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For the month of February, 2019
Commission File Number 1-15250

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)
Cidade de Deus, s/n, Vila Yara
06029-900 - Osasco - SP
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

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Table of contents   
1 - Press Release  3 
Main Information  4 
Recurring Net Income vs. Book Net Income  5 
Summarized Analysis of Recurring Income  5 
Digital in Figures  9 
Main Economic Indicators  10 
Guidance  10 
Reclassification in Recurring Income Statement and changes in Net Interest Income  11 
2 - Economic and Financial Analysis  13 
Interest - Earning and Non-Interest Earning Portions  14 
NII - Interest Earning Portion  15 
Main Indicators of Loan Portfolio  16 
Loan Portfolio  18 
Expanded Loan Portfolio  18 
Main Funding Sources  22 
Insurance, Pension and Capitalization  23 
Fee and Commission Income  28 
Operating Expenses  29 
Additional Information  30 
Selected Information – History  31 
Statement of Income – Managerial vs. Recurring  32 
Balance Sheet – Consolidated  34 
3 - Additional Information  35 
Return to Shareholders  36 
Additional Information  37 
Risk Management  39 
Capital Management  40 
Minimum Capital Required – Grupo Bradesco Seguros  40 
Basel Ratio  41 
Corporate Governance  42 
Compliance and Ethics  42 
Investor Relations area – IR  42 
Sustainability  43 
Social Actions  43 
4 - Independent Auditors’ Report  45 
Independent Reasonable Assurance Report on the Consolidated Supplementary Accounting   
information included within the Economic and Financial Analysis Report   
5 - Complete Financial Statements  49 






Some numbers included in this Report have been subjected to rounding adjustments.

As a result, some amounts indicated as total amounts in some charts may not be the arithmetic sum of the preceding numbers.

Percentage variations not presented in the framework of this report, are related, in their majority, to the low value balances compared with the other periods presented.

















































     Independent Reasonable Assurance Report on the Consolidated Supplementary Accounting information included within the Economic and Financial Analysis Report


Shareholders and Board of Directors of Banco Bradesco S.A.

Osasco – SP



We were contracted by Banco Bradesco S.A. ("Bradesco") to present a report on the consolidated supplementary financial information of Banco Bradesco as of December 31, 2018 and for the period then ended, in the form of reasonable assurance conclusion based on our work, described in this report, the consolidated supplementary accounting information included in the Report on Economic and Financial Analysis is presented, in all material respects, in accordance with the information mentioned in the paragraph "Criteria for the preparation of consolidated supplementary accounting information".


Responsibilities of the Management of Bradesco

Management of Bradesco is responsible for preparing and adequately presenting the consolidated supplementary accounting information included within the Economic and Financial Analysis Report based on the criteria for the preparation of the consolidated supplementary accounting information described below, and for other information contained within this report, as well as the design, implementation and maintenance of internal controls that management determines are necessary to allow for such information that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.


Independent Auditor´s Responsibility

Our responsibility is to examine the consolidated supplementary accounting information included within the Economic and Financial Analysis Report prepared by Bradesco and to report thereon in the form of a reasonable assurance conclusion based on the evidence obtained. We conducted our engagement in accordance with the NBC TO 3000 - Assurance Engagement Other than Audit and Review (ISAE 3000). That standard requires that we comply with ethical requirements, including independence requirements, and plan and perform our procedures to obtain a reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated supplementary accounting information included within the Economic and Financial Analysis Report is presented, in all material respects, in accordance with the information referred to in the “Criteria for preparing the consolidated supplementary accounting information” paragraph. 

The procedures selected were based on our judgment, including the assessment of risks of material misstatement in the consolidated supplementary accounting information of Banco Bradesco S.A. whether due to fraud or error, however, this does not include the search and identification of fraud or error. 

In making those risk assessments, we have considered internal controls relevant to the preparation and presentation of consolidated supplementary accounting information in order to design assurance procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purposes of expressing a conclusion as to the effectiveness of Bradesco’s internal control over the preparation and presentation of the consolidated supplementary accounting information. Our engagement also includes the assessment of the  reasonableness of the consolidated supplementary accounting information, the appropriateness of the criteria applied by Bradesco in the preparation of such information included in the consolidated supplementary accounting information and the procedures and estimates used  by Bradesco in the overall presentation of the consolidated supplementary accounting information. The reasonable assurance level is less than an audit.




Our conclusion does not contemplate aspects related to any prospective information contained within the Economic and Financial Analysis Report, nor offers any guarantee if the assumptions used by Management provide a reasonable basis for the projections presented. Therefore, our report does not offer any type of assurance on the scope of future information (such as goals, expectations and ambitions) and descriptive information that is subject to subjective assessment.


Criteria for preparing the consolidated supplementary accounting information 

The consolidated supplementary accounting information disclosed in the Report on Economic and Financial Analysis as of December 31, 2018 and for the period then ended has been prepared by the Management of Bradesco, based on the information contained in the consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2018 and the accounting information adjusted to criteria described in Note 4 of such consolidated financial statements, in order to facilitate additional analyzes, without, however, being part of the consolidated financial statements disclosed on that date.



Our conclusion has been formed on the basis of and is limited to the matters outlined in this report. 

We believe that the evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our conclusion. In our opinion, the consolidated supplementary accounting information included within the Economic and Financial Analysis Information Report is presented, in all material respects, in accordance with the information referred to in the “Criteria for preparing the consolidated supplementary accounting information” paragraph.


Osasco, January 30,2019



KPMG Auditores Independentes

CRC 2SP028567/O-1 F-SP

Original report in Portuguese signed by

Rodrigo de Mattos Lia

Accountant CRC 1SP252418/O-3






Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report

Message to Shareholders


Dear shareholders,

We want to be the first option Bank of our customers, providing solutions and services in accordance with their different profiles. For this reason, we have experienced a fast advance in the transformation of the Organization, started being more than a products Bank, turning into a relationship Bank, uniting tradition with what is most modern to provide the customers a range of facilities supplying their needs.

In this deep and constant change pace, our resilience proves the strength of the adopted strategic planning and business model. The year 2018 was challenging, but with the dedication of our teams, we have achieved the proposed goals.

The year 2019, in an economic scenario undergoing transformation, it should not be different. During our entire trajectory, we are confident in Brazil's potential and in its people's capacity, seeking always to contribute for the economic and social growth of the Country.

Aligned to our commitment with transparency and the democratization of information, we present in a detailed way the main achievements and results recorded in 2018.

To our shareholders and clients, we are thankful for their support, trust and preference with which they have distinguished us.

Enjoy reading!


Cidade de Deus, January 30, 2019

Luiz Carlos Trabuco Cappi

Chairman of the Board of Directors











50    Economic and Financial Analysis Report – December 2018



Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report


Management Report


We hereby present the Consolidated Financial Statements of Banco Bradesco S.A. related to the period ended on December 31, 2018, in accordance with the accounting practices used in Brazil and applicable to institutions authorized to operate by the Central Bank of Brazil.

 1. 2018 Highlights

New Chief Executive Officer: appointed by the Board of Directors, Octavio de Lazari Junior took office in March. In the Organization, since 1978, he built his career going through various areas and taking control of different responsibilities. Formerly, held the position of Executive Vice-President of Bradesco and Chief Executive Officer of Grupo Bradesco Seguros (Insurance Group).

New partnership: in October, we performed a strategic partnership with RCB Investimentos S.A., one of the main credit management and recovery companies in Brazil, upon the acquisition of 65% of its shares. The business strengthens our prominent position in the financial system, as the largest in terms of credit recovery volume, and further increases the processes' efficiency and active participation in the market of the acquisition of credits for recovery.

Digital Maturity: Bradesco has led the Digital Maturity Index, made by consultancy firm McKinsey & Company, as one of the most advanced financial institutions in digital transformation.

Lowest Delinquency Ratio: decrease of over 1.2 p.p. in 2018.

Recurring Net Income: with the net income of 2018, we reached an annualized return over the average Shareholders’ Equity (ROAE) of 19.0%. Profit growth reflects the good performance of the operating incomes, driven by the good performance of the net interest income and the behavior of the ALL expenses (Expanded), and the positive performance of fee and commission income and insurance, pension plans and capitalization bonds results.



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Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report

Management Report


2. Economic Commentary

The uncertainties of the economic agents increased volatility in the global and domestic financial markets in 2018. Themes such as commercial discussions, standardization of the US monetary policy and geopolitical risks were on the radar, affecting the prices of assets of emerging countries. Brazil, despite the good foundations of its external accounts, was influenced by this adverse international environment. Even though the annual expansion of the Brazilian economy has remained on a very close level to the one observed in 2017, the recovery was more disseminated, both sector and regional based.

Looking ahead, the Country is in a cyclic position favorable to the faster growth pace, including more beneficial financial conditions. Inflation and interest at a lower level, unleveraged families and companies, low levels of delinquency ratios and space for the demand expansion are favorable vectors for a more intense growth in 2019, which may be boosted at the recovery of the structural reform agenda, with positive impacts over the confidence of businessmen and consumers.

We evaluated that there are indicators to boost employment, income, credit and investments, as the maintenance of the credible and sustainable economic policies should avoid inflationary pressures originating from this recovery. It is fundamental, therefore, for Brazil to advance in its agenda, comprising macro and microeconomic aspects, preparing for an international environment that should remain challenging in the coming quarters.

3. Strategic Focus

We are constantly evolving to monitor and overcome the challenges of an economy that shows signs of recovery and opportunities that reveal themselves in new scenarios. We believe in people and use innovation to boost transformations, anticipate changes and go beyond our customers' expectations. These aspects are inserted in the strategy and in the Organization's vision of the future, based on four pillars:

a) sustainable growth with profitability;

b) relationship with clients;

c) efficiency and innovation; and

d) human capital.

In this context, relied on ethical values, respect and transparency, Bradesco Organization intends to deepen the relationship and to generate long-term value, including with non-account holders, capturing its potential and stimulating synergy between the diverse Organization businesses, combining banking activities and insurances of a segmented service framework, capable of offering a wide portfolio of products and services aligned with the needs of each client.

Our position allows us to providing services to all publics, directing them to the most convenient channels, by a Network installed in every region of Brazil. In a context of digital transformation, we seek to offer the customers innovating service models, making the user experience even more practical, quick and safe.

For Individuals, we adopted a sub-segmented strategy, seeking to strengthen the relationship with the client, delivering specific solutions according to profile and life cycle, providing a customized experienced in all relationship channels. For the high-income customer, the implantation of consulting platforms for investments represented an important step towards quality and service improvement, enabling a more consistent and assertive support, aligned to their needs.

52     Economic and Financial Analysis Report – December 2018



Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report


Management Report


For legal entities, the Bank offers the best options for the conduction of business, with more appropriate service offers and financial solutions to their needs and compatible profitability for each segment.

In the area of Insurance, we seek to increase the business opportunities from Bradesco's client portfolio, as well as exploring the growth potential in the Brazilian market, given the still weak consumption indexes of these products by the population in general. We want to have the best and most complete Protection offer for the clients, notwithstanding the moment in life, keeping an advisory dialogue to understand their needs and direct products assertively.

The most effective management for expenses and income also has a distinctive role, contributing with actions and projects aimed at the optimization in the use of the channels, reduction of supplying cost and constant search for increased efficiency.

We highlight, lastly, the importance of people management for the implementation of the corporate strategy of Bradesco Organization, that directs and orients their leaderships for a modern conduct aligned to the new employment market needs, with the objective of ensuring diversified results, a solid balance sheet and consistent profitability.

4. Sustainability for Bradesco

Sustainability is present in the way we conduct our business and, also, in our commitment to foster the development of the Country. We seek continuous growth, but respect the audiences with which we interact, the communities where we are present and the environment.

The perception that we are moving towards a transition to a new economy, with opportunities and developmental challenges, leads us to increasingly incorporate social and environmental aspects in the corporate management, in order to ensure sustainability and the long-term success of the Organization.

To contribute with the global agenda and promote sustainable business, we support voluntary commitments and participate in many environmental initiatives. We highlight some projects and acknowledgements:



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Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report

Management Report


5. Value generation

Results for the year

Bradesco’s book Net Income reached R$ 19.085 billion in 2018, equivalent to R$ 2.85 per share, and with a profitability of 16.8% over the average Shareholders’ Equity. The annualized return on Average Total Assets was 1.5%.

In terms of Interest on Own Capital, in gross values, we directed R$ 7.299 billion to the shareholders, paid on a monthly, intermediary and supplementary basis, computed in the calculations of mandatory dividends. Thus, R$ 1.15 (R$ 0.98 net of Income Tax withheld at the source), which includes an additional 10.0% for every preferred share, and R$ 1.04 (R$ 0.88 net of Income Tax withheld at the source) for every common share. Distributed interest represents 38.2% (net of Income Tax withheld at the source 32.5%) of the year’s adjusted income.

Throughout the twelve months of the year, the taxes and contributions that include pensions, paid or provisioned, reached R$ 29.357 billion, of which R$ 14.263 billion is related to taxes withheld and collected from third parties, and R$ 15.094 billion calculated based on the activities developed by the Bradesco Organization, corresponding to 79.1% of the Net Income.

Capital, reserves and subordinated debt

With relation to Banco Bradesco, at the close of the fiscal year, we highlight:

R$ 67.100

billion totaled the Capital Stock subscribed and paid in;

R$ 54.021

billion totaled the Equity Reserves; and

R$ 121.121

billion was the Shareholders’ Equity with a growth of 9.7% in the year. In relation to Consolidated Assets, that amount to R$ 1.287 trillion, the Managed Shareholders’ Equity was equivalent to 9.5%. The Net Asset Value per share was of R$ 18.10.

The Basel Ratio was of 17.8%, which is therefore higher than the minimum of 11.0% regulated by Resolution No. 4,193/13, of the National Monetary Council, according to the Basel Committee. Regarding the Reference Equity, the immobilization index reached 36.3% in the Prudential Consolidation, falling under the maximum limit of 50.0% stipulated by the Central Bank of Brazil.

Subordinated Loans amounted to, at the end of the fiscal year, R$ 53.643 billion (Abroad, R$ 13.641 billion and in Brazil, R$ 40.002 billion), of which R$ 36.850 billion were considered eligible as regulatory capital, and included in the calculation of indexes recorded in the previous paragraph.



54    Economic and Financial Analysis Report – December 2018



Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report


Management Report


We highlight below a summary of our financial information:


Capital management

The structure of capital management is composed of Committees that advise the Board of Directors and the Board of Executive Officers in making decisions. It adopts a forward-looking vision, which aims to anticipate possible changes in market conditions. The sufficiency assessment of capital is conducted in order to ensure that the Organization maintains adequate levels of capital to support and assist the development of its activities and to address the risks incurred, taking into account the strategic defined objectives.

6. Loan operations

We continuously monitor the portfolios and keep our policy up to date and in line with the current economic situation. We are expanding and diversifying supply in various channels of distribution, especially,


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Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report

Management Report


complemented by the Branch Network and the Banking Correspondents. Our capillarity allows the achievement of loans and direct financing or in strategic partnerships with the various business chains.

The consumer credit is one of the modalities with larger representativity in the Bank's portfolio, contributing to the growth of many production chains among small, medium and large businesses. Highlighted in the portfolio are personal loans, payroll-deductible loans, real estate financing and credit cards.

The supply of working capital items, advances on receivables and financing of goods focused on small and midsized companies enables the growth of the economic activity and the consequent creation of jobs, thus creating a virtuous circle between investment credit and consumption credit.

Bradesco Corporate is highlighted as leader in assets in Brazilian Market for large and midsized companies, on the concept of expanded portfolio, with complete solutions for different sizes, needs and corporate sector.

We are the largest private Bank in assets on agrobusiness, with offering of solutions for the development of production, keeping in accordance with the main manufacturers of agricultural tools of the Country. Further information can be obtained at the website

We were first place in the ranking of real estate loans in 2018, considering the financing lines with funds from savings accounts. The leadership is due to our strong commitment in meeting the demands of the construction sector and the acquisition of real estates by the final borrowers, we improved, constantly, our procedures for granting loans for the different channels of origination to make them more agile and practical for the clients. We occupy a leading position in this operating segment.

Bradesco is leader in transfer of BNDES (National Bank for Social and Economic Development) funds and maintained this important position by reaching a total disbursement of R$ 6.273 billion, equivalent to 18.0% of the Market Share, maintaining a focus on releases to micro, small, and medium companies, which absorbed R$ 5.431 billion, or 18.8% of the Market Share.

Below is the balance of the main portfolios:

R$ 531.615

billion, at year-end, on consolidated loan operations, in the expanded concept, which includes Sureties, Guarantees, Letters of Credit, Anticipation of Credit Card Receivables, Debentures, Promissory Notes, Co-Obligations in Real Estate Receivable Certificates and Rural Credit;

R$ 34.983

billion was the consolidated balance of provision for doubtful debtors, considering an additional provision of R$ 6.881 billion, calculated based on the models of provisioning, which are based on statistical models that capture historical, actuarial and prospective data;

R$ 130.353

billion in operations intended to consumption credit;

R$ 50.932

billion in Payroll-Deductible Loans at the close of 2018, with 8,903,348 active contracts;

R$ 61.284

billion in the Real Estate Credit portfolio, whereby R$ 38.284 billion was intended for the Individuals and R$ 23.000 billion for the Legal Entities, totaling 192,659 units financed;

R$ 20.323

billion in applications on agrobusiness in the end of the fiscal year; and

R$ 18.471

billion amounted to the balance of transfer portfolios, with 189,655 contracts registered.

Credit policy and portfolio quality

56     Economic and Financial Analysis Report – December 2018



Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report


Management Report


The credit policy allows diversified business transactions to be made in a quick, pulverized, by appropriate collateral and intended for people and legitimate companies and of proven solvency. Thus, we seek to ensure the adequate profitability and liquidity of invested assets, using specialized systems for Credit Scoring, that back of the decision-making process with specific standards of safety and assertiveness in the environment of the Branches.

The loan portfolio registered improvements in 2018, mainly due to the constant improvement of the models and policies of concession and monitoring, as well as the option for more secure credit modalities, such as consigned credit and housing credit.

Loan recovery

In 2018, we further strengthened our loan recovery actions, seeking to decrease the delinquency ratios and, at the same time, keep the relationship with our clients.

With the constant update of statistical models and analytical strategies, we segment the delinquent clients according to levels of risk and propensity to pay, maximizing return in the recovery.

The investment in technology keeps expanding our communication channels, allowing operation through Digital means, Network of Branches, Call Centers and Friendly and Judicial Collection Offices. Also, specialized regional teams tailor their operations on the most significant cases, fulfilling the cycle with our Committees and Recovery Commissions.

R$ 7.147 billion in loans were recovered, 1.6% higher than in the previous year.

7. Bradesco's Shares

Bradesco's Shares, with a high level of liquidity, remained present in all the trading sessions of B3 – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão. They represented 10.4% of the Bovespa Index at the end of 2018. They are also traded abroad, on the New York Stock Exchange, by means of ADR – American Depositary Receipt – Tier 2, and on the Stock Exchange of Madrid, Spain, through DRs, which integrate the Latibex Index.

The performance of the preferred shares in 2018 (BBDC4) was of 27.1% and of the common shares (BBDC3) was of 19.4%, higher than the Bovespa Index, that reached 12.8% in the year. Bradesco’s securities also took part in other important indexes, such as the Special Tag-Along Stock Index, (ITAG), the Special Corporate Governance Stock Index (IGC), the Brazil Indexes (IBrX50 and IBr100).

Bradesco's presence in these indexes strengthens our constant search for the adoption of good practices of corporate governance, economic efficiency, environmental ethics and responsibility.

As minimum mandatory dividends shareholders are entitled to 30% of the adjusted net income, in addition to the Tag Along of 100% for the common shares and 80% for the preferred shares. Also, granted to the preferred shares are dividends 10% higher than those given to the common shares.

R$ 127.966

billion was the amount negotiated in Bradesco’s Shares on B3 during the year, composed of 553.379 million common shares and 3.352 billion preferred shares.

US$ 27.815

billion were negotiated as ADRs, in the North American market (New York Stock Exchange – NYSE), equivalent to 2.747 million common shares and 3.103 billion preferred shares.

EUR 409.419

thousand were negotiated as DRs, on the European market (Latibex), equivalent to 55.827 thousand preferred shares.


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Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report

Management Report


8. Technology and innovation

We have the commitment of supplying the client with a full and ever improving experience, being a financial service platform that connects in a quick, fluid and safe way to people's pathways. Accordingly, we constantly invest in technology and innovation, transform the way of doing business and customize our relationship to meet the generations diversity, social and cultural groups that compose our clients and users base.

For this purpose, it is necessary to have protagonism and an intense search for new solutions. Thus, we quicken the innovation process with development, prototyping and tests. We have, as an example: the advances in the creation of several Blockchain projects; and the Mei.Bradesco Portal, a pioneer implementation of Open Banking concepts, offering a set of solutions and consulting services in business management for individual micro entrepreneurs, in partnership with inovabra habitat startups. The sector, with approximately 22 million people, shows significative potential for the generation of processes, allowing Bradesco to distribute owned and third-party financial and non-financial products and services through a solid environment.

The faster delivery of products and services is a market differential and was our main motivation to widen the use of agile methods in the development of solutions, making it possible to offer many new functionalities and improvements, like the balance check, limits and statement via WhatsApp, the Bradesco Keyboard (Teclado Bradesco) and Next, which allow to perform transactions in this app and on Social Networks, in addition to the launch of the free plans “Next na faixa” and “Next para Universitários”.

We count with a robust infrastructure, which, during the period, we enhanced to support the Organization's growth, thus, we boosted the processing capacities of the environment central in 6%, data storage in 29%, invested in the technological update and network connectivity of the 3 data centers, aiming for an increase in energy efficiency, availability and resilience and expanded the data communication network capacity of the Branches and the PAs (Service Branches), in addition to improving the corporate network speed in 16%.

In order to unite physical and digital to ensure efficiency, autonomy and fluidity to employees, we have launched Bradesco Link, an application that is available in the palm of the manager’s hand and provides CRM data for relationship and the possibility of updating client registries via document digitalization with the cell phone camera, among other functions. There are already 40,000 operational corporate devices, which allows for a greater agility in contacting clients.

R$ 6.088 billion were invested in information technology in 2018.

We emphasize, still:

BIA – Bradesco Artificial Intelligence, available for clients and employees, relates to people, answers questions about 83 products and services and helps in transactions. In 2018, which recorded 73.2 million interactions, started providing services on WhatsApp and, unprecedentedly in Brazil, we integrated it to Google Assistente (Google Assistant). Bradesco was pioneer in the Country in the use of IBM's cognitive computing platform, Watson, with such coverage and in Portuguese, being still, the largest implementation of Watson in a bank in the entire world;

Digital portfolios for every smartphone – we started to supply the most complete solution for cell phone payments, with the use of Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay and QR Code. The service is one of our differentials and is aligned with the wideness and diversity of the profiles of our customers;

58     Economic and Financial Analysis Report – December 2018



Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report


Management Report


Biometrics – identification via the palm of the hand for ATMs and, in an unprecedented way, by one's voice via Fone Fácil, offering more convenience and security in the authentication of the access. Now, in the pilot phase, we are testing facial recognition;

Capillarity – at the end of the fiscal year, we arrived at 10,000 ATM model machines 3,0, with a customizable screen, approaching the interface of the cell phone app, simplifying its use. Also, 2,348 machines have instant deposit with bill recycling, increasing the efficiency and availability for the client, in addition to the other 153 that offer the sale of US dollars and Euros;

IT Security – we increased the maturity ratio of the IT Security processes, putting Bradesco amongst the best companies in the world, according to the NIST methodology;

inovabra – innovation platform that fosters internal and external entrepreneurship, through connections and partnerships based on collaboration between the Bank and businesses, startups, mentors and investors, in Brazil and Abroad, to address the businesses’ challenges and sustainability. Among the environmental instruments there are: an Investment Fund in the corporate venture model, with R$ 200 million in capital; the excellence center in artificial intelligence and cognitive computing; the Lab, which was structured to quicken concept and pilot proofs, centralizing technology labs; a digital hub that promotes in-network collaboration between all participants; and an area focused on global innovation, though a collaborative space in New York and connections in London, for immersion of intern teams in behavioral, technological and international startups prospection tendencies. For more information on Bradesco's innovation environment, visit; and

inovabra habitat – co-innovation center in São Paulo, SP, that gathers more than 180 startups and 60 companies, Bradesco's corporate clients, that connect through their innovation fields to collaborate and generate business. During the year, more than 60 thousand people have visited the space.

9. Clients

The client is our reason to exist. Throughout the years, we have perfected the way to best serve them and today we move from their needs, identifying their life moment, understanding their objectives and planning, to be a part of their achievements.

We supply to every customer profile with the same level of excellency and have the scale and diversification as differentials of our acting model. We have the will to democratize the access to banking products and services, favoring the financial inclusion process, the banking process and entrepreneurship, as well as social mobility. These are values that stretch towards our non-account holders, recognizing in this public a relevant opportunity to expand business. For this, we have created an area whose role is to generate value proposition, interacting with the segments and other areas of the Bank, in several relationship dimensions, stimulating synergy amongst the Organization's businesses.

Aware to the needs of each profile and the continuous enhancement of the management, we have reorganized the service structure for the Corporate Sector. The repositioning aims to enhance client services, with prepared, high performance teams, as it optimizes corporate relationships and the structures with an increased growth capacity of the business and of the return on capital applied.

By the end of the fiscal year, our base was composed of 71.2 million clients.


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Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report

Management Report


10. Service Structure

Our Service Network, with a wide and modern structure, is present in all national territory and in some locations Abroad, offering service practicality in all its acting sectors.

Digital Channels

Our Digital Channels - Internet Banking, Bradesco Celular, Autoatendimento, Fone Fácil and Social Networks -, accounted for 96% of all transactions made in Bradesco. In 2018, 13.9 million people accessed Bradesco's services through the cell phone. Convenience, practicality and security for clients, which offer various products and services, at any place and time.

Next, platform for the hyperconnected

An 100% digital banking platform, Next ended 2018 with an average of 5 thousand account openings per day and 18.4 million transactions, based on December, totalling 500 thousand accounts. Around 80% of these clients were not Bradesco's account holders, proving the attractiveness potential of a new client profile. The aim is to offer a new usage and relationship experience with the client, transforming money management into smart pathways and offering freedom for the user to make operations in the account spontaneously and integrated to their purposes. We also widened the partnership base which provides discounts for activities such as vehicle sharing services, education, food, entertainment, among others.

Digital Platforms

Currently, 6 large Digital Platforms supply the clients of the Exclusive and Prime sectors, invited or that have requested migration for the units because of their relationship profile be mainly digital. We count, still, with the Digital Branch Bradesco Private Bank.

234,180 clients serviced by the opportunity and 1,775 by the Digital Branch Private.


The democratization of the access and banking process is in Bradesco's Business missions. To achieve that, the Bank was pioneer in several solutions, products and services that guarantee autonomy and independence to the clients with hearing, physical, visual and intellectual impairments. Among them, we highlight: Virtual Mouse, Virtual Vision, Tutoring in Brazilian Sign Language, Braille Kit, Enlarged font, Banks’s


60      Economic and Financial Analysis Report – December 2018



Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report


Management Report


WebLibras Home and, in an innovating way, withdrawal in pounds, through the Iris – Digital Brazilian Sign Language Interpreter of Bradesco.


Customer Service Points

Our service structure is present in all national territory and in some locations Abroad. In the end of the fiscal year, we registered 76,173 points, distributed according to the following:

International area

In 2018, Bradesco achieved leading position amongst the banks that operate in the exchange market. It is the first in the exports, imports and consolidated primary market ranking. It is also leader in foreign trade (Trade Finance).


We act in the main regions of Brazil through 12 specialized operational units and 18 service points located to the Corporate sector.


Abroad, we count on 3 Branches, 9 Subsidiaries and 1 representation office, in addition to an extensive corresponding bank network.


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Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report

Management Report


This structure enables our outstanding position in the market, as we can see in the highlights below:

US$ 12.670 billion in Export Financing Portfolio;

US$ 1.848 billion in Import Financing Portfolio;

US$ 54.977 billion in Export Purchases, with market share of 24.1%;

US$ 42.778 billion of Import contracted, with market share of 24.4%;

US$ 139.349 billion of Financial Transactions, with market share of 12.6%; and

US$ 5.658 billion in public and private placements, of medium and long-term, in the international market.

11. Products and services


Through Grupo Bradesco Seguros, we are one of the largest service providers of Brazil and Latin America with a path associated with financial soundness and innovation.

Our modern structure is composed of digital channels and telephone service centers, in addition to the active brokers network and Bradesco Bank Branches. Our services include solutions in the Auto Insurance, Health Insurance, Dental, Capitalization, Life Insurances, Home Insurance, Private Pension Plans and Property & Casualty.

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Our clients have the most complete means of payment solutions line of the Country, that supplies all social classes, both individuals and legal entities, including Corporate. Working with the main cards, like Elo, American Express, Visa, MasterCard, in addition to Private Labels in partnership with important companies, we offer high level value and experience. Bradesco also counts with a business card unit abroad, Bradescard México, where it keeps highlighted a partnership with the store network C&A.

R$ 189.155 billion in Credit Card transactions.

R$ 6.952 billion in Fee and Commission Income, with a growth, mainly in revenue from commissions on purchases made with Credit/Debit Cards and miscellaneous charges.

Bradesco is also well positioned in payment methods, with key market participations such as Cielo and, through Elopar, in the companies ELO Serviços (ELO card), Alelo (leading company in the food voucher sector), Livelo, CBSS (Digio) and Veloe (new company focused on road toll collection and mobility).


The full product portfolio is offered by Bradesco Consórcios for account-holders. The Organization keeps an integrated platform for the trading of solutions through synergy with the Network Bank Branches and the digital platform, a strategy that ensures leadership on the Real Estate, Auto and Truck sectors.

1,503,817 active quotas at year-end, with 456,686 new quotas sold.

R$ 73.508 billion in accrued value.


Acting as the Financing Institution of the Bradesco Organization, Bradesco Financiamentos offers lines of credit in the CDC – Consumer Credit and Leasing modes for the acquisition of light and heavy vehicles and motorcycles and Consigned Credit to retirees and INSS (National Institute of Social Security) pensioners and civil servants – Federal, State, and Municipal –, as well as aggregate products such as insurance.


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R$ 1.215 billion in Net Profit in the year.

R$ 45.977 billion in Consolidated Assets.

R$ 31.897 billion represented the balance of credit operations.

Investments Bank

Banco Bradesco BBI advises clients in primary and secondary issuing of shares, merger transactions, purchase and sale of assets, structuring and distributing debt instruments, corporate finance operations and the financing of projects under the modality of Project Finance.

R$ 215.989 billion was the amount of 202 investment banking transactions.

Bradesco counts, also, with the Global Markets area, responsible for the securities and for the institutional client relationship having a highly qualified team and research team covering varied sectors and open companies in São Paulo, Buenos Aires, México, New York, London and Hong Kong.

Asset Management

BRAM – Bradesco Asset Management offers differentiated and adequate investment solutions to all customers’ profiles, to guarantee excellence in service quality. BRAM has among its biggest clients all the main segments of Bradesco and Grupo Bradesco Seguros, in addition to Institutional Investors in Brazil and Abroad, and various family offices.

R$ 667.558 billion under BRAM’s management, distributed into 1,230 Investment Funds and 300 Managed Portfolios, reaching 3.4 million investors.

Complete Investment Platform

Our Complete Investment Platform is a value proposition supported by 3 pillars: broad portfolio of products, investment portfolios and specialized consultancy, whose role is to generate value to the client through a complete offer of products and investment solutions, in order to meet the needs of our investor clients, account holders and non-account holders, according to their life stages, equity and profile, in different service channels.

The investment management, in addition to rely on the services of the Branch Network Managers, also counts with a specialist team providing advice on the demands of banking products, investment funds, Capital Market products, Broker and Private Pension. The clients also benefit from the Suggested Portfolios, that combine a diversity of financial products and are established monthly, based on national and international market perspectives.

The convenience of investing using the Internet Banking, Bradesco Celular and other channels – such as telephone or chat – is offered, whereby operations and investment advice can be made.

With their prominent position in the market, Ágora Investimentos and Bradesco Corretora are prepared to advise investor clients on operations of the domestic and foreign capital markets, notably fixed income, variable income (shares and derivatives), investment funds, Structured Operations Certificate (COE), future markets and public offering (of fixed income and shares) issued by the bank and by third parties. They also offer a wide analysis coverage for companies and sectors, in partnership with Bradesco BBI.

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Management Report


With Bradesco Securities units overseas, the Organization operates in the North American, European and Chinese markets, mediating shares, through ADRs as well as shares listed on the local Stock exchanges, operating in the distribution of public and private securities for international investors.

Solutions for the capital markets

A modern infrastructure and specialized professionals offer a broad range of solutions and services. Among the main ones, are the following:

·         Fiduciary Management for Funds

R$ 429.917 billion in shareholder’s equity of investment funds managed by BEM – Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários, distributed into 1,991 Investment Funds.

R$ 1.623 trillion in custodied assets of clients;

R$ 2.345 trillion in assets under controllership; and

R$ 127.583 billion in fair value, related to 25 ADR programs (American Depositary Receipts) and 4 GDR (Global Depositary Receipts) programs.

Bradesco’s Share Registration System comprises 239 companies, with a total of 5.0 million shareholders;

Bradesco’s Book Entry Debentures System contains 391 companies with 613 issues with a value of R$ 437.691 billion;

Bradesco’s Fund Share Registration System contains 924 investment funds with a value of R$ 95.147 billion; and

We managed 36 BDR (Brazilian Depositary Receipts) programs, with a fair value of R$ 704.758 million.

19,253 contracts, with a financial volume of R$ 17.827 billion.

Cash Management Solutions

Offer of integrated solutions to systemic platforms that facilitate the financial management of Companies, Utilities and Public Agencies for the management of Receivable and Payable Accounts and the collection of taxes and fees. Clients classified as Market Niches, such as Franchising, Micro Businesses (MEI), University students, health professionals, among others, also have support from expert staff and customized solutions according to their profile.

The area of Global Cash Management structures solutions for international companies that operate in the Brazilian market and national companies that operate abroad, maintaining partnership with 50 international banks and access to the SWIFT network, supporting from the opening of accounts for companies recommended by partner banks to the preparation and structuring of RFPs - Requests for Proposal for the centralization of cash management.


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billion receipts processed by means of Cobrança Bradesco (Collection), Custody of Checks, Identified Deposit and OCT – Ordem de Crédito por Teleprocessamento (Tele-processed Credit Order).


billion transactions carried out by the payment systems for legal entities, which include the payments of the main commitments of the company’s accounts payable (suppliers, wages, taxes, and utility bills).


million documents collected in federal, state, municipal taxes and other contributions.


million documents received from electric, water, gas and telephone bills, of which 62.476 million of them settled by Direct Debit from Current Account and Savings Accounts, a system that provides comprehensive convenience to the client.


million benefit payments to retirees and pensioners of the INSS.


million in Payroll Processing from the public and private sectors.

Solutions of products and services to the Public Authorities

Exclusive platforms serve the Public Sector, throughout the national territory, with Business Managers trained to offer products, services and solutions with quality and safety to the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Powers, federal, state and municipal authorities, as well as Municipalities, Public Foundations, Public and Mixed Capital Companies and the Armed and Auxiliary Forces.

Among our services, we offer six Specialized Platforms in the Heads of Government to assist Governments, Capitals, Courts, Class Councils, Chambers, Public Prosecutors, Public Defenders, in addition to the 100 Largest Municipalities of the Brazilian GDP. Monthly, more than 11 million retirees and pensioners of the INSS receive their benefits in Bradesco, which gives it the position of highest payer among all the banks in the country. Find out more on

12. Human Resources

The Organization recognizes in people one of the most important reasons for our success. Its development and realizing potential is the basis for upholding the business of Bradesco. Our Human Resources management policy is guided by excellence, respect, transparency, and in the ongoing investment on people enhancement and development.

We believe that highly skilled teams with career opportunities are able to surpass goals and present excellent results, decisively contributing to the solidity of the Bradesco brand and the achievement of its market strategies.

We support the development of a more balanced corporate environment, free from barriers. In 2018, we joined the Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and HeforShe, created by the UN, which promotes gender equality. In the Organization, the women represent 50.6% of our work force. 66.5% occupy leadership or commissioned positions, including the Board of Executive Officers and the Board of Directors.

Committed to the inclusion of people with disabilities, composing 3.5% of the staff, Bradesco seeks to develop continuously its accessibility resources. Among the offered solutions are the virtual mouse, a digital Brazilian Sign Language interpreter and the virtual vision, an audio description of images. In 2018, the


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Organization received the global award Good Practices of Employability for Workers with Disabilities, from the São Paulo State Department of the Rights of People with Disabilities and from the Technology and Innovation Center of the Government of the State of São Paulo, in partnership with the UN Permanent Mission in Brazil. The delivery ceremony was held in New York.

UniBrad – Universidade Corporativa Bradesco (Bradesco Corporate University) promotes education for professional excellency and social mobility, meeting the needs of organizational strategy. Its focus is the evolution of the programs and solutions for the capacitation and technical and behavioral development of our employees, in order to keep them in constant harmony with the market, which is increasingly more competitive and demanding, and to stimulate and encourage innovative thinking. Amongst them, the digital competencies, in the age of changes we are living in. Escola Digital (Digital School), one of UniBrad's pathways of learning, operates since 2015 with the goal to address the digital transformations transversely. In 2018, 2,337 courses were given, with 793,440 attendances.

Bradesco applied R$ 164.474 million on Corporate Education Programs.

The welfare benefits comprised 233,272 people, assuring the well-being and the improvement in the quality of life of the employees and their dependents. In Health Plan, there were 8.775 million services and 547,478 in Dental Plan. R$ 1.562 billion invested in food-vouchers. Besides, R$ 55.239 million were destined for the distribution of 27.175 million snacks in the year. 

At the end of the fiscal year, our staff was composed of 98,605 employees, where 85,815 of Bradesco and 12,790 in the Associated Companies. Between hired employees and interns, we had 15,013 people in the staff.

13. The Value of the Brand

The fair value of Bradesco reached R$ 242.606 billion at the end of 2018, which is equivalent to 2.0 times the Shareholders’ Equity. The calculation is based on the listing of shares on stock exchanges and, also, reflects the relevancy of the intangible access of the Organization perceived by investors and remaining stakeholders.


The strength of our brand is recognized in major awards, such as the ranking of the Most Valuable Brands in Brazil 2018, devised by the IstoÉ Dinheiro magazine and Kantar Consulting, as the most valuable Bank brand in the country for the seventh consecutive year. We are also the most remembered brand on the market in the Bank App category. Bradesco Seguros featured in the Insurance category.



In 2018, we modernized our logo, the famous stylized tree – symbol of life, growth, shelter and support – which reflects the relationship that we have with clients, it gained a more contemporary and digital touch, in line with the connected world of today.


The campaigns of 2018 continued to reflect the positioning "Pra Frente" (Moving Forward). With the slogan "Your Path is Prime", Bradesco has strengthened its position as a strategic partner in the asset management of clients in this segment.


In the communication to present to the market the BIA virtual assistant, the Bank has brought the concept of "Experience the Future Today", emphasizing that it seeks the best user experience by means of artificial intelligence – one of the guiding technologies of its co-innovation space, the inovabra habitat.



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For Children's Day, the campaign invited us to reflect on social issues from the perspective of children, bringing their definitions of bullying, racism and discrimination. 


At the end of the year, our latest institutional campaign, a 3D animation with the invitation "2019. You will make it happen". The video brings the essence of Bradesco, a Bank that respects diversity, reinforcing values such as inclusion and respecting differences.


 Support for cultural and sport projects is also part of the platforms of the brand management. In 2018, we resumed the sponsorship of the Brazilian tour of Cirque du Soleil, bringing the show OVO (EGG) to Brazil. The sponsorship of events reinforces the Bank's belief that culture, music, art and their trends are important instruments for the cultural enrichment of a society, therefore it maintained the sponsorship of Lollapalooza Brasil and the hundreds of other cultural manifestations like: the carnivals of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Salvador and Recife; the Círio de Nazaré, in Belém (PA); the Folklore Festival of Parintins and the Opera Festival, both in Amazonas; the Oktoberfest in Blumenau (SC); the ArtRio – International Art Fair of Rio de Janeiro (RJ); and Bradesco's Christmas presentation, the traditional event in Palácio Avenida, in Curitiba (PR). It also supported musicals like The Phantom of the Opera and Peter Pan, besides several exhibitions, among them: Julio Le Parc, Mira Schendel and Hilma af Klint.


The sport also has its transforming role, for this reason Bradesco is the sponsor of the Brazilian Confederation of Sailing, Judo and Rugby.


180 regional, sector-based and/or professional events throughout the country, including business fairs, seminars, conferences, and cultural and community events.


14. Social investments

Fundação Bradesco is the main action of sustainability of the Organization. Founded in 1956, it develops the largest private social and educational program in the country based on the belief that education is the path to promote equal opportunities, personal and collective achievement, as well as a means to build a society that is more worthy, fair and productive. There are 40 schools installed primarily in areas of severe deprivation, in all of the Brazilian States and in the Federal District.

In 2018, it provided formal education, access and quality to 94,256 students in its schools, in Basic Education, Education of Youth and Adults and in Initial and Continuing Education. In Distance Learning (EaD), it has benefited more than 780 thousand students, who have completed at least one of the various courses offered, in addition to 9,035 people in projects and actions in partnership. The Computer Program for the Visually Impaired has served and trained since its pioneering deployment, in 1998, 12,687 students.

The students of Basic Education, 41,842 in the period, also receive, without cost, uniforms, school materials, food and medical and dental care.

At the end of the year, R$ 606.908 million were invested, of which R$ 68.530 million were invested in infrastructure and educational technology. For 2019, a budget of R$ 652.203 million has been estimated to fund:

a)      92,468 students in Basic Education – from Kindergarten to Secondary Education and Vocational and Technical Education at Secondary Level –, Education of Young People and Adults and Initial and Continuing Education focused on the creation of jobs;

b)      670 thousand students who must complete at least one of the courses offered in their program in the EaD modality, by means of their e-learning portal "Escol@ Virtual" (Virtual School); and



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c)       12,065 beneficiaries in projects and actions in partnerships, such as the Programa Educa+Ação (Educate+Action Program), and in educational courses and lectures and in information technology.

In the last ten years, R$ 6.913 billion, in restated values, was the amount of the resources invested by Fundação Bradesco to defray the cost of its activities.

For more than 30 years it also encourages sport as an activity to support the development of children and young people from the Bradesco Sports and Education Program. The Program focuses on the promotion of health and the enhancement of talents through the teaching of female volleyball and basketball in all the schools of Fundação Bradesco, municipal sports centers, public and private schools, in a leisure club and in its Center of Sports Development, all in Osasco, SP. Approximately 2 thousand girls from 8 years of age, are trained annually.

In order to strengthen our social action and the relationship with the local community, we started in 2018 the Project UniBrad Semear. With the collaboration of our employees, who have been specially trained in the program Voluntários Bradesco (Volunteers), we promote, in municipal public schools of São Paulo, SP, workshops and courses on financial education and emotional intelligence to 1.4 thousand people. Considering all participants of this initiative, we have reached around 2 thousand people. The classes have had a broad public profile, including residents, students, teachers and managers, and addressed issues such as project of life, conscious consuming, economic cycle, budget, the importance of saving money, making a loan, interest rates, entrepreneurship, among others. The reach of this project will be expanded in 2019.

15. Corporate Governance

The Bradesco’s Management is composed of eight members from the Board of Directors and by its Board of Executive Officers, with no accumulation of positions of Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer, according to the statutory provision.

At the Special Shareholders’ Meeting on March 12, 2018, there was the amendment of the term of office of the Managers, of the Compensation Committee members and of the Ombudsman from one (1) year to two (2) years. On the same date, Octavio de Lazari Junior was elected Chief Executive Officer of the Bradesco’s Board of Executive Officers.

The Board of Directors is advised by eight committees, two are statutory (Audit and Remuneration) and six are non-statutory (Ethical Conduct and Integrity, Internal Controls and Compliance, Integrated Risk Management and Capital Allocation, Succession and Nomination, Risks and Sustainability and Diversity). The Fiscal Council operates continuously, in the role of Supervisory Body and is annually elected by the shareholders.

Further information on Bradesco’s Corporate governance practices is available on – Corporate Governance Section.

In compliance with CVM Instruction No. 381/03, in the fiscal year of 2018, Bradesco Organization contracted services provided by KPMG Auditores Independentes that were not related to the external audit, at a level greater than 5% of the total fees related to external audit services.  Other services provided by the external auditors were: i) the issue of due diligence reports; ii) Assurance Report; and iii) reports on previously agreed procedures. The contracted amount totaled, approximately, R$ 4.083 million, which represents around 10.10% of the total audit fees for the 2018 financial statements of the Bradesco Organization. The Bank’s policy is in line with the principles of preserving the auditors’ independence, which is based on generally accepted international criteria, i.e. the auditors should not audit their own work, perform managerial duties for their clients or promote their customers’ interests. It is noteworthy that any eventual services not related to the external audit are submitted prior to the authorization of the Audit Committee.


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Internal Audit

The General Inspectorate (Internal Audit), subordinated to the Board of Directors, performs an independent evaluation of Business processes, mitigating the risks, suitability and effectiveness of internal controls in compliance with the policies, norms, standards, procedures and internal and external regulations.  The methodology and execution of works from the area is certified by the Institute of Internal Auditors of Brazil, which considers in its premises the technical recommendations of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).


Our Organization offers various channels of structured care for the treatment of suggestions and complaints of our clients and users, always acting with impartiality and transforming the complaint into an experience that strengthens its relationship with the Organization and drives improvements that generate mutual benefits.

  We operate with two independent Ombudsmen: one dedicated to the manifestations of the Bradesco Organization, which follows determinations of the Central Bank of Brazil and the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), and the other dedicated to suggestions and complaints of Bradesco Seguros, which meets the standards of the Superintendence of Private Insurance (SUSEP) and the National Agency of Supplementary Health (ANS).

  In 2018, for the seventh consecutive time, it won the Ouvidorias Brasil award, granted by the Brazilian Association of Company-Client Relations (ABRAREC). We are the only bank to win all editions of the award.

143,393 complaints were received by Bradesco Ombudsman in 2018.

Transparency and Disclosure of Information

All information regarding the performance of Bradesco and its businesses, as well as its governance structure, policies and practices are easily and readily available on the website Among them, the Economic and Financial Analysis Report which provides an accurate analysis about the corporate accounting and Bradesco's Integrated Report, which shows a more comprehensive view of the Organization as well as its strategies, highlights of the year and other relevant information. Additionally, the risk factors and critical accounting policies are disclosed on the 20-F Form and on the Reference Form, which present a series of qualitative and quantitative information of the Bank, as well as the audited financial statements.

In order to increase stakeholders knowledge related to the Bank's information, institutional videos with messages from the Organization's Executives, company presentations, calendar of events, regulatory forms, among other corporate information are available on the IR website.

To maintain the constant dialog with the market, 222 events were promoted by the Market Relations Department with national and international investors via conferences, meetings, conference calls and institutional presentations, with the participation of 1,633 investors. 5 Bradesco APIMEC Meetings were held, in the cities of São Paulo (in person and by following live via webcast), Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Porto Alegre and Belo Horizonte, with a total of 1,718 participants.

16. Integrated risk control

Due to the complexity and variety of products and services, and also of the globalization of the business of the Organization, the risk management activity is highly strategic. Thus, the Organization exercises the corporate control of risks in an integrated and independent manner, preserving and valuing the environment of group decisions, developing and implementing methodologies, models and tools for


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measurement and control. It also fosters the dissemination of the risk culture to all the employees, at all hierarchical levels, from the business areas up to the Board of Directors.

In the face of broad actions and options available to its clients in all segments of the market, the Organization is exposed to various types of risks. Therefore, the adoption of mechanisms of identification and continuous monitoring are vital, making it possible to anticipate the development and implementation of actions to minimize any adverse impacts on their positions. These risks may arise from several factors and are mitigated by means of consistent processes of Internal Controls, prevention of money laundering, information security, independent validation of models, as well as a sound governance structure that involves the Integrated Risk Management and Capital Allocation Committee that is subordinate to the Board of Directors.

 Among the main risks, we highlight: Credit, Counterparty Credit, Market, Operational, Subscription, Liquidity, Concentration, Socio-environmental, Strategy, Reputation, Model, Contagion, Corporate Conduct, and Compliance. We also seek to identify and monitor any emerging risks, in an attempt to anticipate them or mitigate their effects, should they occur. Among them, issues related to global growth; international geopolitical issues and the economic and fiscal situation of Brazil. We also consider the risks posed by climate change, by cyberattacks and by technological innovation in financial services (FinTech).

Independent Validation of Models

Bradesco uses internal models, developed from statistical, economic, financial, and mathematical theories and from the knowledge of experts, with the aim of supporting and facilitating the structuring of issues, enabling standardization and agility in decisions and managing risks and capital.

To identify, mitigate and control the risks inherent to the internal models, represented by potential adverse consequences, there is the process of independent validation that evaluates all aspects thoroughly, challenging the methodology, the assumptions adopted, the data used, and the use of models, as well as the robustness of the environment in which they are deployed, reporting their results to the managers, internal audit and to the Internal Controls and Compliance Committee and the Integrated Risk Management and Capital Allocation Committee.

17. Compliance and Ethics

Standards that affirm our values and govern the interactions of the Organization.


The Programs of Compliance and Integrity cover our managers, employees, suppliers, service providers, subsidiaries and companies members of the Bradesco Organization in their interactions and everyday decisions, making our principles of high standards of conduct and ethics known.


These principles are supported by policies, standards, procedures, training programs for professionals and controls, and they seek to detect promptly any actions considered as violations of the Codes of Ethical Conduct, and/or operations and situations apparently related to illegal activities, envisaging the adoption of appropriate measures and actions.


This system of control mechanisms is an object of evaluation and constant improvement in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations, as well as with the best market practices and are supported by Committees linked to the Board of Directors, such as those of Ethical Conduct and Internal Controls and Compliance.



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18. Recognitions


Ratings 2018 – it was reported to Bradesco, in the period, among the assessment indexes assigned to Banks in the country by Branches and national and international Entities, that:


Contributing to achieve operational excellence and the desired results, the Management System, which is the inter-relationship of the parties, of the elements or units, enables the operation and management of an organized structure.

We have highlighted the following certifications of the Bradesco Organization: Corporate Social Responsibility, own normative standard, audited by an independent certification body; Occupational Health and Safety Management System – OHSAS 18001; Environmental Management – ISO 14001; Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management – ISO 14064; Data Protection and Privacy – GoodPriv@cy; Controls Assurance Reports in the Service Provider Organization (international standard) – ISAE 3402; Quality Management – ISO 9001 (DITI/IT Security and CTI); Information Security Management – ISO 27001; and IT Service Management – ISO 20000.

Awards / Rankings

Among the best


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Digital transformation


Human Resources


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19. Acknowledgments

The support and trust of our shareholders and clients as well as the effort and efficient work of our employees and other associates increased efficiency and other year achievements. This network of relationships motivates us and drives us continuously to seek to overcome expectations and obtain increasingly more consistent advances. We would like to thank all of you.


Cidade de Deus, January 30, 2019

Board of Directors and Board of Executive Officers


































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Consolidated Statement of Financial Position on December 31 – In thousands of Reais







Cash and due from banks (Note 5)



Interbank investments (Notes 3d and 6)



Securities purchased under agreements to resell



Interbank investments



Allowance for losses



Securities and derivative financial instruments (Notes 3e, 3f, 7 and 34a)



Own portfolio



Securities sold under repurchase agreements – Repledge only



Derivative financial instruments (Notes 3f, 7d II and 34a)



Given in guarantee



Securities sold under repurchase agreements – unrestricted



Interbank accounts



Reserve requirement (Note 8):



- Reserve requirement - Brazilian Central Bank



- SFH - housing finance system



Correspondent banks



Interdepartmental accounts



Internal transfer of funds



Loans (Notes 3g, 9 and 34a)






- Public sector



- Private sector



Loans transferred under an assignment with recourse



Allowance for loan losses (Notes 3g, 9f, 9g and 9h)



Leases (Notes 2, 3g, 9 and 34a)



Leases receivables:



- Private sector



Unearned income from leases



Allowance for losses on leases (Notes 3g, 9f, 9g and 9h)



Other receivables



Receivables on sureties and guarantees honored (Note 9a-3)



Foreign exchange portfolio (Note 10a)






Securities trading



Specific receivables



Insurance and reinsurance receivables and reinsurance assets – technical provisions



Sundry (Note 10b)



Allowance for losses on other receivables (Notes 3g, 9f, 9g and 9h)



Other assets (Note 11)



Other assets



Allowance for losses



Prepaid expenses (Notes 3i and 11b)



Long-term receivables



Interbank investments (Notes 3d and 6)



Interbank investments



Securities and derivative financial instruments (Notes 3e, 3f, 7 and 34a)



Own portfolio



Securities sold under repurchase agreements – Repledge only



Derivative financial instruments (Notes 3f, 7d II and 34a)



Privatization rights



Given in guarantee



Securities sold under repurchase agreements – unrestricted



Interbank accounts



Reserve requirement (Note 8):



- SFH - housing finance system





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Consolidated Statement of Financial Position on December 31 – In thousands of Reais




Loans (Notes 3g, 9 and 34a)






- Public sector



- Private sector



Loans transferred under an assignment with recourse



Allowance for loan losses (Notes 3g, 9f, 9g and 9h)



Leases (Notes 2, 3g, 9 and 34a)



Leases receivables:



- Private sector



Unearned income from leases



Allowance for losses on leases (Notes 3g, 9f, 9g and 9h)



Other receivables






Securities trading



Sundry (Note 10b)



Allowance for losses on other receivables (Notes 3g, 9f, 9g and 9h)



Other assets (Note 11)



Prepaid expenses (Notes 3i and 11b)



Permanent assets



Investments (Notes 3j, 12 and 34a)



Equity investment in unconsolidated and jointly controlled companies:



- In Brazil



Other investments



Allowance for losses



Premises and equipment (Notes 3k and 13)






Other premises and equipment



Accumulated depreciation



Intangible assets (Notes 3l and 14)



Intangible Assets



Accumulated amortization







The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.





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Consolidated Statement of Financial Position on December 31 – In thousands of Reais







Deposits (Notes 3n and 15a)



Demand deposits



Savings deposits



Interbank deposits



Time deposits (Notes 15a and 34a)



Securities sold under agreements to repurchase (Notes 3n and 15b)



Own portfolio



Third-party portfolio



Unrestricted portfolio



Funds from issuance of securities (Notes 15c and 34a)



Mortgage and real estate notes, letters of credit and others



Securities issued overseas



Structured Operations Certificates



Interbank accounts



Unsettled payments and receipts



Correspondent banks



Interdepartmental accounts



Third-party funds in transit



Borrowing (Notes 16a and 34a)



Borrowing in Brazil - other institutions



Borrowing overseas



On-lending in Brazil - official institutions (Notes 16b and 34a)



National treasury









Other institutions



Derivative financial instruments (Notes 3f, 7d II and 34a)



Derivative financial instruments



Technical provisions for insurance, pension plans and capitalization bonds (Notes 3o and 20)



Other liabilities



Payment of taxes and other contributions



Foreign exchange portfolio (Note 10a)



Social and statutory



Tax and social security (Note 19a)



Securities trading



Financial and development funds



Subordinated debts (Notes 18 and 34a)



Sundry (Note 19b)



Long-term liabilities



Deposits (Notes 3n and 15a)



Interbank deposits



Time deposits (Notes 15a and 34a)



Securities sold under agreements to repurchase (Notes 3n and 15b)



Own portfolio



Funds from issuance of securities (Notes 15c and 34a)



Mortgage and real estate notes, letters of credit and others



Securities issued overseas



Structured Operations Certificates



Borrowing (Notes 16a and 34a)



Borrowing in Brazil - other institutions


Borrowing overseas



On-lending in Brazil - official institutions (Notes 16b and 34a)









Derivative financial instruments (Notes 3f, 7d II and 34a)



Derivative financial instruments





Bradesco  77


Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report 


Consolidated Statement of Financial Position on December 31 – In thousands of Reais




Technical provisions for insurance, pension plans and capitalization bonds (Notes 3o and 20)



Other liabilities



Tax and social security (Note 19a)



Subordinated debts (Notes 18 and 34a)



Eligible Debt Capital Instruments (Notes 18a-3 and 34a)



Sundry (Note 19b)



Deferred income



Deferred income



Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries (Note 21)



Shareholders' equity (Note 22)






- Domiciled in Brazil



- Domiciled overseas



Capital reserves



Profit reserves



Asset valuation adjustments



Treasury shares (Notes 22d and 34a)



Attributable to equity holders of the Parent Company







The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.



78     Economic and Financial Analysis Report – December 2018



Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report       


Consolidated Income Statement on December 31 - In thousands of Reais





Revenue from financial intermediation



Loans (Note 9j)



Leases (Note 9j)



Operations with securities (Note 7g)



Financial income from insurance, pension plans and capitalization bonds (Note 7g)



Derivative financial instruments (Note 7g)



Foreign exchange contracts (Note 10a)



Reserve requirement (Note 8b)



Sale or transfer of financial assets






Expenses from financial intermediation



Retail and professional market funding (Note 15e)



Adjustment for inflation and interest on technical provisions for insurance, pension plans and capitalization bonds (Note 15e)



Borrowing and on-lending (Note 16c)



Allowance for loan losses (Notes 3g, 9g and 9h)






Gross income from financial intermediation






Other operating income (expenses)



Fee and commission income (Note 23)



Other fee and commission income



Income from banking fees



Retained premium from insurance, pension plans and capitalization bonds (Notes 3o and 20c)



Net written premiums earned



Reinsurance premiums paid



Variation in technical provisions for insurance, pension plans and capitalization bonds (Note 3o)



Retained claims (Note 3o)



Capitalization bond prize draws and redemptions (Note 3o)



Selling expenses from insurance, pension plans and capitalization bonds (Note 3o)



Payroll and related benefits (Note 24)



Other administrative expenses (Note 25)



Tax expenses (Note 26)



Share of profit (loss) of unconsolidated and jointly controlled companies (Note 12b)



Other operating income (Note 27)



Other operating expenses (Note 28)



Operating income



Non-operating income (loss) (Note 29)



Income before income tax and social contribution and non-controlling interests



Income tax and social contribution (Notes 33a and 33b)



Current income tax



Current Social Contribution



Deferred Tax



Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries



Net income




The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.                                 


Bradesco  79


Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report 


Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity - In thousands of Reais




Capital reserves

Profit reserves

Asset valuation adjustments

Treasury shares

Retained earnings


Share premium



Balance on December 31, 2016








Capital increase with reserves



Asset valuation adjustments



Net income












   -  Reserves




-  Interest on Shareholders’ Equity Paid



Balance on December 31, 2017











Balance on December 31, 2017








Capital increase with reserves



Asset valuation adjustments



Net income












   -  Reserves




-  Interest on Shareholders’ Equity Paid and/or provisioned



Balance on December 31, 2018








The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.



80    Economic and Financial Analysis Report – December 2018



Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report       


Consolidated Statement of Added Value Accumulated on December 31 - In thousands of Reais







1 – Revenue





1.1) Financial intermediation





1.2) Fees and commissions





1.3) Allowance for loan losses





1.4) Other





2 – Financial intermediation expenses





3 – Inputs acquired from third-parties





Outsourced services





Data processing










Asset maintenance





Financial system services





Advertising and marketing





Security and surveillance










Material, water, electricity and gas















4 – Gross value added (1-2-3)





5 – Depreciation and amortization





6 – Net value added produced by the entity (4-5)





7 – Value added received through transfer





Share of profit (loss) of unconsolidated and jointly controlled companies





8 – Value added to distribute (6+7)





9 – Value added distributed





9.1) Personnel















Government Severance Indemnity Fund for Employees (FGTS)










9.2) Tax, fees and contributions


















9.3) Remuneration for providers of capital










Asset leases



9.4) Value distributed to shareholders





Interest on Shareholders’ Equity Dividends paid and/or provisioned





Retained earnings





Non-controlling interests in retained earnings






The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.


Bradesco  81


Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report 


Consolidated cash flow Statement for the three months ended December 31 - In thousands of Reais





Cash flow from operating activities:



Income before income tax and social contribution and non-controlling interests



Adjustments to net income before income tax and social contribution



Effect of Changes in Exchange Rates in Cash and Cash equivalents



Allowance for loan losses



Depreciation and amortization



Impairment losses of assets



Expenses/ reversal with civil, labor and tax provisions



Expenses with adjustment for inflation and interest on technical provisions for insurance, pension plans and capitalization bonds



Share of profit (loss) of unconsolidated and jointly controlled companies



(Gain)/loss on sale of investments


(Gain)/loss on sale of fixed assets



(Gain)/loss on sale of foreclosed assets



Foreign exchange variation of assets and liabilities overseas/Other



Net income before taxes after adjustments



(Increase)/Decrease in interbank investments



(Increase)/Decrease in trading securities and derivative financial instruments



(Increase)/Decrease in interbank and interdepartmental accounts



(Increase)/Decrease in loans and leases



(Increase)/Decrease in insurance and reinsurance receivables and reinsurance assets



(Increase)/Decrease in other receivables and other assets



(Increase)/Decrease in reserve requirement - Central Bank



Increase/(Decrease) in deposits



Increase/(Decrease) in securities sold under agreements to repurchase



Increase/(Decrease) in borrowings and on-lending



Increase/(Decrease) in technical provisions for insurance, pension plans and capitalization bonds



Increase/(Decrease) in other liabilities



Increase/(Decrease) in deferred income



Income tax and social contribution paid



Net cash provided by/(used in) operating activities



Cash flow from investing activities:



Maturity of and interest on held-to-maturity securities



Sale of/maturity of and interest on available-for-sale securities



Proceeds from sale of foreclosed assets



Sale of investments


Sale of premises and equipment



Acquisition of Subsidiaries, Net of Cash and Cash Equivalents acquired


Purchases of available-for-sale securities



Purchases of held-to-maturity securities



Investment acquisitions



Purchase of premises and equipment



Intangible asset acquisitions



Dividends and interest on shareholders’ equity received



Net cash provided by/(used in) investing activities



Cash flow from financing activities:



Funds from securities issued



Settlement and Interest payments of Funds from issuance of securities



Issuance of subordinated debts



Settlement and Interest payments of subordinated debts



Interest on Shareholders’ Equity Paid



Non-controlling interest



Net cash provided by/(used in) financing activities



Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents



Cash and cash equivalents - at the beginning of the period



Effect of Changes in Exchange Rates in Cash and Cash equivalents



Cash and cash equivalents - at the end of the period



Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents




The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.


82    Economic and Financial Analysis Report – December 2018



Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report       


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements are distributed as follow:













































































































Bradesco  83


Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements




Banco Bradesco S.A. (Bradesco) is a private-sector publicly traded company and universal bank that, through its commercial, foreign exchange, consumer financing and housing loan portfolios, carries out all the types of banking activities for which it has authorization. The Bank is involved in a number of other activities, either directly or indirectly, through its subsidiaries, specifically leases, investment banking, brokerage, consortium management, credit cards, real estate projects, insurance, pension plans and capitalization bonds. All these activities are undertaken by the various companies in the Bradesco Organization (Organization), working together in an integrated manner in the market.




Bradesco’s consolidated financial statements include the financial statements for Bradesco, its foreign branches and subsidiaries, in Brazil and overseas and SPEs (Special Purpose Entities) and investment funds of which the Organization's companies are the main beneficiaries or holders of the principal obligations, as established by Technical Pronouncement CPC 36 (R3), “Consolidation”. These financial  statements were prepared in conformity with accounting practices adopted in Brazil applicable to institutions authorized to operate by the Central Bank of Brazil (Bacen), and are in conformity with accounting guidelines included in Laws No. 4,595/64 (Brazilian Financial System Law) and No. 6,404/76 (Brazilian Corporate Law), including amendments introduced by Laws No. 11,638/07 and No. 11,941/09, as they relate to the accounting for operations, complemented by the rules and instructions of the National Monetary Council (CMN), Bacen, Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), and where applicable, National Private Insurance Council (CNSP), Insurance Superintendence (Susep) and National Supplementary Healthcare Agency (ANS). The financial statements of the lease companies included in the consolidated financial statements were prepared using the finance lease method, under which the carrying amount of leased premises and equipment less the residual value paid in advance are reclassified.


Management states that it has disclosed all relevant information in the consolidated financial statements of Bradesco and that the accounting practices have been applied in a consistent manner in all years presented.


For the preparation of these consolidated financial statements, the intercompany transactions, balances of equity accounts, revenue, expenses and unrealized profits were eliminated and net income and shareholders’ equity attributable to the non-controlling interests were accounted for in a separate line. Goodwill on the acquisition of investments in associates, subsidiaries or jointly controlled companies is presented in the investments and intangible assets lines (Note 14a). The foreign exchange variation from foreign branches and investments is presented in the statement of income accounts used for changes in the value of the derivative financial instrument and borrowing and on-lending operations. These effects are neutralized by the results obtained by the financial instruments used to hedge the effects of the exchange variation produced by our investments abroad.


The financial statements include estimates and assumptions, such as: the calculation of estimated loan losses; fair value estimates of certain financial instruments; civil, tax and labor provisions; impairment losses of securities classified as available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities and non-financial assets; the calculation of technical provisions for insurance, pension plans and capitalization bonds; and the determination of the useful life of specific assets. Actual results may differ from those based on estimates and assumptions.


Bradesco’s consolidated financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on January 30, 2019.



84    Economic and Financial Analysis Report – December 2018



Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report       


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


Below are the significant directly and indirectly owned companies and investment funds included in the consolidated financial statements:



On December 31


Equity interest



Financial Sector – Brazil




Ágora Corretora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A.




Banco Alvorada S.A. (1)




Banco Bradescard S.A.




Banco Bradesco BBI S.A.(2)

Investment bank



Banco Bradesco BERJ S.A.




Banco Bradesco Cartões S.A.




Banco Bradesco Financiamentos S.A.




Banco Losango S.A.




Bradesco Administradora de Consórcios Ltda.

Consortium management



Bradesco Leasing S.A. Arrendamento Mercantil




Bradesco-Kirton Corretora de Câmbio S.A. (3)

Exchange Broker



Bradesco S.A. Corretora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários




BRAM - Bradesco Asset Management S.A. DTVM

Asset management



Kirton Bank Brasil S.A.




Tempo Serviços Ltda.




Financial Sector – Overseas




Banco Bradesco Argentina S.A.U (4) (5)




Banco Bradesco Europa S.A. (5)




Banco Bradesco S.A. Grand Cayman Branch (5) (6)




Banco Bradesco S.A. New York Branch (5)




Bradesco Securities, Inc. (5)




Bradesco Securities, UK. Limited (5)




Bradesco Securities, Hong Kong Limited (5)




Cidade Capital Markets Ltd (5)




Bradescard México, sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada (7)




Insurance, Pension Plan and Capitalization Bond Sector - In Brazil




Atlântica Companhia de Seguros




Bradesco Auto/RE Companhia de Seguros




Bradesco Capitalização S.A.

Capitalization bonds



Bradesco Saúde S.A.




Bradesco Seguros S.A. (8)




Bradesco Vida e Previdência S.A.

Pension plan/Insurance



Kirton Capitalização S.A. (9)

Capitalization bonds



Kirton Seguros S.A. (9)




Kirton Vida e Previdência S.A. (9)

Pension plan/Insurance



Odontoprev S.A. (10)

Dental care



Insurance - Overseas




Bradesco Argentina de Seguros S.A. (5) (10)




Other Activities - Brazil




Andorra Holdings S.A.




Bradseg Participações S.A.




Bradescor Corretora de Seguros Ltda.

Insurance Brokerage



Bradesplan Participações Ltda. (11)




BSP Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A.

Real estate



Cia. Securitizadora de Créditos Financeiros Rubi

Credit acquisition



Columbus Holdings S.A.




Nova Paiol Participações Ltda.




União Participações Ltda. (12)




Other Activities - Overseas




Bradesco North America LLC (5)






Bradesco  85


Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements



On December 31


Equity interest



Investment Funds (13)




Bradesco F.I.R.F. Master II Previdência

Investment Fund



Bradesco F.I. Referenciado DI Performance

Investment Fund



Bradesco F.I.C.F.I. R.F. VGBL F10

Investment Fund



Bradesco F.I.R.F. Master IV Previdência

Investment Fund



Bradesco F.I.R.F. Master Previdência

Investment Fund



Bradesco Private F.I.C.F.I. RF PGBL/VGBL Ativo

Investment Fund



Bradesco FI Referenciado DI União

Investment Fund



Bradesco Private F.I.C.F.I. R.F. PGBL/VGBL Ativo - F 08 C

Investment Fund



Bradesco F.I.C.R.F. VGBL FIX

Investment Fund



Bradesco F.I.C.F.I. Renda Fixa V-A

Investment Fund



(1) In December 2018 there was acquisition of shares held by a minority shareholder;

(2) In May 2018, there was acquisition of shares held by minority shareholders by Banco Bradesco S.A.;

(3) In November 2018, there was a change in the corporate name of Bradesco-Kirton Corretora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. to Bradesco-Kirton Corretora de Câmbio S.A.;

(4) Change in the percentage of participation, by assignment of quotas and change of corporate name to unilateral company;

(5) The functional currency of these companies abroad is the Real;

(6) The special purpose entity International Diversified Payment Rights Company is being consolidated. The company is part of a structure set up for the securitization of the future flow of payment orders received overseas;

(7) The functional currency of this company is the Mexican Peso;

(8) Reduction in participation due to the merger of Kirton Seguros S.A through the exchange of minority shares;

(9) Companies incorporated in June, 2018, by their respective counterparts (Bradesco Seguros S.A., Bradesco Capitalização S.A. and Bradesco Vida e Previdência S.A.);

(10) The financial information portrayed is from the previous month;

(11) Company incorporated in October 2018, by the company Nova Paiol Participações Ltda.;

(12) Company incorporated in November 2018, by the company Nova Paiol Participações Ltda.; and

(13) The investment funds in which Bradesco assumes or substantially retains the risks and benefits were consolidated.




a)   Functional and presentation currencies


Consolidated financial statements are presented in Brazilian reais, which is also Bradesco’s functional currency. Foreign branches and subsidiaries are mainly a continuation of activities in Brazil, and, therefore, assets, liabilities and profit or loss are translated into Brazilian reais using the appropriate currency exchange rate, to comply with accounting practices adopted in Brazil. Foreign currency translation gains and losses arising are recognized in the period’s statement of income in the lines “Derivative Financial Instruments” and “Borrowing and On-lending”.


b)   Income and expense recognition


Income and expenses are recognized on an accrual basis in order to determine the net income for the period to which they relate, regardless of when the funds are received or paid.


Fixed rate contracts are recognized at their redemption value with the income or expense relating to future periods being recognized as a deduction from the corresponding asset or liability. Finance income and costs are recognized daily on a pro-rata basis and calculated using the compounding method, except when they relate to discounted notes or to foreign transactions, which are calculated using the straight-line method.


Floating rate and foreign-currency-indexed contracts are adjusted for interest and foreign exchange rates applicable at the reporting date.


Insurance and coinsurance premiums, net of premiums paid for coinsurance and related commissions, are recognized upon the issue of the related policies/certificates/endorsements and invoices, or upon the beginning of the exposure to risk in cases in which the risk begins before the policy issuance, and is recognized on a straight-line basis over the policies’ effective period through the upfront recognition and subsequent reversal through the statement of income of the unearned premium reserve and the deferred acquisition costs. Revenues from premiums and the corresponding deferred acquisition costs, relating to existing risk for which no policy has been issued,


86    Economic and Financial Analysis Report – December 2018



Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements



are recognized in the statement of income at the beginning of the risk exposure, based on estimated figures.


The health insurance premiums are recognized in the premiums (results) account or provision for unearned premiums/considerations (PPCNG), according to the period of coverage of contracts in force on the reporting date.


Income and expenses arising from Mandatory Insurance For Personal Injury Caused by Motor Vehicles (DPVAT) insurance operations are recognized based on information provided by Seguradora Líder dos Consórcios do Seguro DPVAT S.A.


Accepted coinsurance and retrocession operations are recognized based on the information received from other insurers and IRB - Brasil Resseguros S.A. (IRB), respectively.


Reinsurance operations are recognized based on the premium and claims information provided, which is subject to the analysis of the re-insurers. The deductions of reinsurance premiums granted are consistent with the recognition of the corresponding insurance premium and/or terms of the reinsurance contract.


The acquisition costs related to the insurance commission are deferred and appropriated to the income in proportion to the recognition of the premium earned.


Contributions and agency fees are deferred and recognized in the statement of income on a straight-line basis over a period of 24 months for health insurance operations, and 12 months for other operations.


Pension plan contributions and life insurance premiums with survival coverage are recognized in the statement of income as they are received.


The management fee income is appropriated to the income on an accrual basis, according to contractually established rates.


Revenue from capitalization bonds is recognized in the month in which they are issued, according to the types of collection, which may be in monthly payments or in a single payment. Each security has a nominal value, which is indexed to the Reference Rate (TR) and interest rates defined in the plan. Technical provisions are recognized when the respective revenues are recognized.


The revenues arising from unclaimed and expired capitalization bonds (securities and non-redeemed draws) are recognized after the prescription period, that is, until November 2003, up to 20 years and five years after this date as established by law. The expenses related to commercialization of capitalization bonds are classified as “Acquisition Costs” and are recognized in the statement of income as incurred.


c)   Cash and cash equivalents


Cash and cash equivalents include: funds available in currency, investments in gold, securities sold under agreements to repurchase and interest-earning deposits in other banks, maturing in 90 days or less, from the time of the acquisition, which are exposed to insignificant risk of change in fair value. These funds are used by Bradesco to manage its short-term commitments.


Cash and cash equivalents detailed balances are presented in Note 5.


d)   Interbank investments


Securities purchased under agreements to resell are stated at their fair value. All other interbank investments are stated at cost, plus income earned up to the end of the reporting period, net of any devaluation allowance, if applicable.


The breakdown, terms and proceeds relating to interbank investments are presented in Note 6.



Bradesco  87


Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements



e)   Securities – Classification


·       Trading securities – securities acquired for the purpose of being actively and frequently traded. They are recognized at cost, plus income earned and adjusted to fair value with changes recognized in the Statement of Income for the period;


·       Available-for-sale securities – securities that are not specifically intended for trading purposes or to be held to maturity. They are recognized at cost, plus income earned, which is recognized in profit or loss in the period and adjusted to fair value with changes recognized in shareholders’ equity, net of tax, which will be transferred to the Statement of Income only when effectively realized; and


·       Held-to-maturity securities – securities for which there is positive intent and financial capacity to hold to maturity. They are recognized at cost, plus income earned recognized in the Statement of Income for the period.


Securities classified as trading and available-for-sale, as well as derivative financial instruments, are recognized in the consolidated statement of financial position at their fair value. Fair value is generally based on quoted market prices or quotations for assets or liabilities with similar characteristics. If market prices are not available, fair values are based on traders’ quotations, pricing models, discounted cash flows or similar techniques to determine the fair value and may require judgment or significant estimates by Management.


Classification, breakdown and segmentation of securities are presented in Note 7.


f)    Derivative financial instruments (assets and liabilities)


Derivative financial instruments are designed to meet the Company´s own needs to manage Bradesco´s global exposure, as well to meet customer requests, in order to manage its positions.


The transactions are recorded at their fair value considering the mark-to-market methodologies adopted by Bradesco, and their adjustment can be recorded in the statement of income or equity, depending on the classification as accounting hedge (and the category of accounting hedge) or as an economic hedge.


Derivative financial instruments used to mitigate the risks of exposures in currencies, indexes, prices, rates or indexes are considered as hedge instruments, whose objectives are: (i) to ensure exposures remain with risk limits; (ii) change, modify or reverse positions due to market changes and operational strategies; and (iii) reduce or mitigate exposures of transactions in inactive markets, under stress or low liquidity conditions.


Instruments designated for hedge accounting purposes are classified according to their nature in:


·       Market risk hedge: the gains and losses, realized or not, of the financial instruments classified in this category as well as the financial assets and liabilities, that are the object of the hedge, are recognized in the Statement of Income;


·       Cash flow hedge: the effective portion of valuation or devaluation of the financial instruments classified in this category is recognized, net of taxes, in a specific account in shareholders’ equity. The ineffective portion of the hedge is recognized directly in the Statement of Income; and


·       Hedge of net investment in foreign operations - the financial instruments classified in this category are intended to hedge the exchange variation of investments abroad, whose functional currency is different from the national currency, and are accounted for in accordance with the accounting procedures applicable to the hedge category of cash flow, that is, with the effective portion recognized in shareholders' equity, net of tax effects, and the non-effective portion recognized in income for the period.



88    Economic and Financial Analysis Report – December 2018



Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report       


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


For derivatives classified in the hedge accounting category, there is a follow-up of: (i) strategy effectiveness, through prospective and retrospective effectiveness tests, and (ii) mark-to-market of hedge instruments.


A breakdown of amounts included as derivative financial instruments, in the statement of financial position and off-balance-sheet accounts, is disclosed in Note 7.


g)   Loans and leases, advances on foreign exchange contracts, other receivables with credit characteristics and allowance for loan losses


Loans and leases, advances on foreign exchange contracts and other receivables with credit characteristics are classified by risk level, based on: (i) the parameters established by CMN Resolution No. 2,682/99, which requires risk ratings to have nine levels, from “AA” (minimum risk) to “H” (maximum risk) considering, among other things, the delay levels (as described in table below); and (ii) Management’s assessment of the risk level. This assessment, which is carried out regularly, considers current economic conditions and past experience with loan losses, as well as specific and general risks relating to contract, debtors and guarantors.


Past-due period (1)

Customer rating

● from 15 to 30 days


● from 31 to 60 days


● from 61 to 90 days


● from 91 to 120 days


● from 121 to 150 days


● from 151 to 180 days


● more than 180 days



(1)  For transactions with terms of more than 36 months, past-due periods are doubled, as permitted by CMN Resolution No. 2,682/99.


Interest and inflation adjustments on past-due transactions are only recognized in the Statement of Income up to the 59th day that they are past due. As from the 60th day, they are recognized in off-balance sheet accounts and are only recognized in the Statement of Income when received.


H-rated past-due transactions remain at this level for six months, after which they are written-off against the existing allowance and controlled in off-balance-sheet accounts for at least five years.


Renegotiated loans are maintained at least at the same rating in which they were classified on the date of renegotiation.


Renegotiations of loans that had already been written-off against the allowance and that were recognized in off-balance-sheet accounts, are rated as level “H” and any possible gains derived from their renegotiation are recognized only when they are effectively received. When there is a significant repayment on the loan or when new material facts justify a change in the level of risk, the loan may be reclassified to a lower risk category.


The estimated allowance for loan losses is calculated to sufficiently cover probable losses, according to CMN and Bacen standards and instructions, together with Management’s assessment of the credit risk.


The classification of the generally loans to the same economic client or group is defined as the one that presents the highest risk. In exceptional cases, different ratings for a particular loan are accepted according to the nature, value, purpose of the loan and characteristics of the guarantees.


Type, values, terms, levels of risk, concentration, economic sector of client’s activity, renegotiation and income from loans, as well as the breakdown of expenses and statement of financial position accounts for the allowance for loan losses are presented in Note 9.


h)   Income tax and social contribution (assets and liabilities)


Deferred tax assets, calculated on income tax losses, social contribution losses and temporary differences, are recognized in “Other Receivables - Sundry” and the deferred tax liabilities on tax differences in lease asset depreciation (applicable only for income tax), fair value adjustments on


Bradesco  89


Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


securities, inflation adjustment of judicial deposits, among others, are recognized in “Other Liabilities - Tax and Social Security”.


Deferred tax assets on temporary differences are realized when the difference between the accounting treatment and the income tax treatment reverses. Deferred tax assets on income tax and social contribution losses are realizable when taxable income is generated, up to the 30% limit of the taxable profit for the period. Deferred tax assets are recognized based on current expectations of realization considering technical studies and analyses carried out by Management.


The provision for income tax is calculated at 15% of taxable income plus a 10% surcharge. For financial companies, for companies considered as such and for the insurance industry, the social contribution on the profit was calculated until August 2015, considering the rate of 15%. For the period between September 2015 and December 2018, the rate was changed to 20%, according to Law No. 13,169/15 and the rate is 15% again as from January 2019. For the other companies, the social contribution is calculated considering the rate of 9%.


Provisions were recognized for other income tax and social contribution in accordance with specific applicable legislation.


The breakdown of income tax and social contribution, showing the calculations, the origin and expected use of deferred tax assets, as well as unrecognized deferred tax assets, is presented in Note 33.


i)    Prepaid expenses


Prepaid expenses consist of funds already disbursed for future benefits or services, which are recognized in the profit or loss on an accrual basis.


Incurred costs relating to assets that will generate revenue in subsequent periods are recognized in the Statement of Income according to the terms and the amount of expected benefits and directly recognized in the Statement of Income when the corresponding assets or rights are no longer part of the institution’s assets or when future benefits are no longer expected.


In the case of the remuneration paid for the origination of credit operations or leases to the banking correspondents related to credit operations originated during 2015 and 2016, Bradesco opted to recognize part of the total value of compensation, pursuant to the provisions of Bacen Circular Letter No. 3,738/14. As from 2017, the remuneration mentioned is fully recognized as an expense.


Prepaid expenses are shown in detail in Note 11b.


j)    Investments


Investments in unconsolidated companies, where Bradesco has significant influence over the investee or holds at least 20% of the voting rights, and jointly controlled companies, are accounted for using the equity method.


Tax incentives and other investments are stated at acquisition cost, less impairment, when applicable.


The composition of unconsolidated and jointly controlled companies, as well as other investments, are disclosed in Note 12.


k)   Premises and equipment


Relates to the tangible assets used by the Bank in its activities, including those resulting from transactions that transfer risks, benefits and control of the assets to the Bank.


Premises and equipment are stated at acquisition cost, net of accumulated depreciation, calculated by the straight-line method based on the assets’ estimated economic useful life, using the following rates: real estate – 4% per annum; installations, furniture, equipment for use, security systems and communications – 10% per annum; transport systems – 10% to 20% per annum; and data processing systems – 20% to 40% per annum, and adjusted for impairment, when applicable.


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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


The breakdown of asset costs and their corresponding depreciation, as well as the unrecognized surplus value for real estate and the fixed asset ratios, is disclosed in Note 13.


l)    Intangible assets


Relates to the right over intangible assets used by the Bank in its activities.


Intangible assets comprise:


·       Future profitability/acquired client portfolio and acquisition of right to provide banking services: they are recognized and amortized over the period in which the asset will directly and indirectly contribute to future cash flows and adjusted for impairment, where applicable; and


·       Software: stated at cost less amortization calculated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life (20% p.a.), from the date it is available for use and adjusted for impairment, where applicable. Internal software development costs are recognized as an intangible asset when it is possible to show the intent and ability to complete and use the software, as well as to reliably measure costs directly attributable to the intangible asset. These costs are amortized during the software’s estimated useful life, considering the expected future economic benefits.


Intangible assets and the movement in these balances by class are presented in Note 14.


m) Impairment


Financial and non-financial assets are tested for impairment.


Objective evidence of impairment may comprise the non-payment or payment delay by the debtor, possible bankruptcy process or the significant or extended decline in an asset value.

An impairment loss of a financial or non-financial asset is recognized in the profit or loss for the period if the carrying amount of an asset or cash-generating unit exceeds its recoverable value.


n)   Deposits and funds obtained in the open market


These are recognized at the value of the liabilities and include, when applicable, related interest accrued at the end of the reporting period, calculated on a daily pro-rata basis.


The composition of the securities recorded in deposits and funds obtained in the open market, as well as their maturities and amounts recorded in equity and income accounts, are presented in Note 15.


o)   Technical provisions relating to insurance, pension plans and capitalization bonds


·       Damage, health and group insurance lines, except life insurance with survival coverage (VGBL):


-        The unearned premium reserve (PPNG) is calculated on a daily pro-rata basis, using premiums net of coinsurance, including amounts ceded through reinsurance, and is comprised of the portion corresponding to the remaining period of coverage less initial contracting costs (for contracts written prior to 2017), except for health and personal insurance. The portion of these reserves corresponding to the estimate for risks in effect but not yet contracted is designated ‘PPNG-RVNE’;


-        The unearned premium/payments reserve (PPCNG) is calculated on a daily pro-rata basis based on the portion of health insurance premiums corresponding to the remaining period of coverage, of the currently effective contracts;


-        The mathematical reserve for unvested benefits (PMBaC) whose calculation methodology considers, the difference between the current value of future benefits and the current value of future contributions, on obligations already assumed by Bradesco;



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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


-        For health insurance, the Mathematical Reserve for Benefits to be Granted (PMBaC) uses a discount rate of 4% per annum (4.5% in 2017). It considers the payment of premiums until the death of the insured and, from this moment, the costs related to the coverage of dependents who remain in the plan for five further years without payment of premiums;


-        For health insurance, the mathematical reserve of benefits granted (PMBC) is constituted by the obligations arising from the contractual clauses of remittance of installments, regarding the coverage of health assistance and by the premiums paid by insured participating in the Bradesco Saúde Insurance Plan - "GBS Plan" considering a discount rate of 4% (4.5% in 2017) per annum;


-        The reserve for events incurred but not reported (PEONA) is calculated from the final estimate of claims already incurred and still not reported, based on the run-off triangles, monthly that consider the historical development of claims advised in the last 12 months for health insurance and last 18 months for dental care to establish a future projection per period of occurrence;


-        For Car insurance, the reserve for ‘incurred but not reported’ (IBNR) claims is calculated based on incurred but not paid’ (IBNP) claims less the balance of the reserve for ‘unsettled’ claims (PSL) on the calculation date. For the other Damage insurance, the IBNR estimate is based on the run off triangles. A final estimate of IBNP is calculated using semi-annual run-off triangles. The run-off triangles consider the historical development of claims paid in the previous 10 semesters and in last 11 quarters to extended warranty segments to determine a future projection per occurrence period, and considers the estimated claims ‘incurred but not sufficient’ reported (IBNER), reflecting the changing expectation of the amount provisioned along the regulatory process;


-        For life insurance, the provision of ‘incurred but not reported claims (IBNR) is calculated based on semi-annual run-off triangles, which consider the historical development of claims paid and outstanding in the prior 10 semesters, to establish a future projection per period of occurrence; A residual cause study is performed to forecast the claims reported after 10 semesters that the event occurred;


-        The reserve for unsettled claims (PSL), for health insurance, considers all claim notifications received up to the end of the reporting period, and includes all claims in litigation and related costs, updated monetarily;


-        The provision for outstanding claims (PSL) for personal insurance considers the expected amounts to be settled from all claims notices received up to the reporting date. The provision covers administrative and judicial claims indexed to inflation and with interest in the event of judicial claims;


-        For non-life insurance, the reserve for unsettled claims (PSL) is determined based on the indemnity payment estimates, considering all administrative and judicial claims existing at the reporting date, restated monetarily and with interest in case of judicial claims, net of the expected payments to be received;


-        The technical surplus reserve (PET) corresponds to the difference between the expected value and the observed value for events occurred in the period for insurance of policyholders with a clause of participation in the technical surplus;


-        The reserve for related expenses (PDR) for insurance of persons is recognized to cover expenses related to estimated claims and benefits for products structured in self-funding and partially regimes, the reserve covers claims incurred. For plans structured under a capitalization regime, the reserve is made to cover the expected expenses related to incurred claims and also claims expected to be incurred in the future;


-        For damage insurance, the reserve for related expenses is (PDR) calculated on a monthly basis to cover the expenses related to indemnity payment, and it covers the expenses


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Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report       


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


allocated individually to each claim, as well as expenses related to claims that have not been itemized, that is, those at the level of the portfolio;


-        The reserve for redemptions and other amounts to be settled (PVR) comprises figures related to redemptions to settle, premium refunds owed and portability (transfer-outs) requested but not yet transferred to the recipient insurer;


-        The complementary reserve for coverage (PCC) for damage insurance shall be recorded when there is an insufficiency in the technical provisions, as calculated in the Liability Adequacy Test (TAP), pursuant to the determinations specified in the regulations in force. As of the base date, there is no need to record complementary reserve for coverage;


-        The complementary reserve for coverage (PCC) for life insurance, refers to the amount necessary to complement technical provisions, as calculated in the liability adequacy test (TAP). The TAP, which is prepared using statistical and actuarial methods based on realistic assumptions, taking into account the biometric table BR-EMS of both genders, adjusted as per longevity development criteria in compliance with the last versions disclosed (improvement), claims, administrative and operating expenses and forward interest rate curves (ETTJ) free from risk as authorized by SUSEP. The improvement rate is calculated from automatic updates of the biometric table, considering the expected increase in future life expectancy. The Adequacy Test result was fully offset by the portion corresponding to the difference between the market value and the book value of the collateralized securities makes technical provisions classified as “held to maturity”, as required by SUSEP Circular 543/16;


-        The other technical provisions for damage insurance correspond to the provision for administrative expenses (PDA) arising from Personal Injury Caused by Motor Vehicles (DPVAT) insurance operations; and


-        Other technical provisions are recognized for the individual health portfolio to address the differences between the expected present value of future premiums and the expected present value of indemnities and related expenses, using an annual discount rate of 4% (4.5% in 2017) per annum.


·       Pension plans and life insurance with survival coverage (VGBL):


-    The unearned premium reserve (PPNG) is calculated on a daily prorated basis using net contributions, and is comprised of the portion corresponding to the remaining period of coverage. The portion of these reserves corresponding to the estimate for risks covered but not yet issued (is designated PPNG-RVNE);


-        The mathematical reserve for unvested benefits (PMBaC) is recognized for participants who have not yet received any benefit. In defined benefit pension plans, the reserve represents the difference between the present value of future benefits and the present value of future contributions, corresponding to obligations in the form of retirement, disability, pension and annuity plans. The reserve is calculated using methodologies and assumptions set forth in the actuarial technical notes;


-        The mathematical reserve for unvested benefits (PMBaC) related to pension plans and life insurance with survival coverage, as well as the defined contribution plans, shows the value of participant contributions, net of costs and other contractual charges, plus income from investment in specially constituted investment funds (FIEs);


-        The reserve for redemptions and other amounts to be settled (PVR) comprises figures related to redemptions to settle, premium refunds owed and portability (transfer-outs) requested but not yet transferred to the recipient insurer;


-        The mathematical reserve for vested benefits (PMBC), calculated using actuarial estimates based on the relevant data of the plan participants, is recognized for participants already receiving benefits and corresponds to the present value of future obligations related to the payment of those on-going benefits;


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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


-    The complementary reserve for coverage (PCC) refers to the amount necessary to complement technical provisions, as calculated in the liability adequacy test (TAP). The TAP, which is prepared semi-annually using statistical and actuarial methods based on realistic assumptions, taking into account the biometric table BR-EMS of both genders, adjusted as per longevity development criteria in compliance with the last versions disclosed (improvement), claims, administrative and operating expenses and forward interest rate curves (ETTJ) free from risk as authorized by SUSEP. The improvement rate is calculated from automatic updates of the biometric table, considering the expected increase in future life expectancy. The adequacy test result was fully offset by the portion corresponding to the difference between the market value and the book value of the linked securities as collateral for technical provisions classified as "held to maturity", as required by SUSEP Circular 543/16;


-        The reserve for related expenses (PDR) is recognized to cover expenses related to estimated claims and benefits, for products structured in self-funding and partially regimes. For plans structured under a capitalization regime, the reserve is made to cover the expected expenses related to incurred claims and also claims expected to be incurred in the future. The projections are performed through the liability adequacy test (TAP);


-        The reserve for financial surplus (PEF) corresponds to the financial income exceeding the minimum assured profitability, transferred to contracts with a financial surplus participation clause;


-        The provision for claims incurred but not reported (IBNR) is calculated based on semi-annual run-off triangles, which consider the historical development of claims paid and outstanding in the last 16 semesters for the creation of a new future projection by period of occurrence.


-    The reserve for unsettled claims (PSL) considers the expected values to be settled from all loss notices received up to the end of the reporting period. The provision covers administrative and judicial claims and is adjusted for inflation and with interest in the case of judicial claims; and


-    The financial charges credited to technical provisions, and the recording and/or reversal of the financial surplus, are classified as financial expenses, and are presented under “Financial income from insurance, pension plans and capitalization bonds”.


·       Capitalization bonds:


-        The mathematical reserve for capitalization bond (PMC) is recognized for each active or suspended capitalization bond over the term set forth in the general conditions of the plan, and is calculated using the capitalization percentage, applicable to each of the payments made, plus the monthly accrual calculated using the inflation index and the interest rate established in the plan until the bond is redeemed or canceled;


-        The reserve for redemption (PR) comprises the values of matured and early-terminated capitalization bonds and is calculated by updating the balance of bonds whose terms have expired or canceled using the inflation index until the holder receives the redemption payment;


-        The reserve for draws to be made (PSR) is constituted to cover the prizes to be paid in future sweepstakes. The calculation methodology consists of the projection of the expected present value of the expenses of future draws and compared to the projection of the expected present value of the installments referring to the future receipts from the capitalization bonds;


-        The reserve for draws payable (PSP) consists of the value of unpaid prize draw amounts, adjusted for inflation for the period between the date of the drawing and its effective settlement; and


-        The reserve for administrative expense (PDA) is recognized to cover the cost for maintaining capitalization bonds. For the calculation, the present value of the expected future administrative expenses is projected and compared to present value of the projected loading fees on future installments of the bonds.


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Consolidated Financial Statements, Independent Auditors' Report, Audit Committee Report Summary and Fiscal Council’s Report       


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


Technical provisions shown by account, product and segment, as well as amounts and details of plan assets covering these technical provisions, are shown in Note 20.


p)   Provisions, contingent assets and liabilities and legal obligations – tax and social security


Provisions, contingent assets and liabilities, and legal obligations, as defined below, are recognized, measured and disclosed in accordance with the criteria set out in CPC 25, approved by CMN Resolution No. 3,823/09 and CVM Resolution No. 594/09 and according to Circular Letter No. 3,429/10, which are:


·       Contingent Assets: these are not recognized in the financial statements, except to the extent that there are real guarantees or favorable judicial decisions, to which no further appeals are applicable, and it is considered virtually certain that cash inflows will flow to Bradesco. Contingent assets with a chance of probable success are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements;


·       Provisions: these are recognized taking into consideration the opinion of legal counsel, the nature of the lawsuits, similarity with previous lawsuits, complexity and positioning of the courts, whenever the Organization has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation and when the amount can be reliably measured;


·       Contingent Liabilities: according to CPC 25, the term “contingent” is used for liabilities that are not recognized because their existence will only be confirmed by the occurrence of one or more uncertain future events beyond Management’s control. Contingent liabilities do not meet the criteria for recognition because they are considered as possible losses should only be disclosed in the notes when relevant. Obligations deemed remote are not recognized as a provision nor disclosed; and


·       Legal Obligations: Provision for Tax Risks: results from judicial proceedings in which Bradesco is contesting the applicability of tax laws on the grounds of legality or constitutionality, which, regardless of the assessment of the probability of success, are fully provided for in the financial statements.


Details on lawsuits, as well as segregation and changes in amounts recognized, by type, are presented in Note 17.


q)   Funding expenses


Expenses related to funding transactions involving the issuance of securities reduce the corresponding liability and are recognized in the profit or loss over the term of the transaction, according to Notes 15c and 18.


r)    Post-employment benefits


Defined Contribution Plans


Bradesco and its subsidiaries sponsor complementary pension plans for their employees and Management. Contributions obligations for pension plans of defined contribution are recognized as expenses in the Statement of Income when they are incurred. Once the contributions are paid, the Organization, in the capacity of employer, has no obligation to make any additional payment.


Defined benefit plans


The Organization’s net obligation, in relation to the defined benefit plans, arises exclusively from institutions acquired and the plans are calculated separately for each plan, estimating the defined future benefit that the employees they will be entitled to post-employment leave when they leave the Organization or when they retire.


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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


Bradesco’s net obligation for defined benefit plans is calculated on the basis of an estimate of the value of future benefits that employees receive in return for services rendered in the current and prior periods. This value is discounted to its present value and is presented net of the fair value of any assets of the plan.


The calculation of the obligation of the defined benefit plan is performed annually by a qualified actuary using the projected unit credit method as required by the standard accounting.


The recalculations of the net obligation, which include the actuarial gains and losses, the return of the assets of the plan different from expectation (excluding interest) and the effect of the cap of the asset (if any, excluding interest), are recognized immediately in other comprehensive results.


The net interest and other costs related to the defined benefit plans are recognized in the result.


s)   Other assets and liabilities


Assets are stated at their realizable amounts, including, when applicable, related income and inflation and exchange variations (on a daily prorated basis), less provision for losses, when deemed appropriate. Liabilities are stated at known or measurable amounts, including related charges and inflation and exchange variations (on a daily prorated basis).


t)    Subsequent events


These refer to events occurring between the reporting date and the date the financial statements are authorized to be issued.


They comprise the following:


·       Events resulting in adjustments: events relating to conditions already existing at the end of the reporting period; and


·       Events not resulting in adjustments: events relating to conditions not existing at the end of the reporting period.


Subsequent events, if any, are described in Note 34.




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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements




a)      Reconciliation of the Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Income – Accounting vs. Managerial