directors, upon their request to discuss policies, practices and procedures identified under the scope of their respective incumbencies.

No amendments

Paragraph Four - The member of the Audit Committee may be removed by the Board of Directors at any time during the term of their mandate, in cases of conflict of interest, noncompliance with the obligations inherent to their position or if they have a performance below that expected by the Organization.

No amendments

Section IX - Remuneration Committee

No amendments

Article 22) The Company will have an organizational component referred to as Remuneration Committee, which shall act on behalf of all Institutions making up Bradesco Organization, composed of three (3) to seven (7) members, appointed and dismissible from office by the Board of Directors, with two (2) year term of office, and one of them shall be designated Coordinator.

No amendments


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Transcription of the Bylaws containing the current and proposed wordings


Paragraph One - Members will be appointed among members of the Board of Directors except for one (1) member who necessarily will be non-manager.

No amendments

Paragraph Two - The members of the Board of Directors and the non-manager member, if they are Bradesco Organization’s employees, will not be compensated for the exercise of their position as members of the Remuneration Committee. When the members are not employees, when appointed, they will have compensation set forth by the Board of Directors, according to market parameters.

No amendments

Paragraph Three - The members of the Remuneration Committee may be re-elected and they are forbidden to remain in office during a term exceeding ten (10) years. Only after the completion of this term, this member may return to the Committee, after elapsing, at least, three (3) years.

No amendments

Paragraph Four - The Committee shall aim at assisting the Board of Directors on the management compensation policy, pursuant to prevailing laws.

No amendments

Section X - Ombudsman

No amendments

Article 23) The Company will have an organizational component of Ombudsman, which will act on behalf of all Institutions of the Bradesco Organization authorized by the Central Bank of Brazil, with one (1) person responsible in the position of Ombudsperson, who will be appointed by the Board of Directors, with a term of office of two (2) years, reelection allowed.

No amendments

Paragraph One - The Ombudsman cannot be linked to an organizational component of Bradesco Organization in a way that indicates a conflict of interest or duties, like the bargaining units of product and services, the unit responsible for risk management and executive body of the internal audit's activity.

No amendments

Paragraph Two – A manager or employee of Bradesco Organization may be appointed as Ombudsperson if he or she has:

No amendments


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Transcription of the Bylaws containing the current and proposed wordings


a) a bachelor’s degree;

No amendments

b) extensive knowledge of the activities developed by the institutions represented and its products, services, processes, systems etc.;

No amendments

c) functional capacity to assimilate the issues that are submitted to the Ombudsman, carry out administrative consultations to sectors whose activities were questioned and direct the answers for the questions presented;

No amendments

d) technical and administrative conditions to comply with other requirements arising from the regulations published on the activities of the Ombudsman.

No amendments

Paragraph Three - The Ombudsman’s duty shall be the following:

No amendments

a) to ensure the strict compliance with the legal and regulatory rules concerning consumer rights and to act as a communication channel between the Institutions under the “caput” of this Article, customers and users of products and services, including in the mediation of conflicts;

No amendments

b) receive, register, provide guidance, analyze and give formal and appropriate treatment to complaints from customers and users of products and services of the Institutions under the “caput” of this Article which were not solved through the usual service carried out by branches or any other service stations;

No amendments

c) provide the necessary clarifications and notify the claimants on the progress of their demands and the measures adopted;

No amendments

d) inform the claimants of the deadline for the final answer, which may not exceed ten (10) business days and may be extended, exceptionally and in a justified manner, only once for an equal period, with the number of extensions limited to ten percent (10%) of the total number of demands on the month, and the complainant should be informed of the reasons for the extension;

No amendments

e) forward a conclusive answer to the demand of the claimants until the period stated in item "d";

No amendments

f) propose to the Board of Directors remedial or improvement measures for procedures and routines based on the analysis of the complaints received;

No amendments


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Transcription of the Bylaws containing the current and proposed wordings


g) every six months, prepare and submit to the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee and the Internal Audit a quantitative and qualitative report on the Ombudsman's operation, including the proposals mentioned in item "f", when existing, and keeping them informed of the result of the measures adopted by the institution's management to address them.

No amendments

Paragraph Four - In its absence or temporary disability, the Ombudsperson will be replaced by an official member of the Ombudsman, who meets the requirements of Paragraph Two of this Article. In case of vacancy, the Board will appoint a replacement for the remaining term of office who will complete the term of office of the person replaced.

No amendments

Paragraph Five - The Ombudsman may be dismissed by the Board of Directors at any time during its term of office in cases of noncompliance with the obligations of its office or if it presents a performance below that expected by the Organization.

No amendments

Paragraph Six - The Company:

No amendments

a) will maintain adequate conditions for the functioning of the Ombudsman, as well as for its actions to be based on transparency, independence, impartiality and exemption;

No amendments

b) will ensure the Ombudsman's access to the information necessary to prepare the appropriate response to the complaints received, with full administrative support, and may request information and documents for the exercise of its activities.

No amendments

Section XI – Shareholders’ Meetings

No amendments

Article 24) The Annual and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings will be:

No amendments

a) called by sending to the shareholders a minimum thirty (30)-day notice;

No amendments

b) conducted by the Chairman of the Board, or by his statutory substitute or even by a person nominated by the current Chairman, who will invite one or more shareholders to act as Secretaries.

No amendments


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Complementary Information


Transcription of the Bylaws with the amendments to be submitted to resolution of shareholders at the Special Shareholders’ Meeting

Transcription of the Bylaws containing the current and proposed wordings


Section XII - Fiscal Year

and Income Distribution

No amendments

Article 25) The fiscal year coincides with the civil year, ending on December 31.

No amendments

Article 26) Balance sheets will be prepared at the end of each semester, on June 30 and December 31 of every year. The Board of Executive Officers, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, may determine the preparation of other balance sheets for shorter periods of time, including monthly balance sheets.

No amendments

Article 27) The Net Income, as defined in Article 191 of the Law No. 6,404/76, accounted at every six-month or in the annual balance sheet will be allocated in the following order:

No amendments

I. constitution of the Legal Reserve;

No amendments

II. constitution of the Reserves set forth in Articles 195 and 197 of the aforementioned Law No. 6,404/76, subject to a proposal of the Board of Executive Officers, approved by the Board of Directors and resolved by the Shareholders’ Meeting;

No amendments

III. payment of dividends, proposed by the Board of Executive Officers and approved by the Board of Directors, which, added to interim dividends and/or interest on own capital referred to in Paragraphs One and Two of this Article, given that they are declared, guarantee to the shareholders, at every fiscal year, as amendatory minimum dividend, thirty percent (30%) of the respective net income, adjusted by the decrease or increase of the amounts specified in items I, II and III of the “caput” of Article 202 of the Law No. 6,404/76.

No amendments

Paragraph One - The Board of Executive Officers, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, is authorized to declare and pay interim dividends, especially semiannual and monthly dividends, resulting from Retained Earnings or existing Profits Reserves.

No amendments

Paragraph Two - The Board of Executive Officers may, also, subject to the approval of the Board, authorize the distribution of profits to shareholders as interest on own capital, pursuant to specific legislation, in total or partial substitution of interim dividends, whose declaration is permitted by the foregoing paragraph or, further, in addition thereto.

No amendments

Paragraph Three - Any interest eventually paid to the shareholders will be imputed, net of withholding income tax, to the mandatory minimum dividend amount for that fiscal year (30%), in accordance to Section III of the “caput” of this Article.

No amendments

Article 28) The Net Income balance, recorded after the aforementioned distributions, will have the destination proposed by the Board of Executive Officers, approved by the Board of Directors and resolved by the Shareholders’ Meeting, and may be fully allocated to Statutory Profit Reserves one hundred percent (100%), in order to maintain an operating margin that is compatible with the development of the Company’s active operations, up to the limit of ninety-five percent (95%) of the Company’s paid-in capital share amount.

No amendments

Sole Paragraph - In the event that the proposal of the Board of Executive Officers regarding the allocation of Net Income for that fiscal year contains a provision for the distribution of dividends and/or payment of interest in shareholders’ equity in an amount in excess of the mandatory dividend established in Article 27, Section III, and/or retention of profits pursuant to Article 196 of the Law No. 6,404/76, the Net Income balance for the purpose of constituting the reserve mentioned in this Article will be determined after the full deduction of such allocations.

No amendments


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Complementary Information


Attachment 9-1-II, regarding the allocation of net income for the year

Attachment 9-1-II of the CVM Instruction No. 481/09, regarding the net income allocation of the year

1.      Inform the annual net income

The net income for 2018 was R$19,084,952,954.44


2.      State the total amount and the amount per share of dividends, including interim dividends and interest on own equity already declared



Value (R$)

Amount per common share (R$)

Amount per preferred share (R$)


Net of

Withholding Income Tax


Net of

Withholding Income Tax

Monthly Interest on Shareholders’ Equity paid from February 2018 to January 2019






Interim Interest  on Shareholders’ Equity of the first half

declared on June 29, 2018, paid on July 16, 2018






Complementary Interest on Shareholders’ Equity declared on December 21, 2018, to be paid on March 8, 2019






Overall Number of Dividends and Interest on Shareholders’ Equity related to the year 2018







3.      State the percentage of net income distributed for the year



Value (R$)


Net Income for the Year 2018



Legal Reserve



Basis of Calculation of Dividends / Interest on Shareholders’ Equity



Interest on Shareholders’ Equity Paid



Interest on Shareholders’ Equity to be Paid



Total Gross Interest on Shareholders’ Equity



Withholding Income Tax on Interest on Shareholders’ Equity(*)



Total Net Amount of Interest on Shareholders’ Equity



(*) Withholding Income Tax does not consider exempt / immune shareholders


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Complementary Information


4.      Inform the overall amount and the amount per share of dividends distributed based on income of previous years


The distribution of dividends based on the income of previous years was not proposed.


5.      Inform, deducting the dividends already paid and interest on own equity already declared:


a.         The gross amount of dividends and interest on capital, separately, per share of each type and class


Not applicable, given that no new dividends or interest on own equity will be declared.


b.        The method and term of payment of dividends and interest on own equity


Not applicable, given that no new dividends or interest on own equity will be declared.


c.         Any restatement and interest on dividends and interest on own equity


Not applicable, given that no new dividends or interest on own equity will be declared.


d.        Date of the statement of the payment of dividends and interest on own equity considered for the identification of shareholders entitled to receive them


Not applicable, given that no new dividends or interest on own equity will be declared.


6.      If there has been a statement of dividends or interest on own equity based on the net income recorded in the semiannual balance sheets or shorter periods


a.         State the amount of dividends or interest on own equity already declared


1.        R$1,421,595,772.74, regarding the Monthly Interest on Shareholders’ Equity, paid on the dates contained in the table of item b.1 below;


2.        R$1,212,000,000.00, regarding the Interim Interest on Shareholders’ Equity, declared on June 29, 2018 and paid on July 16, 2018;


3.        R$4,665,000,000.00, concerning the Complementary Interest on Shareholders’ Equity declared on December 21, 2018, to be paid on March 8, 2019.





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Complementary Information


b.        State the date of the respective payments


1.        See the following table with payments of gross monthly interest on Shareholders’ Equity, at the amount of R$1,421,595,772.74:


Payment date



Amount per share (R$)







February 1, 2018






March 1, 2018


April 2,2018


May 2, 2018


June 1, 2018


July 2, 2018


August 1, 2018


September 3, 2018


October 1, 2018


November 1, 2018


December 3, 2018


January 2, 2019




2.      the value referring to Interim Interest on Shareholders’ Equity, in the amount of R$1,212,000,000.00, was paid on July 16, 2018;


3.      the amount concerning the Complementary Interest on Shareholders’ Equity, totaling R$4,665,000,000.00, will be paid on March 8, 2019.



7.      Provide a comparative table indicating the following amounts per each type and class of share:



a.      Net income for the year and of the three (3) previous years



Amount in R$











Note: book net income per share from 2015 to 2017 was adjusted by the bonus stock process that occurred in March 2018 to allow comparability.



b.      Dividends and interest on own equity distributed in the three (3) previous years




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Complementary Information


Year 2017

Per share (gross) - (R$)

Amount (R$) paid


Withholding Income Tax

(R$) (15%)

Amount (R$) paid





Monthly Interest on Shareholders’ Equity (paid from February 2017 to January 2018)






Intermediary Interest on Shareholders’ Equity of the first half (paid on July 17, 2017)






Complementary Interest on Shareholders’ Equity (paid on March 8, 2018)






Total accrued on December 31, 2017







Year 2016

Per share (gross) - (R$)

Amount (R$) paid


Withholding Income Tax

(R$) (15%)

Amount (R$) paid





Monthly Interest on Shareholders’ Equity (paid from February 2016 to January 2017)






Intermediary Interest on Shareholders’ Equity of the first half (paid on July 18, 2016)






Extraordinary Interest on Shareholders’ Equity (paid on March 8, 2017)






Complementary Interest on Shareholders’ Equity (paid on March 8, 2017)






Total accrued on December 31, 2016







Year 2015

Per share (gross) - (R$)

Amount (R$) paid


Withholding Income Tax (R$) (15%)

Amount (R$) paid





Monthly Interest on Shareholders’ Equity (paid from February 2015 to January 2016)






Interim Interest on Shareholders’ Equity of the first half (paid on July 17, 2015)






Complementary Interest on Shareholders’ Equity (paid on March 1, 2016)






Total accrued on December 31, 2015







8.      In case of allocation of profits to the legal reserve


a.      Identify the amount allocated to the legal reserve


The amount allocated to the legal reserve was R$954,247,647.73  


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Complementary Information


b.      Explain in detail the manner of calculation of the legal reserve


The allocation of a portion of net income to legal reserve is established in Article 193 of Law No. 6,404/76 and has the purpose of ensuring the integrity of the capital stock.


Five percent (5%) of the net income of the year 2018, in the amount of R$19,084,952,954.44, was allocated to the legal reserve.


On December 31, 2018, the amount of the legal reserve was R$8,494,262,740.78, which was equivalent to approximately 12.66% of the Company’s paid up capital on the same date.


9.      If the company owns preferred shares entitled to fixed or minimum dividends


  1. Describe the method for calculation of fixed or minimum dividends


The Company has no preferred shares entitled to fixed or minimum dividends.


  1. Inform on whether the income for the year is sufficient for full payment of fixed or minimum dividends


The Company has no preferred shares entitled to fixed or minimum dividends.


  1. Identify whether any unpaid installment is cumulative


The Company has no preferred shares entitled to fixed or minimum dividends.


  1. Identify the total amount of fixed or minimum dividends to be paid to each class of preferred shares


The Company has no preferred shares entitled to fixed or minimum dividends.


  1. Identify the total amount of fixed or minimum dividends to be paid to each class of preferred shares


The Company has no preferred shares entitled to fixed or minimum dividends.


10.  In relation to the mandatory dividend


  1. Describe the method of calculation provided in the Bylaws


The method of calculation is provided in the Articles 26 and 27 of the Bylaws, transcribed as follows:


“Article 26) Balance sheets will be prepared at the end of each semester, on June 30 and December 31 of every year. The Board of Executive Officers, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, may determine the preparation of balance sheets for shorter periods of time, including monthly balance sheets.


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Complementary Information


Article 27)   The Net Income, as defined in Article 191 of the Law No. 6,404/76, accounted at every six-month or in the annual balance sheet will be allocated in the following order:


I.                    constitution of the Legal Reserve;

II.                  constitution of the Reserves set forth in Articles 195 and 197 of the aforementioned Law No. 6,404/76, subject to a proposal of the Board of Executive Officers, approved by the Board of Directors and resolved by the Shareholders’ Meeting;

III.                payment of dividends, proposed by the Board of Executive Officers and approved by the Board of Directors, which, added to interim dividends and/or interest on shareholders’ equity referred to in Paragraphs One and Two of this Article, given that they are declared, guarantee to the shareholders, at every fiscal year, as a mandatory minimum dividend, thirty percent (30%) of the respective net income, adjusted by the decrease or increase of the amounts specified in items I, II and III of Article 202 of mentioned Law No. 6,404/76.

Paragraph One - The Board of Executive Officers, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, is authorized to declare and pay interim dividends, especially semiannual and monthly dividends, resulting from Retained Earnings or existing Profits Reserves.


Paragraph Two - The Board of Executive Officers may, also, subject to the approval of the Board, authorize the distribution of profits to shareholders as interest on own capital, pursuant to specific legislation, in total or partial substitution of interim dividends, whose declaration is permitted by the foregoing paragraph or, further, in addition thereto.


Paragraph Three - Any interest eventually paid to the shareholders will be imputed, net of withholding income tax, to the mandatory minimum dividend amount for that fiscal year (30%), in accordance to Section III of the “caput” of this Article.”


  1. Inform whether it is being fully paid


The mandatory dividend is being fully paid.


  1. Inform the amount eventually withheld


The Company has no dividends withheld.


11.  If there is retention of mandatory dividend due to the company’s financial situation


  1. Inform the amount withheld


There will be no withholding of any amount relating to the mandatory dividend.


  1. Describe, in detail, the financial situation of the company, including aspects related to the analysis of liquidity, working capital and positive cash flows


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Complementary Information


There will be no withholding of any amount relating to the mandatory dividend.


  1. Justify the withholding of dividends


There will be no withholding of any amount relating to the mandatory dividend.


12.  If there is allocation of income to the reserve for contingencies


  1. Identify the amount allocated to the reserve


There is no proposal for the allocation of the net income to the reserve of contingencies.


  1. Identify the loss considered probable and its cause


There is no proposal for the allocation of the net income to the reserve of contingencies.


  1. Explain why the loss was considered probable


There is no proposal for the allocation of the net income to the reserve of contingencies.


  1. Justify the reserve


There is no proposal for the allocation of the net income to the reserve of contingencies.


13.   If there was the allocation of profits to the reserve of profits to be realized


  1. Inform the amount allocated to the reserve of profits to be realized


There is no proposal for the allocation of net income to the reserve of profits to be realized.


  1. Inform the nature of unrealized profits that originated the reserve


There is no proposal for the allocation of net income to the reserve of profits to be realized.


14.   If there was the allocation of profits to the statutory reserves


  1. Describe the statutory clauses that establish the reserve


Pursuant to the legislation, the Article 28 of the Bylaws establishes that the net income balance, determined after all statutory allocations, shall have the allocation proposed by the Board of Executive Officers, approved by the Board of Directors, and resolved on at Shareholders’ Meeting, one hundred percent (100%) may be allocated to the Profits Reserve – Statutory, aiming to maintain the operating margin compatible with the development of the Company’s operations, up to the limit of ninety-five percent (95%) of the amount of the paid up capital stock.


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Complementary Information



In the event that the proposal of the Board of Executive Officers regarding the allocation of Net Income for that fiscal year contains a provision for the distribution of dividends and/or payment of interest on own equity in an amount in excess of the mandatory dividend established in Article 27, Section III, of the Bylaws, and/or retention of profits pursuant to Article 196 of the Law No. 6,404/76 (with amendments of the Law No. 10,303/01), the Net Income balance for the purpose of constituting the reserve will be determined after the full deduction of such allocations.


  1. Identify the amount allocated to the reserve


The amount allocated to the reserve is R$10,832,109,533.97


  1. Describe how the amount was calculated


The amount of R$10,832,109,533.97 is the result of the Net Income for the Year, deducted from the Legal Reserve and of Interest on Own Equity paid and payable to the shareholders, as stated below:



Value (R$)

Net Income for the Year 2018


Legal Reserve


Interest on Shareholders’ Equity paid


Interest on Shareholders’ Equity to be paid


Amount Allocated to the Statutory Reserves



15.   If there was the retention of profits provided for in the capital budget


  1. Identify the amount withheld


There is no proposal for the retention of profits provided in the capital budget.


  1. Provide a copy of the capital budget


There is no proposal for the retention of profits provided in the capital budget.


16.   If there was the allocation of profits for tax incentives


  1. State the amount allocated to the reserve


There is no proposal for the allocation of net income for the tax incentive reserve.


  1. Explain the nature of the allocation


There is no proposal for the allocation of net income for the tax incentive reserve.




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Complementary Information


Information about the candidates appointed by the controlling shareholders to compose the Fiscal Council

Information about the candidates appointed by the controlling shareholders to compose the Fiscal Council, in compliance with Items 12.5 to 12.10 of Attachment 24 of CVM Instruction No. 480/09, pursuant to the provisions of Attachment A of CVM Instruction No. 552/14.


12.5. In relation to each of the managers and members of the fiscal council of the issuer, indicate, in a table:

a.    name:

Ariovaldo Pereira

João Batista de Moraes

b.    date of birth:

July 16, 1952

September 13, 1957

c.     occupation:



d.    Individual Taxpayer's ID (CPF):



e.    elected office held:

Effective Member of the Fiscal Council

Alternate Member of the Fiscal Council

f.     election date:

March 11, 2019

g.    investiture date:

in the last years it occurred about 45 days after the election (investiture takes place only after homologation by the Brazilian Central Bank).

h.    term of office:

of one (1) year, up until the Annual Shareholders' Meeting to be held in 2020.

i.      other positions held in the issuer


j.      elected by the controlling shareholder:


k.    if it is an independent member and, if so, what was the criterion used by the issuer to determine the independence:

Yes, it is an independent Fiscal Council member, elected by the Shareholders, whose function, under the terms of current legislation, is to supervise the acts of the administrators and verify compliance with their legal and statutory duties.


l.      number of consecutive terms:



m.  information on:

i. main professional experiences during the last 5 years, indicating:


Banco Bradesco S.A.

Bradespar S.A.

core business:


Management and participation company

Mineral Extraction


Member of the Fiscal Council. From September 2009 to January 2016, he held the position of Executive Superintendent.

Effective Member of the Fiscal Council

if the company integrates (i) the economic group of the issuer or (ii) is controlled by a shareholder of the issuer that holds a direct or indirect stake equal to or greater than 5% of the same class or type of security of the issuer

This is the issuer itself.




Bradespar S.A.

National Financial System Resource Council - CRSFN

core business:

Management and participation company

Mineral Extraction

Body part of the structure of the Ministry of Economy


Effective Member of the Fiscal Council

Alternate Member
(representing the Brazilian Association of Consortium Administrators - ABAC - indicated by Bradesco Consórcios Ltda.)

if the company integrates (i) the economic group of the issuer or (ii) is controlled by a shareholder of the issuer that holds a direct or indirect stake equal to or greater than 5% of the same class or type of security of the issuer


Not applicable


Elo Participações S.A.


core business:

The purpose of the Company is to participate in other companies, simple or business,

national or foreign, as partner, shareholder or quotaholder.


Effective Member of the Fiscal Council

if the company integrates (i) the economic group of the issuer or (ii) is controlled by a shareholder of the issuer that holds a direct or indirect stake equal to or greater than 5% of the same class or type of security of the issuer



Elo Serviços S.A.


core business:

Solutions/Payment Options.

Participation in other companies

Brand licensing


Effective Member of the Fiscal Council

if the company integrates (i) the economic group of the issuer or (ii) is controlled by a shareholder of the issuer that holds a direct or indirect stake equal to or greater than 5% of the same class or type of security of the issuer


ii. indication of all management positions in other companies or organizations in the third sector

Does not hold management positions in other companies or third sector organizations.


n. description of any of the following events that have occurred during the last 5 years:

             i.        any criminal conviction

No criminal conviction

            ii.        any conviction in an administrative proceeding with the CVM and the penalties applied

No conviction in an administrative proceeding with the CVM


          iii.        any final and conclusive conviction at judicial or administrative level, which has suspended or disqualified the person to practice any professional or commercial activity


No final and conclusive conviction

12.6 About each one of the persons that held as member of the Board of Directors or Council Fiscal in the last fiscal year, inform the percentage of participation in the meetings held by the respective bodies in the same period, that was held after taking office




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Complementary Information



12.5. In relation to each of the managers and members of the fiscal council of the issuer, indicate, in a table:

a.     name:

Domingos Aparecido Maia

Nilson Pinhal

b.    date of birth:

March 31, 1952

January 21, 1948

c.     occupation:


Business Administration

d.    Individual Taxpayer's ID (CPF):



e.    elected office held:

Effective Member of the Fiscal Council

Alternate Member of the Fiscal Council

f.      election date:

March 11, 2019

g.     investiture date:

in the last years it occurred about 45 days after the election (investiture takes place only after homologation by the Brazilian Central Bank).

h.    term of office:

of one (1) year, up until the Annual Shareholders' Meeting to be held in 2020.

i.      other positions held in the issuer


j.      elected by the controlling shareholder:


k.     if it is an independent member and, if so, what was the criterion used by the issuer to determine the independence:

Yes, it is an independent Fiscal Council member, elected by the Shareholders, whose function, under the terms of current legislation, is to supervise the acts of the administrators and verify compliance with their legal and statutory duties.


l.      number of consecutive terms:



m.  information on:

i. main professional experiences during the last 5 years, indicating:


Banco Bradesco S.A.

Banco Bradesco S.A.

core business:




Effective Member of the Fiscal Council

Alternate Member of the Fiscal Council

if the company integrates (i) the economic group of the issuer or (ii) is controlled by a shareholder of the issuer that holds a direct or indirect stake equal to or greater than 5% of the same class or type of security of the issuer

This is the issuer itself.


This is the issuer itself.


ii. indication of all management positions in other companies or organizations in the third sector

Does not hold management positions in other companies or third sector organizations.


n. description of any of the following events that have occurred during the last 5 years:

             i.        any criminal conviction

No criminal conviction

            ii.        any conviction in an administrative proceeding with the CVM and the penalties applied

No conviction in an administrative proceeding with the CVM


          iii.        any final and conclusive conviction at judicial or administrative level, which has suspended or disqualified the person to practice any professional or commercial activity


No final and conclusive conviction

12.6 About each one of the persons that held as member of the Board of Directors or Council Fiscal in the last fiscal year, inform the percentage of participation in the meetings held by the respective bodies in the same period, that was held after taking office




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Complementary Information



12.5. In relation to each of the managers and members of the fiscal council of the issuer, indicate, in a table:

a.       name:

José Maria Soares Nunes

Renaud Roberto Teixeira

b.       date of birth:

April 11, 1958

April 25, 1943

c.        occupation:



d.       Individual Taxpayer's ID (CPF):



e.       elected office held:

Effective Member of the Fiscal Council

Alternate Member of the Fiscal Council

f.        election date:

March 11, 2019

g.       investiture date:

in the last years it occurred about 45 days after the election (investiture takes place only after homologation by the Brazilian Central Bank).

h.       term of office:

of one (1) year, up until the Annual Shareholders' Meeting to be held in 2020.

  1. other positions held in the issuer


  1. elected by the controlling shareholder:


  1. if it is an independent member and, if so, what was the criterion used by the issuer to determine the independence:

Yes, it is an independent Fiscal Council member, elected by the Shareholders, whose function, under the terms of current legislation, is to supervise the acts of the administrators and verify compliance with their legal and statutory duties.


  1. number of consecutive terms:



m.     information on:

i. main professional experiences during the last 5 years, indicating:


Banco Bradesco S.A.

Banco Bradesco S.A.

core business:




Effective Member of the Fiscal Council

Alternate Member of the Fiscal Council

if the company integrates (i) the economic group of the issuer or (ii) is controlled by a shareholder of the issuer that holds a direct or indirect stake equal to or greater than 5% of the same class or type of security of the issuer

This is the issuer itself.


This is the issuer itself.


ii. indication of all management positions in other companies or organizations in the third sector

Does not hold management positions in other companies or third sector organizations.


n. description of any of the following events that have occurred during the last 5 years:

             i.        any criminal conviction

No criminal conviction

            ii.        any conviction in an administrative proceeding with the CVM and the penalties applied

No conviction in an administrative proceeding with the CVM


          iii.        any final and conclusive conviction at judicial or administrative level, which has suspended or disqualified the person to practice any professional or commercial activity


No final and conclusive conviction

12.6 About each one of the persons that held as member of the Board of Directors or Council Fiscal in the last fiscal year, inform the percentage of participation in the meetings held by the respective bodies in the same period, that was held after taking office





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Complementary Information


Information about the candidates appointed by the common shareholders to compose the Fiscal Council, not integrating the controlling block



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Complementary Information


12.5. In relation to each of the managers and members of the fiscal council of the issuer, indicate, in a table:

a.       name:

João Carlos de Oliveira

João Sabino

b.       date of birth:

June 28, 1952

January 19, 1956

c.        occupation:

Business Consultant


d.       Individual Taxpayer's ID (CPF):



e.       elected office held:

Effective Member of the Fiscal Council

Alternate Member of the Fiscal Council

f.        election date:

March 11, 2019 (estimated)

g.       investiture date:

in the last years it occurred about 45 days after the election (investiture takes place only after homologation by the Brazilian Central Bank).

h.       term of office:

of one (1) year, up until the Annual Shareholders' Meeting to be held in 2020.

  1. other positions held in the issuer


  1. elected by the controlling shareholder:


  1. if it is an independent member and, if so, what was the criterion used by the issuer to determine the independence:

Yes, it is an independent Fiscal Council member, elected by the Shareholders, whose function, under the terms of current legislation, is to supervise the acts of the administrators and verify compliance with their legal and statutory duties.


  1. number of consecutive terms:


He was not a member in the last year

m.     information on:

i. main professional experiences during the last 5 years, indicating:


Banco Bradesco S.A.

Banco Bradesco S.A.

core business:




Effective Member of the Fiscal Council

Alternate Member of the Fiscal Council

if the company integrates (i) the economic group of the issuer or (ii) is controlled by a shareholder of the issuer that holds a direct or indirect stake equal to or greater than 5% of the same class or type of security of the issuer

This is the issuer itself.


This is the issuer itself.


ii. indication of all management positions in other companies or organizations in the third sector

Does not hold management positions in other companies or third sector organizations.


n. description of any of the following events that have occurred during the last 5 years:

             i.        any criminal conviction

No criminal conviction

            ii.        any conviction in an administrative proceeding with the CVM and the penalties applied

No conviction in an administrative proceeding with the CVM


          iii.        any final and conclusive conviction at judicial or administrative level, which has suspended or disqualified the person to practice any professional or commercial activity


No final and conclusive conviction

12.6 About each one of the persons that held as member of the Board of Directors or Council Fiscal in the last fiscal year, inform the percentage of participation in the meetings held by the respective bodies in the same period, that was held after taking office




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Complementary Information



Ivanyra Correia

Elected Latin American top businesswomen by Latin Business Chronicle – Latin Trade Group, Ivanyra Correia has over twenty-five years of working experience. Ms. Correia is currently independent board member of the largest government-owned information technology company in Brazil, called Serpro. Formally board member of Zurich Reinsurance Company, Ivanyra held statutory board director positions at the following companies: Penske Logistics, which used to belong to General Electric; the French Group Fnac and the Brazilian subsidiaries of Zurich Insurance Company. Previously, she was Latin American Superintendent of the Mexican group called Amanco; General Finance Manager of Votorantim Group, one of the largest Latin American family owned conglomerates and Latin American Vice President for Bank of America. Native in Portuguese, fluent in English and Spanish, Ivanyra holds an MBA from The Wharton School and a bachelor’s degree in engineering from one of the top Brazilian Universities, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Ivanyra is certified as Board of Director and Fiscal Council (Advisory Board) by Brazilian Inst. of Corporate Governance (IBGC).

Cezar Manoel de Medeiros

Cezar Manoel de Medeiros holds a bachelor's degree in Economic Sciences by FACE - Department of Economic Sciences of Minas Gerais Federal University  (UFMG), with specialization in Rural Development Projects by  Desarrollo Económico Institute and Specialization in Corporate Finance by INSEAD - Fontaneblau / France, Master's Degree in Economics by FACE - Department of Economic Sciences, Minas Gerais Federal University  (UFMG) and Ph.D. in Economics by IE-UFRJ Institute of Economics, Rio de Janeiro Federal University . Cezar Manoel was Director of Economic and Social Development at João Pinheiro Foundation; member of the Board of Directors and Vice President of Finance at ACESITA; member of the Board of Directors and Fiscal Council at Cia. Belgo Mineira; member of the Board of Directors at Arcelor Mittal; Director of Regional Development of  Minas Gerais Institute of Integrated Development  - INDI; Executive Director at Mineira de Parcerias S / A - EMIP; General Superintendent of BB-BI; Advisor of Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance - IBGC and Senior Advisor of DEVEX Board of Directors .






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Complementary Information


Information about the candidates appointed by the preferred shareholders to compose the Fiscal Council, not integrating the controlling block


12.5. In relation to each of the managers and members of the fiscal council of the issuer, indicate, in a table:

a.       name:

Luiz Carlos de Freitas

João Batistela Biazon

b.       date of birth:

September 2, 1952

July 12, 1944

c.        occupation:



d.       Individual Taxpayer's ID (CPF):



e.       elected office held:

Effective Member of the Fiscal Council

Alternate Member of the Fiscal Council

f.        election date:

March 11, 2019 (estimated)

g.       investiture date:

in the last years it occurred about 45 days after the election (investiture takes place only after homologation by the Brazilian Central Bank).

h.       term of office:

of one (1) year, up until the Annual Shareholders' Meeting to be held in 2020.

  1. other positions held in the issuer


  1. elected by the controlling shareholder:


  1. if it is an independent member and, if so, what was the criterion used by the issuer to determine the independence:

Yes, it is an independent Fiscal Council member, elected by the Shareholders, whose function, under the terms of current legislation, is to supervise the acts of the administrators and verify compliance with their legal and statutory duties.


  1. number of consecutive terms:

They were not members in the last year

m.     information on:

i. main professional experiences during the last 5 years, indicating:


Banco Bradesco S.A.

Banco Bradesco S.A.

core business:




Effective Member of the Fiscal Council

Alternate Member of the Fiscal Council

if the company integrates (i) the economic group of the issuer or (ii) is controlled by a shareholder of the issuer that holds a direct or indirect stake equal to or greater than 5% of the same class or type of security of the issuer

This is the issuer itself.


This is the issuer itself.


ii. indication of all management positions in other companies or organizations in the third sector

Does not hold management positions in other companies or third sector organizations.


n. description of any of the following events that have occurred during the last 5 years:

             i.        any criminal conviction

No criminal conviction

            ii.        any conviction in an administrative proceeding with the CVM and the penalties applied

No conviction in an administrative proceeding with the CVM


          iii.        any final and conclusive conviction at judicial or administrative level, which has suspended or disqualified the person to practice any professional or commercial activity


No final and conclusive conviction

12.6 About each one of the persons that held as member of the Board of Directors or Council Fiscal in the last fiscal year, inform the percentage of participation in the meetings held by the respective bodies in the same period, that was held after taking office

They were not members in the last year



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Complementary Information



12.5. In relation to each of the managers and members of the fiscal council of the issuer, indicate, in a table:

a.       name:

Walter Luis Bernardes Albertoni

Reginaldo Ferreira Alexandre

b.       date of birth:

September 29, 1968

March 7, 1959

c.        occupation:



d.       Individual Taxpayer's ID (CPF):



e.       elected office held:

Effective Member of the Fiscal Council

Alternate Member of the Fiscal Council

f.        election date:

March 11, 2019 (estimated)

g.       investiture date:

in the last years it occurred about 45 days after the election (investiture takes place only after homologation by the Brazilian Central Bank).

h.       term of office:

of one (1) year, up until the Annual Shareholders' Meeting to be held in 2020.

  1. other positions held in the issuer


  1. elected by the controlling shareholder:


  1. if it is an independent member and, if so, what was the criterion used by the issuer to determine the independence:

Yes, it is an independent Fiscal Council member, elected by the Shareholders, whose function, under the terms of current legislation, is to supervise the acts of the administrators and verify compliance with their legal and statutory duties.


  1. number of consecutive terms:



m.     information on:

i. main professional experiences during the last 5 years, indicating:


·         partner of Albertoni Sociedade de Advogados (provision of legal services and legal consulting, 2007 – current);

·         Legal Advisor of the Association of Capital Markets Investors – AMEC (nonprofit association, dedicated to the defense of shareholders rights and interests not integrating the controlling block and investors, 2006 – current);

·         Member of the Fiscal Council of Banco Bradesco S.A. (Multiple Bank, 2017);

·         Member of the Fiscal Council of Indústrias Romi S.A. (machine industry, 2017 – current)

·         Member of Audit Committee of DATAPREV S.A. (2018-current);

·         Alternate Member of the Board of Directors of Mahle Metal Leve S.A. (auto parts, 2017 – current)

·         Alternate Member of the Fiscal Council of Ser Educacional (Post-secondary and Graduate Programs, 2015 – current);

·         Alternate Member of the Fiscal Council of SANEPAR S.A. (water treatment an public sanitation Programs, 2017 – current);

·         Member of the Fiscal Council of Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – PETROBRÁS (petroleum industry, 2013 – 2018);

·         Member of the Board of Directors of Paranapanema S.A. (production of copper and byproducts, 2016 – August/2017);

·         Member of the Fiscal Council of Bradespar S.A. (holding, 2016);

·         Alternate Member of the Fiscal Council of MILLS S.A. (engineering products and services, 2016);

·         Alternate Member of the Board of Resources of the National Financial System (2012 – 2015).

·         Officer of ProxyCon Consultoria Empresarial, company dedicated to the advisory activities and provision of services in the capital market, finances and corporate governance areas, among 2003 and 2017;

·         Member of the Committee of Accounting Pronouncements (CPC) - Agency formulator of Brazilian accounting rules – since its foundation, in 2005;

·         Alternate Member of the Board of Directors of Mahle Metal Leve S.A., auto parts company, since April, 2017);

·         Effective Member, currently, of the Fiscal Council of the following Public Companies:


-          Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná - Sanepar -, water and sanitation sector company (elected in April, 2017 and re-elected in April, 2018);

-          Petrobrás S.A., of gas and oil sector (elected in April, 2013 an re-elected in April, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018);

-      Ser Educacional S.A., of education sector (collegium´s president, elected in April, 2015 and re-elected in April, 2016, 2017 and 2018).


·         Alternate Member, currently, of the Boards of the following Public Companies:


-          Banco Bradesco S.A. (alternate member of the Fiscal Council, elected in March, 2017 and re-elected in March, 2018);

-          CPFL Energia S.A., energy sector company (alternate member of the Fiscal Council, elected in February, 2017 and re-elected in April, 2018);

-          Ex-member of Audit Committee of Paranapanema S.A.(2017), company dedicated to mining and metallurgy.


·         Ex-Member of the Fiscal Councils of the following Companies:


-          BRF S.A. (food sector company, elected in April, 2015 and re-elected in April, 2016);

-          Aliansce Shopping Centers S.A. (elected in April, 2014 and re-elected in April, 2015);

-          Cremer S.A., of the health and personal hygiene products sector (president of the Fiscal Council; elected in April, 2011 an re-elected  in April, 2012);

-          Iochpe Maxion S.A., auto parts company (elected in April 2013 and re-elected in April, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017);

-          Movida S.A., of the rent of cars sector (elected in January, 2017);

-          Paraná Banco S.A. (elected in April, 2011 and re-elected in April, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015);

-          Tecnisa S.A., construction company (elected in April, 2011 and re-elected in April, 2012);

-       Tele Norte Celular Participações S.A., telephone company (elected in April, 2006 and re-elected in April, 2007);

-          Unipar Carbocloro S.A., petrochemistry company  (elected in April, 2012 and re-elected in April, 2013 and in April, 2015);

-          Bradespar S.A., holding (alternate member; elected in April, 2012);

-          Companhia Siderúrgica Belgo-Mineira, now called Arcelor Mittal (alternate member; elected in April, 2004 and re-elected in April, 2005);

-          Grendene S.A., plastic shoes manufacturer (alternate member; elected in April, 2012 and re-elected in April, 2013, 2014);

-          Indústrias Romi, of the capital goods sector (alternate member, elected in April, 2015);

-          Grazziotin S.A., of the retail sector (alternate member, elected in April, 2015);

-          SLC Agrícola (alternate member; elected in April, 2013 and re-elected in April, 2014, 2015);

-          Ex-President of the Brazilian Association of Investment Analysts and Professionals of the Capital Markets – APIMEC, elected for the period 2015-2016);

-        Ex-President of the Brazilian Association of Investment Analysts and Professionals of the Capital Markets – APIMEC, São Paulo section, elected for the period 2011-2012).

core business:


if the company integrates (i) the economic group of the issuer or (ii) is controlled by a shareholder of the issuer that holds a direct or indirect stake equal to or greater than 5% of the same class or type of security of the issuer

Not applicable

ii. indication of all management positions in other companies or organizations in the third sector

Does not hold management positions in other companies or third sector organizations.


n. description of any of the following events that have occurred during the last 5 years:

             i.        any criminal conviction

No criminal conviction

            ii.        any conviction in an administrative proceeding with the CVM and the penalties applied

No conviction in an administrative proceeding with the CVM