AMENDMENT NO. 1

                                ON JUNE 16, 2003

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                Proxy Statement Pursuant To Section 14(a) of the

                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [ ]       Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [X]

Check the appropriate box:
       [X]     Preliminary Proxy Statement
       [ ]     Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
               Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
       [ ]     Definitive Proxy Statement
       [ ]     Definitive Additional Materials
       [ ]     Soliciting Material Under Rule 14a-12

                                 ENDOCARE, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

               Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]    No fee required.
[ ]    Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(l)(I) and 0-11.

       1)       Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

       2)       Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

       3)       Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
                pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on
                which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was

       4)       Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

       5)       Total fee paid:

[ ]    Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:

[ ]    Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
       Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
       paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
       number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

       1)       Amount previously paid:

       2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

       6)       Filing Party:

       7)       Date Filed:

                              SUBJECT TO COMPLETION




Dear Endocare Stockholder:

         We are sending the enclosed proxy statement to you as a holder of
common stock, $0.001 par value per share, of Endocare, Inc. ("Endocare" or the
"Company"), a Delaware corporation, in connection with our solicitation of your
proxy for use at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of Endocare
scheduled for _______a.m., local time, on September 30, 2003, at
___________________ and at any adjournments or postponements thereof.

         We are the Committee to Revitalize Endocare. Our committee includes
William A. Barry, Douglas O. Chinn, M.D. ("Dr. Chinn" or "Douglas Chinn, M.D."),
Joseph L. D'Angelo, David Eller, Robert P. Fry, M.D., J.D., Kurt Landgraf, John
R. Queen and Solana Capital Partners, Inc., a California corporation ("Solana"
or "Solana Capital Partners").

         As described at length in the enclosed Proxy Statement, we believe that
new leadership is required to effectively address the numerous problems
currently facing Endocare. In our view, the move toward new leadership should
begin with the election of a new Board of Directors. In order to achieve this
first step, we are soliciting your proxy to vote at the 2003 Annual Meeting of
the Stockholders of Endocare for the election of our nominees, William A. Barry,
Douglas Chinn, M.D., Joseph D'Angelo, David Eller, Robert P. Fry, M.D., J.D.,
Kurt Landgraf and John R. Queen (collectively, the "Nominees"), as directors of
Endocare for a term continuing until the 2004 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.
The business experience of our Nominees is detailed under the heading
"Biographical Information of our Nominees and Other Participants" beginning on
page 22 of the Proxy Statement enclosed herewith.

         In the materials accompanying this letter, you will find a Proxy
Statement relating to the election of our Nominees as directors of Endocare and
a GOLD proxy card. The Proxy Statement includes general information concerning
Endocare, a discussion of the reasons we believe the election of a new Board of
Directors is necessary, and information concerning our Nominees for election as
Endocare directors.


                      If you have questions, please call:
                            MACKENZIE PARTNERS, INC.
                               105 MADISON AVENUE
                            NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10016
                                 (800) 322-2885

                      See "Voting Procedures" on page 35.


                                          /s/ DOUGLAS CHINN, M.D.
                                          The Committee to Revitalize Endocare
June _____, 2003

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                          TO BE HELD SEPTEMBER 30, 2003

_____ local time on September 30, 2003 at __________________________________.
Shares of Endocare's common stock, par value $0.001 per share, represented by a
properly executed proxy in the accompanying form will be voted at the annual
meeting FOR the nominees for election as directors of Endocare named by the
Committee to Revitalize Endocare and identified in this Proxy Statement (the

         The proxy may be revoked at any time before its exercise by sending
written notice of revocation to MacKenzie Partners, Inc., 105 Madison Ave., New
York, NY 10016, by signing and delivering a subsequently dated proxy card or by
attending the annual meeting in person and giving notice of revocation to the
Inspector of Election. This Proxy Statement and the accompanying [NOTICE OF
ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS AND] proxy card are being mailed to stockholders
beginning on or about ____________, 2003.

         August 4, 2003 is the record date for the determination of stockholders
entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the 2003 Annual Meeting of the
Stockholders. On that date, there were outstanding and entitled to vote
__________________ shares of Endocare common stock, which is Endocare's only
class of voting securities. Each stockholder is entitled to one vote for each
share of Endocare common stock held of record.



         In order for the annual meeting to properly elect directors, at least a
majority of the total number of shares of Endocare's issued and outstanding
common stock must be represented in person or by proxy at the meeting. The
election of the Committee's Nominees requires the affirmative vote of a
plurality of the shares of Endocare common stock represented at the annual
meeting. Please review this document and the enclosed materials carefully. YOUR
VOTE IS VERY IMPORTANT, no matter how many shares you own. The Committee urges
you to sign, date and return the enclosed GOLD proxy card to vote FOR the
election of our Nominees described in this proxy statement.

         If you have previously signed and returned a [BLUE] proxy card to
Endocare, you have every right to change your vote. ONLY YOUR LATEST DATED PROXY
CARD WILL COUNT. You may revoke your vote made on any [BLUE] proxy card already
sent to Endocare by signing, dating and mailing the enclosed GOLD proxy card in
the postage-paid envelope provided. Unless contrary instructions are indicated
on the enclosed GOLD proxy card, all shares of stock represented by valid GOLD
proxy cards (which have not been revoked as described below) will be voted FOR
the election of our Nominees and will not be voted on any other matter that may
come before the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of Endocare, including
matters set forth in Endocare's proxy statement.

         Any proxy may be revoked at any time prior to the 2003 Annual Meeting
of the Stockholders by delivering a written notice of revocation or a later
dated proxy for the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Stockholders to MacKenzie
Partners, or by voting in person at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Stockholders.

         If your shares are registered in your own name, please sign, date and
mail the enclosed GOLD proxy card to MacKenzie Partners, Inc. ("MacKenzie"), in
the postage-paid envelope provided with this Proxy Statement. If your shares are
held in the name of a brokerage firm, bank nominee or other institution, only it
can sign a GOLD proxy card with respect to your shares, but only after receiving
your specific instructions. Accordingly, to ensure that your shares are voted,
you should contact the person responsible for your account and give instructions
for a GOLD proxy card to be issued representing your shares.

         After signing the enclosed GOLD proxy card, do not sign or return the
[BLUE] proxy card unless you intend to change your vote, because only your
latest dated proxy card will be counted.

         If you have any questions about giving your proxy or require
assistance, please call

                            MACKENZIE PARTNERS, INC.
                                105 MADISON AVE.
                               NEW YORK, NY 10016
                         CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-800-322-2885


                          REASONS FOR OUR SOLICITATION


         After reviewing the available information, our Committee concluded that
Endocare's Board of Directors has been ineffective in representing the
interests of Endocare's stockholders. Therefore, we are soliciting proxies to
replace the Board with our Nominees, who we believe will be more effective.
Endocare's performance has, in our opinion, been disastrous. Set forth below is
a summary of the negative conditions that have occurred, and some of which
continue to develop, during the tenure of the current Board of Directors.

         o        Tumbling Stock Price. Endocare's common stock price has lost
                  nearly 65% of its value in the last year alone, declining from
                  $14.27 on June 12, 2002 to $5.00 on June 12, 2003.

         o        No Current Audited Financial Statements. Endocare's former
                  auditor, KPMG LLP ("KPMG"), has withdrawn its audit report for
                  Endocare's 2001 financial statements. Further, Endocare has
                  not filed its Annual Report on Form 10-K for year ended
                  December 31, 2002 with the Securities and Exchange Commission
                  ("SEC") and has stated publicly that its re-stated 2001
                  financial statements and its 2002 financial statements have
                  not yet been completed. Therefore, Endocare's most current
                  audited financial statements are from fiscal year 2000.

         o        No Recent Financial Statements. A diligent search of
                  Endocare's filings with the SEC, its website and generally
                  available news releases concerning Endocare indicates that
                  Endocare has not publicly released financial statements for
                  any period after the June 30, 2002 financial statements
                  included in its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the
                  SEC on August 14, 2002.

         o        2002 Financial Information Unreliable. KPMG has also advised
                  Endocare's Audit Committee that it believed that sufficient
                  information exists to conclude that Endocare's consolidated
                  financial statements for the quarters ended March 31, 2002 and
                  June 30, 2002 should not be relied upon.

         o        Stock Delisted. Endocare's stock has been delisted from the

         o        SEC & Department of Justice Investigations. Endocare is being
                  investigated by the SEC and the United States Department of
                  Justice ("DOJ").

         o        Stockholders Suing. Endocare's Board and senior management
                  have been sued by Endocare's own stockholders in a class
                  action lawsuit.

         o        56% of Cash Gone in 15 Months. Endocare's consolidated balance
                  sheet as of December 31, 2001 (included in its Annual Report
                  on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 29, 2002) showed cash
                  and cash equivalents of $83,238,915. During Endocare's April
                  2, 2003 Company Update Conference Call (the "April 2nd Call"),
                  Katherine Greenberg, the Company's CFO, stated that Endocare's
                  current total liquidity was approximately $36 million. These
                  figures indicate that Endocare has consumed approximately $47
                  million in cash (over 56% of total liquidity) in the last 15



         In order to assist you in understanding why we believe Endocare's
Board of Directors should be replaced, we have set forth a chronology of the
facts most relevant to our decision. While most of this information was derived
from publicly available sources, Endocare has not presented this information in
a format that we believe allows stockholders to use it as a tool to properly
assess the performance of Endocare's Board of Directors and management.
Further, as described below, certain facts which we considered relevant could
be discovered only upon a very carefully review of Endocare's public

DATE                                   EVENT
----                                   -----
July 2001                              John Cracchiolo ("John Cracchiolo" or "Cracchiolo") joins Endocare
                                       as Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer and Secretary.

March 29, 2002                         Endocare files its Annual Report on Form 10-K and reports
                                       approximately $83,238,915 in cash and cash equivalents as of
                                       December 31, 2001.

April 30, 2002                         In Endocare's proxy materials for the June 11, 2002 Annual Meeting of
                                       Stockholders, Endocare claims that the Audit Committee members have the
                                       specific responsibility to "ensure that management has the proper review
                                       system in place to ensure that [the] Corporation's financial statements,
                                       reports and other financial information disseminated to governmental
                                       organizations, and the public satisfy legal requirements."

August 14, 2002                        Endocare files its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended June
                                       30, 2002.

                                       This is the last time Endocare filed any periodic report containing its
                                       financial statements.

October 24, 2002                       Endocare projects Q3 2002 results and announces plans to release the full
                                       results on October 30, 2002.

                                       This is the last time Endocare provided guidance on its projected
                                       financial performance.

October 24, 2002                       Endocare's then-current Acting Controller, Joseph A. Hafermann ("Joseph
                                       Hafermann" or "Hafermann"), reports to a director his concerns "regarding
                                       the accounting for several transactions and other matters," according to
                                       KPMG's letter to the SEC attached to Endocare's Current Report on Form
                                       8-K, dated March 14, 2003 ("KPMG's First SEC Letter").

                                       Endocare has never disclosed or commented on KPMG's claim
                                       contained in KPMG's First SEC Letter that the internal investigation
                                       and concerns regarding Endocare's financial statements were first
                                       raised by Hafermann. The only disclosure Endocare has made about
                                       Hafermann in its public filings and press releases is its December 19, 2002
                                       Current Report on Form 8-K and press release announcing that it had
                                       fired Hafermann, because Endocare had determined that he "had engaged in
                                       misconduct which was demonstrably and materially injurious to the Company."


October 24, 2002                       Endocare's Audit Committee directs Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison ("Brobeck"),
                                       the Company's former outside legal counsel, to investigate the accounting
                                       concerns, according to KPMG's First SEC Letter.

                                       Endocare does not disclose the extent of this investigation until Endocare
                                       announces in its March 11, 2003 press release that the investigation was

October 29, 2002                       KPMG is informed that Hafermann contacted an Endocare director regarding
                                       Hafermann's concerns about the Company's financial statements and that
                                       Brobeck is facilitating an investigation of those financial statements,
                                       according to KPMG's First SEC Letter.

October 29, 2002                       Endocare's Audit Committee engages Deloitte & Touche ("Deloitte") to
                                       investigate Hafermann's concerns about Endocare's financial statements,
                                       according to KPMG's First SEC Letter.

October 30, 2002                       Endocare postpones release of Q3 2002 results until Endocare "completes
                                       the review process of the quarter's financial results". Endocare does not
                                       explain why the review is not yet completed by Endocare's own deadline
                                       imposed in its October 24, 2002 press release.

November 14, 2002                      Endocare delays the filing of its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the
                                       period ended September 30, 2002, but does not explain why its financial
                                       review process is not complete.

                                       Endocare discloses that it and certain of its officers and directors were
                                       named in a securities law class action lawsuit.

                                       Endocare has never identified the nature of claims in the lawsuit.

November 20, 2002                      Endocare discloses NASDAQ notification of potential delisting.

December 11, 2002                      According to KPMG's First SEC Letter, KPMG notifies the Audit Committee
                                       that, based on their SAS No. 71 review and the investigations by Deloitte
                                       and Brobeck, "information came to [KPMG's] attention that led [KPMG] to
                                       conclude that [they] were unable to rely on the representations of
                                       management...that it was apparent to [KPMG] that management prepared
                                       financial statements for the quarterly and annual periods in 2002 and 2001
                                       based on information that did not reflect either the facts or the substance
                                       of certain transactions, the information and representations provided to
                                       [KPMG] did not reflect the actual facts or substance of the transactions,
                                       and in several cases [KPMG] received inconsistent representations from
                                       management in relation to the transactions...[KPMG] further informed the
                                       Audit Committee that no single transaction or misrepresentation formed the
                                       basis for [KPMG's] conclusion, but rather it was the totality of information
                                       and weight of the evidence that had come into [KPMG's] possession."


December 12, 2002                      Endocare announces KPMG's withdrawal of its audit report for 2001
                                       financials because, according to KPMG's First SEC Letter, those
                                       financials and the Q1 and Q2 2002 financials cannot be relied on and KPMG
                                       does not have confidence in management's representations.

                                       NASDAQ halts trading in Endocare stock.

                                       Endocare does not announce the trading halt until over one month later on
                                       January 15, 2003.

December 19, 2002                      Endocare announces that it has terminated Joseph Hafermann, its "Vice
                                       President of Finance," for cause because "the Company [determined] that
                                       Mr. Hafermann had engaged in misconduct which was demonstrably and
                                       materially injurious to the Company."

                                       Endocare has never publicly disclosed Hafermann's "misconduct" or the
                                       injuries which allegedly resulted from such misconduct. Endocare has also
                                       never publicly commented on KPMG's stated understanding that Hafermann's
                                       expression of concerns about the Company's financial statements to an
                                       Endocare director triggered the Audit Committee's internal review of
                                       Endocare's financial statements.

January 15, 2003                       Endocare announces that its stock has been delisted from the NASDAQ. Endocare
                                       also announces for the first time that NASDAQ halted trading in its stock on
                                       December 12, 2002.

January 23, 2003                       As early as January 23, 2003, the DOJ and United States Postal Inspectors
                                       were contacting former employees in writing in connection with their
                                       investigations of the sales and business practices of Endocare to determine
                                       if they violated any federal laws in reporting their sales figures and
                                       quarterly earnings during 2001 and 2002.

                                       Endocare does not disclose these investigations until April 1, 2003.

March 3, 2003                          John Cracchiolo, Endocare's Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial
                                       Officer in charge of operations, preparation of financial statements, and
                                       financial controls from July 2001 through February 2003, is appointed
                                       President of a new business division and enters into a new Employment
                                       Agreement with Endocare.

                                       Some of the terms of Cracchiolo's Employment Agreement, dated as of March 3,
                                       2003, which is attached as an exhibit to the Current Report on Form 8-K,
                                       filed with the SEC on April 9, 2003, include:

                                           o   a base salary of $220,000 per year;

                                           o   the opportunity to negotiate salary increases after six months;

                                           o   eligibility to receive an annualized cash bonus at a level equal to

                                           o   the opportunity to negotiate bonus increases after six months;


                                           o   all of Cracchiolo's previous options, many of which had a strike
                                               price of $13.75 per share, will be replaced with options for the same
                                               number of shares as his previous options, but which are immediately
                                               vested and exercisable upon issuance. These replacement options will
                                               be granted between the sixth month and the eighth month of his
                                               Employment Agreement and have an exercise price equal to the fair
                                               market value of Endocare's common stock on the grant date;

                                           o   any acquisition of, or any merger with, Endocare must be conditioned
                                               on the acquirer's agreement to grant options to Cracchiolo to
                                               purchase stock of the acquirer or provide Cracchiolo with
                                               participation in an equivalent cash incentive program;

                                           o   if Cracchiolo is terminated by the Company without cause (which does
                                               not include inadequate or incompetent performance or any events known
                                               to Endocare prior to March 3, 2003) or if he quits during the thirty
                                               days after the six month "Mandatory Access Period" at the beginning
                                               of his new Employment Agreement (or longer if the Mandatory Access
                                               Period is extended) Cracchiolo gets:

                                                 o   200% of his base salary and maximum 2002 bonus eligibility
                                                     ($616,000); and

                                                 o   $50,000 relocation payment plus payment for his taxes on the
                                                     $50,000 payment.

                                                 See "Certain Potential Future Payments by Endocare Related to
                                                 Employment Agreements" - John Cracchiolo's Employment Agreement" at
                                                 page 27 for a more complete description of Cracchiolo's potential
                                                 rights to severance.

                                       Endocare did not disclose the terms of this agreement until April 9, 2003.

March 3, 2003                          We learn of the appointment of William Nydam ("William Nydam" or "Nydam")
                                       as Endocare's President through Nydam's informal email broadcast of his
                                       new position.

                                       Endocare does not disclose the appointment until March 12, 2003.

March 7, 2003                          Endocare dismisses KPMG.

March 10, 2003                         Douglas Chinn, M.D., a stockholder of Endocare, sends a letter to
                                       Endocare's Board stating his concerns with Endocare's Board and

                                       Although Dr. Chinn refers to government investigations in his March 10, 2003
                                       letter, Endocare makes no disclosure about the investigations or about Dr.
                                       Chinn's letter.


March 11, 2003                         Endocare announces that "an independent review and investigation of its
                                       accounts and accounting practices has been completed and the Audit
                                       Committee and its advisors have determined that there is no indication of
                                       fraud or intentional wrong-doing by management."

                                       This is Endocare's first disclosure about the extent of the internal
                                       investigation, even though according to KPMG's First SEC Letter and KPMG's
                                       Second SEC Letter (defined below), the review began on or around October 24,
                                       2002 and ended on or around December 4, 2002.

March 12, 2003                         Endocare announces appointment of William Nydam as President and
                                       Katherine Greenberg ("Katherine Greenberg" or "Greenberg") as Chief
                                       Financial Officer and states that "[Chairman and Chief Executive Officer]
                                       Mikus plans to focus on the strategic direction of the company in the
                                       continuing role of Chairman of the Board of Directors and will vacate the
                                       title of Chief Executive Officer, a position that will remain open until
                                       a later date."

                                       Endocare announces appointment of John Cracchiolo as President of Endocare's
                                       Interventional Urology business group.

                                       Later, on April 9, 2003, Endocare would claim in its Form 8-K that Cracchiolo
                                       was President of Endocare's "Interventional Radiology Business Group". In
                                       Cracchiolo's Employment Agreement attached to the Form 8-K, Endocare would
                                       claim that Cracchiolo was President of Endocare's "Radiology Division."

March 14, 2003                         Endocare files Current Report on Form 8-K disclosing the March 7, 2003
                                       dismissal of KPMG and attaching KPMG's First SEC Letter. The March 14, 2003
                                       Current Report on Form 8-K is Endocare's first public disclosure that KPMG
                                       does not agree with Endocare's description of the disagreement between KPMG
                                       and Endocare.

                                       Endocare does not name a replacement auditor until April 1, 2003.

                                       KPMG's First SEC Letter is included as an attachment to Endocare's 8-K.

March 27, 2003                         Endocare files a Current Report on Form 8-K reporting the appointment of
                                       Nydam and Greenberg and attaching their Employment Agreements as exhibits.
                                       Nydam is now identified as President and Chief Operating Officer.

                                       Some of the terms of Nydam's Employment Agreement, dated as of March 3, 2003,

                                          o  an initial salary of $240,000;

                                          o  an annual bonus of 40% of his salary;

                                          o  a cash signing bonus of $15,000;

                                          o  a cash performance bonus of $10,000 after Endocare is in


                                             full compliance with its obligations under the Securities Exchange Act
                                             of 1934;

                                          o  two options to purchase an aggregate of 750,000 shares of stock
                                             at fair market value on the day of the grant ($2.25 per share);

                                          o  if Nydam is terminated without "Cause" or he terminates his employment
                                             for "Good Reason," then Endocare must pay his salary for 12 months, and
                                             one of his options for 500,000 shares will vest immediately.

                                       See "Certain Potential Future Payments by Endocare Related to Employment
                                       Agreements - William Nydam's Employment Agreement" on page 28 for a more
                                       complete description of Nydam's potential rights to severance.

                                       Some of the terms of Greenberg's Employment Agreement, dated as of March 25,
                                       2003, include:

                                          o  an initial salary of $185,000;

                                          o  an annual bonus of 40% of her salary;

                                          o  options to purchase an aggregate of 250,000 shares of stock at fair
                                             market value on the day of the grant ($2.65 per share); and

                                          o  if Greenberg is terminated without "Cause" or she terminates her
                                             employment for "Good Reason," then Endocare must pay her salary for 12

                                       See "Certain Potential Future Payments by Endocare Related to Employment
                                       Agreements - Katherine Greenberg's Employment Agreement" on page 28 for a
                                       more complete description of Greenberg's potential rights to severance.

April 1, 2003                          Endocare announces appointment of Ernst & Young as Endocare's auditor. The
                                       chairman of Endocare's Audit Committee says: "The Board of Directors and
                                       management currently project filing the new [financial] reports in June, 2003

                                       Endocare announces for the first time that the SEC and DOJ are investigating

April 2, 2003                          Endocare's Current Report on Form 8-K discloses the "SEC and Department
                                       of Justice are conducting ongoing investigations into the Company's
                                       accounting practices in connection with its 2001 and 2002 financial

April 2, 2003                          Endocare management conducts a webcast conference call (the "April 2nd
                                       Call") "to provide a company update to shareholders."

                                       Endocare's officers on the April 2nd call state that they are unable to
                                       presently discuss Endocare's financial results, guidance on expected
                                       operational or financial performance, general financial or operational metrics
                                       or its


                                       historical or projected cash burn rate.

                                       Endocare's management makes, among others, the following disclosures:

                                       o     Endocare's new CFO admitted that Endocare has, as of March 31, 2003,
                                             approximately $36 million in cash and cash equivalents (down from more
                                             than $83 million as of December 31, 2001).

                                       o     Chairman Paul Mikus admits that a significant portion of Endocare's
                                             cash had been spent on legal fees and accountants. Chairman Mikus says
                                             "you also have to be mindful of the fact that over the past six months
                                             we've had, you know, I'd say significant expenses associated with the
                                             process that we've been, you know, the internal review
                                             process and the legal fees, all of those were, you know, significant
                                             issues for us."

                                       o     When asked why Endocare's management was not in a position to comment
                                             on the Company's monthly cash burn rate given that the Audit Committee
                                             had just completed a review of its financials, Endocare's CFO states
                                             that the "focus wasn't on overall financial results. It was on specific

                                       o     When asked about Endocare's cash burn rate, Endocare's CFO says: "I'm
                                             not sure we're in a position to talk about that at this point...we'll
                                             be able to give you more specific details ... as soon as the Ernst &
                                             Young numbers are final...we're going to make sure that those numbers
                                             are going to stick."

April 7, 2003                          Endocare announces the sale of its prosthesis unit for $2 million to American
                                       Medical Systems, Inc.

                                       Dr. Chinn sends a demand to Endocare to inspect Endocare's books and records,
                                       in accordance with his rights as a stockholder under Section 220 of the
                                       Delaware General Corporation Law.

April 9, 2003                          Endocare files Current Report on Form 8-K containing Cracchiolo's
                                       Employment Agreement.

                                       Endocare's release of Cracchiolo's Employment Agreement is over one month
                                       after the effective date of the Employment Agreement and thirteen days after
                                       Endocare released Nydam's and Greenberg's new Employment Agreements, even
                                       though Cracchiolo's Employment Agreement has the same effective date as
                                       Nydam's Employment Agreement and Greenberg's Employment Agreement was
                                       released only two days after its own effective date.


April 15, 2003                         Endocare announces the sale of its cardiac-related product manufacturing
                                       operations and the licensing of its related intellectual property to CryoCath
                                       Technologies, Inc.

                                       Dr. Chinn files a lawsuit in Delaware Chancery Court to enforce his rights as
                                       a stockholder of Endocare to inspect the Company's books and records.

May 1, 2003                            Endocare files an amended Current Report on Form 8-K discussing the ten major
                                       concerns of KPMG, Endocare's former auditor, about Endocare's revenue
                                       recognition, expense recognition and reductions to accounts receivable.

May 6, 2003                            Endocare files a Current Report on Form 8-K disclosing the appointment of
                                       Thomas R. Testman to the Board.

May 16, 2003                           Endocare files an amended Current Report on Form 8-K discussing the
                                       concerns of KPMG about Endocare's revenue recognition, expense
                                       recognition and reductions of accounts receivable.

                                       KPMG's second letter to the SEC ("KPMG's Second SEC Letter") describing its
                                       disagreements with Endocare is attached as an exhibit to this amended 8-K.

                                       In KPMG's Second SEC Letter, KPMG states the following:

                                           o  On October 24, 2002, one of Endocare's directors was approached by
                                              Joseph Hafermann, the acting corporate controller, "expressing
                                              concerns regarding the accounting for several transactions and other

                                           o  In response to these concerns, Endocare's Audit Committee asked
                                              Brobeck, its outside legal counsel, to perform an initial
                                              investigation into the matters raised by Joseph Hafermann.

                                           o  On October 29, 2002, the Audit Committee informed KPMG that the
                                              investigation had been concluded and "[Endocare's Audit Committee] was
                                              satisfied with the results of the initial investigation. However, as
                                              this initial investigation had not been performed by [forensic
                                              accountants], [KPMG] recommended that a more thorough investigation be

                                           o  Between October 29, 2002 and December 4, 2002, Brobeck and Deloitte
                                              performed subsequent investigations "of the matters raised, as well as
                                              other matters that were raised by the investigations."

                                           o  "At the conclusion of each of the subsequent investigations, the
                                              Audit Committee informed us that it was satisfied with the results of
                                              the investigations, and that no further investigation was warranted.
                                              However, we believed that each of these subsequent investigations
                                              confirmed certain of the initial concerns raised by Mr. Hafermann, as
                                              well as raising additional matters warranting additional


                                              investigation. Accordingly, we advised the Audit Committee that we
                                              believed that additional investigation was still warranted."

                                           o  Subsequently, on December 11, 2002, "[KPMG] informed the Audit
                                              Committee that it was apparent to us that management prepared
                                              financial statements for the quarterly and annual periods in 2002 and
                                              2001 based on information that did not reflect either the facts or
                                              substance of certain transactions, the information and representations
                                              provided to us did not reflect the actual facts or substance of the
                                              transactions, and in several cases we received inconsistent
                                              representations from management in relation to the transactions."

                                           o  KPMG's review of Endocare's records indicated that Endocare recorded
                                              certain sales of products, which products were actually shipped to
                                              Endocare-controlled facilities.

                                           o  KPMG's review of Endocare's records indicated that Endocare recorded
                                              payments from customers when, in fact, the checks from such customers
                                              had been rejected for insufficient funds.

                                           o  KPMG's review of Endocare's records indicated that Endocare entered into
                                              a transaction in which it agreed to sell products to a customer in a
                                              series of transactions over a number of accounting periods;
                                              Subsequently, Endocare booked all of the series of transactions in one
                                              accounting period, even though all of the sales had not been completed.

                                           o  KPMG's review of Endocare's records indicated that sales to one customer
                                              were ultimately delivered to a warehouse secured and paid for by an Endocare
                                              sales representative, who was then reimbursed for the cost of the warehouse
                                              by Endocare. However, Endocare's records indicated that the sale was delivered
                                              to the customer and not the warehouse.

May 27, 2003                           Endocare announces that Endocare's 2003 Annual Meeting of Stockholders will
                                       be held on September 30, 2003. Endocare held its last Annual Meeting of
                                       Stockholders on June 11, 2002.

May 28, 2003                           Endocare announces certain domestic operational metrics for the past two
                                       years, some of which will remain approximations until the completion of an



         We ask that you consider whether you are satisfied with the Board's job
performance. We are seeking to replace Endocare's Board of Directors because we
consider their job performance to be inadequate.

     We have lost confidence in the ability of the Board and executive
management to fix Endocare's problems and to regain credibility with the public

     Please consider again where Endocare is today:

     o   Endocare has not filed a financial statement in nearly eleven months;

     o   Endocare's former auditor has stated that, in its opinion, the 2001 and
         2002 financial statements should not be relied upon, and that it was
         unable to rely on representations made by management;

     o   Endocare has been delisted from the NASDAQ;

     o   Endocare's stock has lost nearly 65% of its value in a year;

     o   Endocare is being investigated by the SEC and DOJ;

     o   Endocare, its Chairman of the Board and another senior officer have
         been sued by its stockholders for alleged securities law violations;

     o   According to Endocare's management, Endocare has spent 56% of its cash
         in 15 months;

     o   KMPG has identified ten specific transactions some or all of which may
         have been inaccurately recorded on Endocare's financial statements.

      All of Endocare's current directors have been in office since at least
1999. As such, it seems reasonable to believe that the problems which now face
Endocare and are depressing its value developed during their tenure. While we
understand that some problems can occur despite diligent oversight, we do not
believe that an effective Board of Directors would have allowed the
overwhelming problems that Endocare now faces. It is our opinion that
Endocare's Board failed not only by allowing the problems to develop but also
by failing to adequately respond once the problem was discovered. Some of the
reasons for our belief that Endocare's Board should be replaced are discussed

1.       OPERATIONS AND FINANCES. In July 2001, the Endocare Board appointed the
         same individual to serve simultaneously as Chief Financial Officer and
         Chief Operating Officer. As experienced company managers, we believe it
         is critical to maintain separate spheres of influence between the
         people who are credited with generating revenues and the people who are
         responsible for reporting revenues.

2.       RETENTION OF COMPANY LEADERS. We believe that it is appropriate to hold
         directors and management accountable for meeting their
         responsibilities. We also believe that when a company experiences
         severe problems, such as those currently facing Endocare, it is
         appropriate to hold the people in charge of the company accountable for
         those problems through termination of their position of responsibility.
         However, from our review of Endocare's press releases and Current
         Reports on Form 8-K, since October 24, 2002, it appears to us that not
         one person on Endocare's Board of Directors or senior management team
         has been removed from employment with or leadership of the Company.

         Instead, Endocare's Board has retained its Chairman of the Board. It
         also appears to us as if Endocare's Board promoted the individual who
         served simultaneously as its Chief Financial Officer and Chief
         Operating Officer, rewarding him a continuation of his old salary,
         re-pricing his options, granting him substantial rights to severance
         and appointing him to a new position managing a division of Endocare.

         a)       The Chairman. Endocare's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
                  since 1995, Paul Mikus, had primary supervisory responsibility
                  for the Company. On March 12, 2003, Endocare announced that
                  Mikus was no longer Chief Executive Officer, but would remain
                  Chairman. We believe Mikus's position as Chairman enables him
                  to continue to have primary supervisory responsibility for the
                  Company. In our opinion, as Chairman, Mikus also remains in a
                  position to dictate the agenda of the Board and the management
                  the Company's officers and employees. We believe that the
                  Board's retention of Mikus as Chairman sends a message to the
                  public markets that Endocare's leaders who


                  supervised the Company during its decline will continue their
                  leadership. We disagree with the message that leadership at
                  Endocare should be "business as usual."

         b)       Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer. In March
                  2003, the Endocare Board appointed Cracchiolo, Endocare's
                  former CFO and COO, to be President of a newly-created
                  interventional radiology division.

                  As part of his new position, Endocare's Board granted
                  Cracchiolo the following terms in his March 3, 2003 Employment

                  o        Salary. Endocare's Board agreed to pay Cracchiolo a
                           base salary equal to $220,000 per year, which we
                           believe is similar to his salary as CFO and COO, and
                           granted to him the right to negotiate salary
                           increases on or after September 4, 2003.

                  o        Bonus. Endocare's Board agreed Cracchiolo is eligible
                           to receive a bonus at an annualized level equal to
                           $88,000 and granted to him the right to negotiate
                           bonus increases on or after September 4, 2003.

                  o        Re-priced Options. Endocare's Board re-priced all of
                           Cracchiolo's options, which we believe may have the
                           effect of taking advantage of the drop in Endocare's
                           stock price. In addition, Endocare's Board agreed to
                           condition any future merger or sale of all or
                           substantially all of its assets or stock to a third
                           party on the acquirer's agreement to grant Cracchiolo
                           options to purchase stock of the acquirer or
                           participate in an equivalent cash incentive plan.

                  o        Severance - 200% and Relocation Payment. Endocare's
                           Board agreed to pay Cracchiolo severance of 200% of
                           his base salary and 2002 maximum bonus eligibility,
                           which is $616,000, plus a $50,000 relocation payment
                           and a gross-up for his taxes (at the highest marginal
                           rate) on that relocation payment, if Endocare
                           terminates Cracchiolo without "Cause." We estimate
                           Cracchiolo's possible cash severance payments to be

                           Endocare's Board specifically agreed that if Endocare
                           terminates Cracchiolo's employment because of any
                           material events occurring prior to March 3, 2003
                           which Endocare knew about or investigated or
                           reviewed, he is entitled to receive his severance.
                           Also, if Endocare fires Cracchiolo only for
                           inadequate or incompetent performance at any time,
                           Cracchiolo will be entitled to his severance.

                  o        Cracchiolo Can Quit and Still Get His Severance.
                           Cracchiolo's Employment Agreement states that if
                           Cracchiolo quits during the thirty-day period after
                           the "Mandatory Access Period," he will be entitled to
                           his severance. The "Mandatory Access Period" is the
                           first six months of his Employment Agreement or a
                           longer period if Endocare and Cracchiolo agree to
                           extend the term of the Mandatory Access Period.

         We believe that stockholders should be troubled by an action of the
         Board of Directors approving an employment agreement which does not
         permit the halting of severance if an officer's employment is
         terminated for inadequate or incompetent performance. Further, we
         believe that the nature of Cracchiolo's Employment Agreement sends a
         negative message to stockholders about the Endocare Board's focus on
         preserving value for stockholders.


         a)       Initial Investigation. According to KPMG's Second SEC Letter,
                  after Joseph Hafermann, Endocare's acting controller, reported
                  his concerns about financial reporting irregularities, the
                  Audit Committee first conducted a five-day investigation using
                  its lawyers, and not independent accountants, at the
                  conclusion of which it claimed to be "satisfied" that no
                  further investigation was warranted. Later, at KPMG's
                  insistence that the investigations were not complete without
                  forensic accountants, the Audit Committee hired Deloitte to
                  conduct subsequent investigations. According to KPMG, after
                  each subsequent investigation, the Audit Committee claimed to
                  be "satisfied" in spite of the fact that KPMG concluded that
                  these subsequent investigations actually confirmed Hafermann's
                  concerns or


                  raised others.

         b)       Accounting Treatment. Endocare has filed three Current Reports
                  on Form 8-K discussing the concerns about the financial
                  statements and its disagreements with KPMG. In its discussions
                  in its May 16, 2003 amended Form 8-K of each of the
                  potentially inaccurately reported transactions, Endocare
                  repeatedly claims in its defense that "the Audit Committee
                  concluded that it was unaware of any evidence of fraud or
                  intentional wrongdoing." It seems to us from reviewing these
                  filings that Endocare's Board is attempting to argue that
                  inappropriate financial reporting is less egregious if it was
                  not the product of fraud or intentional misconduct. In our
                  view, whether inaccuracies in the financial statements are
                  produced through fraud or misapplication of accounting
                  principles, the result is the same: inaccurate reporting of a
                  company's financial statements, which leads to the disclosure
                  of incorrect information to the markets. We view the Board's
                  decision to defend its inability to release financial
                  statements on a timely basis and to resolve disputes with
                  their original auditors with claims that they have no evidence
                  of fraud as an attempt to avoid matters of accountability.

4.       OPTIONS GRANTED AT LOW PRICES. The Board hired William Nydam and
         Katherine Greenberg as officers, but provided them with options for
         Endocare stock at current fair market values as of the date of the
         grant, which take advantage of the plummeted stock price. This exercise
         price (a) of $2.25 per share for Nydam; and (b) of $2.65 for Greenberg,
         reflects market reaction to the absence of any current public
         information about Endocare. We believe that it would have been more
         appropriate to price these options at staggered current market prices,
         so that these individuals were not given an opportunity to benefit from
         Endocare's old problems.

5.       ENDOCARE'S CASH. We are troubled by Endocare's consumption of 56% of
         its cash as of March 31, 2003 since the end of 2001.

         At December 31, 2001, Endocare had approximately $83,000,000 in cash
         and cash equivalents. At March 31, 2003, Endocare had approximately
         $36,000,000 in cash and cash equivalents, which is a depletion of
         $47,000,000 in only fifteen (15) months. In addition, on the April 2nd
         Call, Endocare's management disclosed that since December 31, 2001 cash
         has been spent on significant capital investments and on legal and
         accounting fees, in addition to funding operations. If in the future
         Endocare has additional financing requirements to fund capital
         investments and continues to consume cash at the same or even a lesser
         rate, Endocare may need to raise funds. We are concerned that Endocare
         could encounter difficulties in future fund raising efforts due to
         reduced public confidence caused by its immediate problems, the
         delisting of its stock, lack of current financial statements, the
         withdrawal by KPMG of its audit report for Endocare's 2001 financial
         statements and KPMG's view regarding the unreliability of management

6.       DISCLOSURE. We firmly believe that in an era of frequent scandals
         involving public companies, directors and officers must, and are
         expected to, do more than merely comply with the SEC's bare
         requirements. Directors and officers of public companies must take
         actions to demonstrate their candor, integrity and good faith
         dedication to the stockholders. The conduct of the Board and officers
         of Endocare was especially critical to the Company's integrity where
         the accuracy of the financial statements had been severely questioned.
         In our view, Endocare's Board did not sufficiently communicate with the
         public markets to preserve its integrity.

         a)       Review of Financial Statements. For instance, we believe that
                  Endocare was less than forthcoming about the extent of its
                  internal investigations for the period between October 24,
                  2002 and March 11, 2003. According to KPMG's Second SEC
                  Letter, Endocare's Board learned of Hafermann's concerns about
                  the Company's financial statements as early as October 24,
                  2002. In its press releases and disclosure documents, from
                  October 30, 2002 through March 11, 2003, Endocare merely
                  stated that it was conducting a "review" of its financial
                  statements. Endocare did not explain to the stockholders or
                  the markets that it had conducted an "independent review and
                  investigation of its accounts and accounting practices" by its
                  Audit Committee, attorneys and forensic accountants until
                  March 11, 2003. In the nearly five months between the
                  discovery of the concerns and the March 11th revelation,
                  Endocare was approached by their auditors with concurring
                  concerns about Endocare's accounting practices; was delisted
                  by the NASDAQ; was served with lawsuits by its stockholders;
                  and was investigated by the SEC and DOJ. Yet the only


                  from Endocare about these problems was that it was completing
                  "the review process of [its] financial results." By not being
                  more forthright with the markets about the depth of Endocare's
                  problems and the measures being taken to fully understand
                  these problems, we believe that Endocare's Board and
                  management diminished Endocare's credibility.

         b)       Trading Halt. In addition, on December 12, 2002, the NASDAQ
                  National Market halted trading in Endocare's stock. Yet,
                  Endocare did not disclose the trading halt until January 15,

         c)       Hafermann. Further, we believe Endocare has provided
                  inadequate disclosures about Joseph Hafermann's role in the
                  Company. According to KPMG's First SEC Letter and KPMG's
                  Second SEC Letter, Hafermann was the individual who first
                  raised concerns about Endocare's accounting practices and set
                  the wheels in motion for the investigations. In contrast,
                  Endocare has asserted that it terminated Hafermann's
                  employment for "misconduct which was demonstrably and
                  materially injurious to the Company." Yet Endocare has never
                  elaborated on the factual basis for Endocare's belief that
                  Hafermann injured the Company. Further complicating matters,
                  according to KPMG's Second SEC Letter, KPMG explained to
                  Endocare that each of the initial investigations into
                  Endocare's accounting practices had "confirmed certain of the
                  initial concerns raised by Mr. Hafermann, as well as raising
                  additional matters warranting additional investigations." By
                  not providing the stockholders and the public markets with
                  information about Hafermann's alleged transgressions against
                  the Company and by not providing some counter-explanation to
                  KPMG's claims that Hafermann's concerns were substantiated by
                  further investigations, we are left to guess on the different,
                  possible explanations as to why Endocare determined to fire

                  In our view, if Endocare's Board and management had been more
                  forthcoming with the public markets and if they had given the
                  appearance of a company committed to integrity and
                  forthrightness, then once Endocare's problems are resolved, it
                  would have taken less effort, less time and fewer
                  demonstrations of integrity to regain the trust of the
                  stockholders and the public markets.

         In conclusion, we strongly disagree with many of the Board's decisions.
         We question the wisdom of entrusting the Company to the individuals who
         failed to keep Endocare current in its financial disclosures and free
         from government investigations and debilitating disagreements with its
         auditors. We doubt the judgment of a Board which rewards the officers
         who presided over the breakdown in the Company's relationship with its
         auditors and the emergence of questions about the Company's accounting
         practices. We worry about Endocare's ability to raise additional funds
         at an affordable cost, if at all. We are dismayed that in the midst of
         so many problems at Endocare, its Board of Directors has not been more
         forthcoming to demonstrate its commitment to openness and integrity and
         to ameliorate an accompanying and foreseeable decline in public

         We are committing to openness and integrity. Because Endocare's Board
         and officers did not demonstrate their commitment to openness and
         integrity, we believe Endocare's Board must be removed, so that a new
         set of directors and officers can regain the confidence of the markets
         and the stockholders.



         Based upon what we believe to be chronic missteps, we lack confidence
in the ability of Endocare's current management and Board of Directors to
maximize stockholder value. WE BELIEVE IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE AT ENDOCARE.

         Based on our examination of Endocare's public documents, after our
Nominees are elected as directors of Endocare, we intend to take the actions
listed below. The actions identified below reflect our current intentions based
solely on the information that we know at this time. Similar to all of
Endocare's stockholders, our access to the Company's current information about
operations and finances is hampered by the Company's failure to keep its public
disclosures current. If and when Endocare files more current reports with the
SEC, the course of action described below may be substantially revised. Where
possible, we have identified the steps to be taken to achieve the goals set
forth in our plan. Due in part to our inability to acquire accurate and timely
data concerning Endocare, there can be no assurance, however, that, if we have
the ability to control Endocare's operations, we will be able to successfully
accomplish all or any of the following actions.

         If elected, we intend to do the following:


         a)       Appoint the following individuals to the following positions:

         o        Kurt Landgraf              Chairman of the Board

         o        David Eller                Chief Executive Officer

         o        William A. Barry           Chief Financial Officer

         o        Douglas Chinn, M.D.        Chief Medical Officer


         a)       Enhance the role of the independent members of Endocare's
                  Board by ensuring that the independent directors meet
                  periodically in private executive sessions.

         b)       Ensure that the independent audit committee pre-approves
                  non-audit related services, receives accounting complaints,
                  understands Endocare's risk profile, reviews Endocare's
                  periodic reports, and conducts or authorizes investigations
                  into any matters within the scope of the audit committee's

         c)       Improve Endocare's accounting methods, financial controls and
                  financial statement disclosures through:

                  o        Requiring the audit committee to review Endocare's
                           critical accounting policies, significant estimates
                           in judgment made in connection with financial
                           statements and any significant changes to the United
                           States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles;

                  o        Implementation of an effective system of disclosure
                           controls and procedures; and

                  o        Ensuring that the audit committee reviews and
                           monitors Endocare's internal controls, including
                           understanding Endocare's internal control system,
                           reviewing the internal control system with management
                           and the outside auditors and reviewing all statements
                           made as part of the disclosures and certifications
                           set forth in periodic reports.

         d)       Assess and improve Endocare's corporate culture by
                  collaboratively developing a code of ethics to guide
                  Endocare's directors, officers and employees. The code of
                  ethics will provide standards of conduct for Endocare's
                  directors, officers and employees and will penalize failure to
                  comply with the code.


         e)       Establish and maintain an active Strategic Planning Committee
                  of the Board of Directors to perform comprehensive strategic
                  reviews of opportunities to maximize stockholder value. The
                  Strategic Planning Committee will, under the Board's
                  supervision, seek to do all of the following:

                  o        Conduct a review of Endocare's procedures-based
                           business model to determine feasibility,
                           profitability and complementary sales and products

                  o        Establish improved criteria for Endocare's mergers,
                           acquisitions, divestitures and strategic alliances;

                  o        Analyze and optimize potential markets in Europe and

                  o        Review opportunities for outsourcing processes to
                           reduce or contain Endocare products costs and prices;

                  o        Explore use of third-party sources of financing to
                           fund physician and clinic possession of cryosurgical

         f)       Review and revise Endocare's management compensation packages
                  to ensure comparability with companies in Endocare's peer
                  group. This review will focus on each component of
                  compensation offered to Endocare's management. In addition, we
                  will also implement a system of internal training, incentive
                  programs and performance review procedures.


         a)       Focus on Endocare's core competency, which we believe is
                  cryosurgery, through:

                  o        Development of a plan to pursue multi-disciplinary
                           approach to cryosurgery in order to introduce
                           malignant and non-malignant applications to the
                           broader medical community, including applications in
                           general surgery, oncology, cardiology, gynecology,
                           neurosurgery and endocrinology;

                  o        Focus resources on Endocare's strengths in the
                           product development and manufacture and clinical
                           aspects of cryosurgery; and

                  o        Creation of broad-based Centers of Excellence
                           dedicated to general cryosurgical procedures and

         b)       Increase representation on Endocare's Scientific Advisory
                  Board to include additional cryosurgeons and representatives
                  from the fields of oncology, radiology and general surgery.

         c)       Improve physician support for procedures, physician training,
                  technology and updates to products, by:

                  o        Collaboration with physicians and patient advocates
                           to ensure current, effective and accurate data is
                           collected and analyzed to encourage the publication
                           of studies on cryosurgical procedures and to enhance
                           Endocare's public profile in the medical community;

                  o        Development of systems to obtain and analyze feedback
                           from proctors, physicians, application specialists
                           and sales teams;

                  o        Improvement of educational and training guidelines
                           based on collected analysis of feedback from medical
                           community; and

                  o        Improvement of testing and development to enhance
                           efficacy and safety of technology prior to

         d)       Reduce general and administrative expenses by conducting a
                  line-by-line review of opportunities to cut costs and reduce


         a)       Enhance Endocare's brand image through:


                  o        Preparation of advertising strategies to demonstrate
                           to broader medical community the efficacy of
                           Endocare's cryosurgical procedures with emphases on
                           historical performance and availability of supporting

                  o        Review and redesign of current marketing strategies;

                  o        Coordination of marketing messages among advertising
                           and sales functions.

         b)       Solidify and strengthen relationships with physicians (i) who
                  utilize cryosurgery and Endocare applications; and (ii) who
                  are involved in medical fields where cryosurgical applications
                  are being developed and accepted, through:

                  o        Establishment of programs to encourage academic
                           research, including data collection, on cryosurgical

                  o        Provision of marketing, research and educational
                           support for Endocare prostate sites in US and Europe;

                  o        Provision of support for focus groups, user
                           conferences and professional cryosurgical
                           organizations; and

                  o        Recruitment of physicians to serve on Endocare's
                           Scientific Advisory Board.

         c)       Encourage comments and participation from key Endocare
                  customers and health care leaders on improvements for and
                  expansion of Endocare's business practices.

         d)       Significantly expand the role of Endocare's Scientific
                  Advisory Board in the marketing of Endocare's products, by
                  accessing the reach of our medical advisors to promote the
                  benefits of Endocare's products and technologies in additional
                  medical fields.

         e)       Amplify the role of patient advocate groups in Endocare's
                  operations to generate market demand for Endocare's
                  technologies and applications and ensure better patient care.

         f)       Provide enhanced support to sales agents and distributors, by
                  holding regular meetings with agents and distributors and by
                  developing sales and marketing plans with consultation from
                  sales agents and distributors.


                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         We are soliciting your proxy for the election of the Nominees of the
Committee to Revitalize Endocare as directors of the Company to serve until the
2004 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and until their successors are duly elected
and qualified.

         In accordance with Endocare's Restated Certificate of Incorporation and
By-laws and the Delaware General Corporation Law, Endocare's Board is to consist
of not less than three and not more than seven directors, the exact number to be
specified by the Board. Based on information contained in reports filed by the
Company with the SEC, seven directors currently serve on the Endocare Board.

         Our Nominees, if elected, will constitute all of the members of the
Board. If the Nominees of the Committee to Revitalize Endocare are elected and
take office as directors, they intend to discharge their duties as directors of
the Company in compliance with all applicable legal requirements, including the
general fiduciary obligations imposed upon corporate directors.

         Each of our Nominees has consented to be included in this Proxy
Statement and to serve as a director until the expiration of his or her
respective term and until such Nominee's successor has been elected and
qualified or until the earlier resignation or removal of such Nominee. We have
no reason to believe that any of our Nominees named above will be disqualified
or unable or unwilling to serve if elected. However, if any of the Nominees are
unable to serve or for good cause will not serve, proxies may be voted for
another person nominated by the Committee to Revitalize Endocare to fill the

         The Nominees of the Committee to Revitalize Endocare understand that,
if elected as directors of Endocare, each of them will have an obligation under
Delaware law to discharge his or her duties as a director in good faith,
consistent with his or her fiduciary duties to Endocare and its stockholders.

                                THE PARTICIPANTS

         The following persons and entities constitute our "participants" (as
defined in Instruction 3 to Item 4 of Rule 14a-10l promulgated under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934) in this proxy solicitation: Kurt Landgraf,
David Eller, William A. Barry, Douglas Chinn, M.D., Robert Paul Fry, M.D., J.D.,
John R. Queen, Joseph L. D'Angelo and Solana Capital Partners.

         Information relating to the beneficial ownership of common stock of
Endocare by the participants in this solicitation and certain other information
relating to the participants is set forth below. Other than Douglas Chinn, M.D.,
none of the participants in this solicitation are party to any commercial
dealings with Endocare or its subsidiaries required to be discussed pursuant to
Schedule 14A promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which
governs the disclosure contained in this proxy statement.



         The following table shows, as of May 31, 2003, the number and
percentage of shares of Endocare common stock owned by each participant in the
Committee to Revitalize Endocare, individually, and by all participants in the
Committee to Revitalize Endocare as a group.

                                         NUMBER OF SHARES
-------------------------               ------------------               ----------------
Kurt Landgraf                                   0                                *
  4690 Province Line Road
  Princeton, NJ 08540

David Eller                                   1,000                              *
  2401 Fountain View, #416
  Houston, TX  77057

William A. Barry                                0                                *
  37, Greenway, Letchworth,
  Herts. SG6 3UG, England

Douglas Chinn, M.D.                          50,083(1)                           *
  65 N. First Avenue Suite 102
  Arcadia, CA 91006

Robert P. Fry, M.D., J.D.                       0                                *
  22109 East Costilla Drive,
  Aurora, CO 80016

John R. Queen                                 2,500(2)                           *
  17660 La Bajada
  Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067

Joseph L. D'Angelo                              0                                *
  1335 Oakwood Drive
  Arcadia, CA 91006

Solana Capital Partners                       1,000                              *
  990 Highland Drive, Suite 314
  Solana Beach, CA 92075

All Participants in the Committee             54,583                             *
  to Revitalize Endocare, as a  Group
  (six individuals and one entity)


* Less than 1%.

(1)      Does not include 3,020 shares of Endocare common stock owned by Dr.
         Chinn's spouse and children, of which Dr. Chinn disclaims beneficial

(2)      Represents 2,500 shares of Endocare common stock owned by John Queen,
         as co-trustee of the John R. and Patricia Queen Trust.



         The information below sets forth the name, age (as of May 31, 2003),
principal occupation and directorships of each of the participants in the
Committee to Revitalize Endocare. The participants have been categorized into
two groups: (1) our Nominees and (2) other participant.

1.       OUR NOMINEES.

         Kurt Landgraf. Mr. Landgraf, 56, has served as President and Chief
         Executive Officer of Educational Testing Service ("ETS"), a major
         not-for-profit administrator of testing and testing services, since
         August 2000.

         He has extensive experience in finance, accounting, marketing and
         management of all aspects of medical, pharmaceutical and educational
         companies, both in for-profit and not-for-profit companies. Before
         joining ETS, Mr. Landgraf served as Chairman and Chief Executive
         Officer of DuPont Pharmaceuticals Company (a subsidiary of the DuPont
         Company) from January 2000 to May 2000; Executive Vice President and
         Chief Operating Officer of E.I. DuPont De Nemours from April 1998 to
         August 2000; Chief Financial Officer from December 1996 to October
         1997; President and Chief Executive Officer of The DuPont Merck
         Pharmaceuticals Company from December 1993 to December 1996; and
         Executive Vice President of DuPont's worldwide pharmaceuticals business
         from January 1991 to December 1993. During his tenure at The DuPont
         Companies, Mr. Landgraf also served as Chairman of the Boards of DuPont
         Europe (1997-2000), DuPont Pharmaceuticals (1998-2000), and DuPont
         Merck Pharmaceuticals (1996-1998).

         From July 1980 to January 1991, Mr. Landgraf served as Director of E.I.
         DuPont De Nemours' Pharmaceuticals and Imaging Agents Division, where
         he had profit/loss responsibility for DuPont's $600 million
         pharmaceuticals and imaging agents business; and Director of Business
         Development and International Marketing for the Pharmaceuticals
         Division, where he held profit/loss responsibility for all
         pharmaceuticals operations outside the U.S., primarily in Canada,
         Western Europe and Japan. Mr. Landgraf also served previously as
         Manager of Marketing Analysis and Planning and Corporate Staff
         Corporate Economist for The Upjohn Company, among other positions.

         Mr. Landgraf has served as a member of the Boards of Directors of Ikon
         Office Solutions since 2000, aaiPharma, Inc. since 2001 and NDCHealth
         Corporation since 2001. In addition to his substantial business
         experience, Mr. Landgraf has lectured in academic settings in
         economics, labor-relations management and marketing.

         Mr. Landgraf earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Wagner College, a
         Masters of Arts degree in Economics from Pennsylvania State University,
         a Masters in Education degree from Rutgers University, a Masters in
         Science degree from Western Michigan University and completed the
         Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School. Mr. Landgraf
         was an officer in the United States Navy and member of the United
         States Naval Reserve.

         We intend to nominate Mr. Landgraf to serve as a director and to elect
         him as Chairman of the Board.

         David Eller. Mr. Eller, 65, has served as President of Eller Holding
         Company, a private investment firm concentrating on investing in oil
         and gas exploration companies, since 1999. Previously, Mr. Eller served
         as President of DuPont Pharmaceuticals Company - Europe, and its six
         European operating subsidiaries, as well as serving as a strategic
         advisor to the Chief Operating Officer and to the Chairman and Chief
         Executive Officer of Europe, Africa and Asia for The DuPont Company
         from 1996 to 2001. At DuPont, Mr. Eller managed and coordinated
         strategic implementations that increased shareholder value by three
         times over its book value.

         In addition to his experience with DuPont, Mr. Eller has over 25 years
         of senior management and executive level experience with substantial
         expertise and experience in life sciences, biosciences, and
         pharmaceuticals, as well as oil and gas exploration and production
         companies. Mr. Eller has served as Chairman, a director


         and Chief Executive Officer of both the North American Energy
         Corporation from 1993 to 1999 and Granada BioSciences, Inc. from 1986
         to 1992.

         Mr. Eller has extensive leadership experience in civic, educational and
         philanthropic organizations. He has served the Texas A&M University
         System as Chairman of the Board of Regents from 1985 to 1989,
         Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer from 1986 to 1987, Regent from
         1983 to 1985 and Chairman Emeritus from 1989 to the present. Mr. Eller
         was also director of the Baylor College of Medicine from 1984 to 1992,
         and on the boards of the Foundation for Biomedical Research from 1985
         to 1998, Texas Chamber of Commerce from 1984 to 1990 and Herman
         Hospital from 1989 to 1992.

         Mr. Eller earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from Texas
         A&M University. He also completed the Advanced Management Program at
         the Harvard Business School and the Corporate Governance Program at the
         Graduate School of Business at Stanford University. In addition, Mr.
         Eller served as an officer of the United States Army.

         We intend to nominate Mr. Eller to serve as a director and to appoint
         him to serve as Chief Executive Officer.

         William A. Barry. Mr. Barry, 59, has served as a consultant to
         Bristol-Myers Squibb since October 2001 in connection with its $7.2
         billion acquisition of DuPont Pharmaceuticals Company.

         Prior to his service as a consultant, Mr. Barry worked with DuPont and
         other companies for over 40 years, in finance, operations, audit and
         management positions.

         In 2001 Mr. Barry served as Vice President of Finance and Managing
         Director of the European Headquarters of DuPont Pharmaceuticals Company
         (a subsidiary of the DuPont Company). From 1991 to 2000, Mr. Barry
         served as Vice President of Finance for DuPont Pharmaceuticals-Europe
         (two of these years in the U.S.) and either President or Chairman of
         the Board of the six DuPont Pharmaceuticals subsidiaries across Europe.
         From 1999 to 2000, he concurrently served as General Manager for DuPont
         Pharmaceuticals' Medical Imaging Business in Europe.

         In addition, from 1984 to 1991, Mr. Barry served as Treasurer and
         Financial Manager of DuPont (France) with a concentration on mergers
         and acquisitions. Mr. Barry also served as Treasurer for DuPont (UK)
         from 1980 to 1984. From 1973 to 1980, he served as Audit Manager for
         Southern Europe for DuPont based in the UK and in Switzerland. Mr.
         Barry also served on the Board of Governors of the British School of
         Paris (France) for 12 years.

         We intend to nominate Mr. Barry to serve as a director and to appoint
         him as Chief Financial Officer.

         Douglas Chinn, M.D. Dr. Chinn, 52, has been an urologist in private
         practice and a medical researcher for over 20 years. In addition, he
         has been performing cryosurgery since 1993.

         From 1996 through 2002, Dr. Chinn served as a consultant and leading
         proctor to Endocare. As a consultant to Endocare, he provided advice
         and expertise in product development, Medicare reimbursement, and
         employee and physician training programs. Dr. Chinn performed the first
         basic science and laboratory investigations (in conjunction with other
         investigators) that validated the technique, efficacy and safety of the
         Endocare CryoCare unit for the clinical setting. As the chief proctor
         for Endocare, he has proctored over 200 cases in prostate and renal
         cryosurgery. He continues to license his patented technology on
         temperature monitoring and cryosurgery to Endocare. Further, he has
         given presentations on Endocare's technology to insurance companies and
         investment fund managers.

         Dr. Chinn has served as a member of the Executive Committee, Chairman
         of the Standardization Committee and Program Chairman for the Society
         of Urologic Cryosurgeons from 1995 to 1996. Dr. Chinn is also a member
         of the American Urological Association, American College of
         Cryosurgery, and California


         Urological Association where he serves on the Committee on Legislation.
         He is a Fellow with the International College of Surgeons where he
         serves as Vice President of the United States Section.

         Dr. Chinn is co-author of several publications on cryosurgery, and has
         trained physicians in the United States and world-wide. He received his
         Bachelor of Science and Medical Doctorate degrees from the University
         of Southern California.

         We intend to nominate Dr. Chinn to serve as a director and to appoint
         him as Chief Medical Officer.

         Joseph L. D'Angelo. Mr. D'Angelo, 66, has served as the Chief Financial
         Officer of Glesener Pharmacy, Inc. since 1988 when he joined as a full
         partner and Registered Pharmacist. Glesener Pharmacy incorporated in
         1995 and is currently one of the largest independent pharmacies in
         California with annual revenue in excess of $10 million. Since 1995,
         Mr. D'Angelo has served as Chief Financial Officer and Vice President.
         He also previously served as Secretary Treasurer.

         Since 1971, Mr. D'Angelo has founded ten state-licensed board and care
         facilities providing assisted living services and housing. In 1979, he
         co-founded a chain of nine photography retail establishments, 45 Minute
         Photolabs, Inc., which he sold in 1989. In addition to his experience
         in pharmaceutical and medical equipment sales, Mr. D'Angelo has
         substantial expertise and experience in the management and operations
         of residential care facilities and as a research chemist. Mr. D'Angelo
         earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the Philadelphia College of
         Pharmacy and Science.

         We intend to nominate Mr. D'Angelo to serve as a director.

         Robert Paul Fry, M.D., JD. Dr. Fry, 79, practiced nine years as an
         anesthesiologist and another 20 years as a medical malpractice and
         product liability attorney. From 1983 to 1992 Dr. Fry served as a
         Medical and Legal Consultant with the Robert P. Fry Professional
         Corporation. From 1967 to 1983 he acted as Senior Partner with the law
         firm of Butler, Jefferson & Fry. From 1955 to 1965 Dr. Fry was a Staff
         Anesthesiologist at Methodist Hospital in Arcadia, CA. Dr. Fry has been
         a private investor for the past five years.

         Dr. Fry earned his Medical Degree from Temple University, and his law
         degree from the University of Southern California. In addition, Dr. Fry
         served as a Captain in the United States Air Force.

         We intend to nominate Dr. Fry to serve as a director.

         John R. Queen. Mr. Queen, 64, has over 35 years of management
         experience in the securities industry, principally with Merrill Lynch,
         Pierce, Fenner & Smith ("Merrill Lynch"). Mr. Queen served as District
         Director and Senior Vice President of Merrill Lynch for Southern
         California from 1991 to 2002. Mr. Queen previously served as Merrill
         Lynch's Senior Vice President and Director for Northern California from
         1990 to 1997. Currently, Mr. Queen, who retired from Merrill Lynch, is
         a private investor and a member of several civic boards.

         Mr. Queen was a founder of the Long Beach Grand Prix and served on its
         Board of Directors for 25 years. Mr. Queen was recently elected
         Chairman of the San Diego Symphony Orchestra.

         Mr. Queen earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from St.
         Mary's College of California. He also served in the United States Navy.

                  We intend to nominate Mr. Queen to serve as a director.


         Solana Capital Partners. Solana Capital Partners, Inc., a California
         corporation, is a privately funded venture capital firm that provides
         investments to information-technology, manufacturing/distribution and


         medical-device manufacturing companies. Solana Capital Partners, based
         in Solana Beach, California, was formed in 1999 to invest in
         sustainable companies with long-term potential for success. Solana
         Capital Partners focuses on companies requiring investments that may
         not meet the minimums of many venture capital firms, generally in
         investments up to $2 million for second-stage and later-stage companies
         seeking to finance targeted expansion efforts. A principal officer and
         stockholder of Solana Capital Partners is currently disputing a 1996
         censure and $50,000 fine from the National Association of Securities
         Dealers related to his refusal to disclose the identity of clients on
         whose behalf he was trading securities.

         Solana Capital Partners has and intends to provide all of the financing
         for this proxy statement and for any future efforts by the participants
         in any later filed proxy materials.



         The following table shows the compensation paid or accrued by Endocare
to each of the Nominees of the Committee to Revitalize Endocare for services
rendered to Endocare in all capacities during 2000, 2001 and 2002. None of the
Nominees received grants of stock options or other equity-based compensation
during any of 2000, 2001 or 2002.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                       LONG TERM COMPENSATION
                                                                                          AWARDS           PAYOUTS
                                          ANNUAL COMPENSATION                    ------------------------  -------
                            -------------------------------------------------    RESTRICTED   SECURITIES
                                     SALARY                      OTHER ANNUAL      STOCK      UNDERLYING    LTIP
                                  COMPENSATION        BONUS      COMPENSATION     AWARD(s)   OPTIONS/SARS  PAYOUTS  ALL OTHER
NAME                        YEAR       ($)             ($)            ($)           ($)           (#)        ($)       ($)
------------------          ----  -------------    -----------   ------------    ----------  ------------  -------  ---------
Kurt Landgraf               2002       None            None          None           None          None      None       None
                            2001       None            None          None           None          None      None       None
                            2000       None            None          None           None          None      None       None

David Eller                 2002       None            None          None           None          None      None       None
                            2001       None            None          None           None          None      None       None
                            2000       None            None          None           None          None      None       None

William A. Barry            2002       None            None          None           None          None      None       None
                            2001       None            None          None           None          None      None       None
                            2000       None            None          None           None          None      None       None

Douglas Chinn, M.D.         2002       None            None       157,943.65(1)     None          None      None       None
                            2001       None            None       154,239.45(1)     None          None      None       None
                            2000       None            None       177,657.22(1)     None          None      None       None

Robert Paul Fry, M.D., J.D. 2002       None            None          None           None          None      None       None
                            2001       None            None          None           None          None      None       None
                            2000       None            None          None           None          None      None       None

John R. Queen               2002       None            None          None           None          None      None       None
                            2001       None            None          None           None          None      None       None
                            2000       None            None          None           None          None      None       None

Joseph D'Angelo             2002       None            None          None           None          None      None       None
                            2001       None            None          None           None          None      None       None
                            2000       None            None          None           None          None      None       None


(1)     Amounts reflected represent aggregate compensation paid or accrued by
        Endocare to Dr. Chinn under both a Consulting Agreement, dated January
        17, 2000, and a License Agreement, dated February 14, 1997. Set forth
        below is the amount paid or accrued under each of these agreements,

         ----              --------------------           -----------------
         2002              $         150,000.00           $        7,943.65
         2001              $         150,000.00           $        4,239.45
         2000              $         163,819.47           $       13,837.75




         Our Nominees intend to appoint Kurt Landgraf as Chairman of the Board,
David Eller as Chief Executive Officer, William Barry as Chief Financial
Officer, and Douglas Chinn, M.D. as Chief Medical Officer of Endocare.
Appointment of these four individuals as officers of Endocare may require
Endocare to comply with certain severance provisions of three Employment
Agreements entered into by Endocare.

1.       JOHN CRACCHIOLO'S EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT. If our nominees are elected to
         the Endocare Board, we intend to conduct a review of Cracchiolo's
         Employment Agreement and his position at Endocare to determine whether
         it is in the best interests of Endocare to take actions to cause
         Cracchiolo's Employment Agreement to be voided or canceled. If we do
         determine that it would be in the best interests of Endocare to attempt
         to void or cancel Cracchiolo's Employment Agreement, we cannot assure
         you that we would be successful in our efforts.

         a)       Under Cracchiolo's Employment Agreement, Endocare may have to
                  pay to Cracchiolo the severance payments listed below IF:

                  o        we are unsuccessful in voiding Cracchiolo's
                           Employment Agreement, and

                  o        Cracchiolo's employment is terminated (A) by Endocare
                           without "Cause"; (B) by Cracchiolo for "Good Reason";
                           or (C) by Cracchiolo at Cracchiolo's discretion
                           during the 30-day period following the "Mandatory
                           Access Period"; or (D) because of the death or
                           disability of Cracchiolo.

                           "Cause" under Cracchiolo's Employment Agreement means
                           (A) the willful misappropriation of Endocare funds or
                           property; (B) conviction in a court of law of, or
                           entering a plea of guilty or no contest to, any
                           felony; or (C) commission in bad faith of any act
                           that materially injures or could reasonably be
                           expected to materially injure the reputation,
                           business or business relationships of Endocare.
                           Cracchiolo's Employment Agreement also specifically
                           states that "Cause" does not include (Y) any
                           termination which occurs thirty (30) days after
                           Endocare learns of an event which would otherwise
                           constitute "Cause"; or (Z) any events that transpired
                           prior to March 3, 2003, except for events of which
                           Endocare was aware and which Endocare has previously
                           reviewed or investigated.

                           "Good Reason" under Cracchiolo's Employment Agreement
                           means Cracchiolo's voluntary resignation within
                           thirty (30) days of learning of any of the following:
                           (A) the material diminution or change of position,
                           duties, responsibilities, authority, or the
                           assignment of duties materially inconsistent with
                           Cracchiolo's prior position; (B) the material
                           reduction in Cracchiolo's compensation or benefits;
                           (C) the relocation of Cracchiolo's principal business
                           location to an area outside of a thirty (30)-mile
                           radius of its current location; or (D) the failure of
                           any successor entity to assume in writing any
                           obligations arising out of any agreement between the
                           Company and Cracchiolo upon the entity becoming a
                           successor, including the obligations arising under
                           Cracchiolo's Employment Agreement. Also, the
                           Company's hiring of a new Chief Operating Officer or
                           Chief Financial Officer shall not be considered "Good

                           "Mandatory Access Period" under Cracchiolo's
                           Employment Agreement means the first six (6) months
                           of Cracchiolo's Employment Agreement (period ending
                           September 3, 2003) or longer if Cracchiolo and
                           Endocare mutually elect to continue the Mandatory
                           Access Period for an additional period of time up to
                           March 3, 2006.

         b)       Under the terms of Cracchiolo's Employment Agreement,
                  Cracchiolo's potential severance payments include ALL of the

                  o        200% of Cracchiolo's base salary and maximum 2002
                           bonus eligibility, in cash, which amounts to


                  o        "relocation" compensation, in cash, of $50,000;

                  o        an amount of cash equal to Cracchiolo's tax liability
                           for his $50,000 "relocation" compensation at the
                           highest marginal tax rate, which amounts to
                           approximately $15,000; and

                  o        for a period of 24 months, participation in all
                           company fringe benefit plans OR an amount of cash
                           equal to the costs of substantially equivalent
                           insurance for Cracchiolo and any spouse or dependents
                           covered as of March 3, 2003.

2.       WILLIAM NYDAM'S EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT. Pursuant to an Employment
         Agreement, dated March 3, 2003, William Nydam serves as Endocare's
         President and Chief Operating Officer. Our Nominees do not have any
         present intention to appoint any other individual to serve as President
         or Chief Operating Officer. However, we do intend to conduct a review
         of the performance of all of Endocare's senior management to determine
         the prudence of retaining all or any member of Endocare's management
         team. In addition, our Nominees intend to review the circumstances
         surrounding the hiring of Nydam and Greenberg to determine the prudence
         and feasibility of attempting to void either or both of Nydam's or
         Greenberg's Employment Agreements (more fully described in Section 3

         Under Nydam's Employment Agreement, Endocare may have to pay to Nydam
         severance payments equal to Nydam's base salary ($240,000) and continue
         his health insurance for one year, if Nydam is terminated (A) by
         Endocare without "Cause"; or (B) by Nydam for "Good Reason."

         "Cause" under Nydam's Employment Agreement means (A) willful misconduct
         or dishonesty; (B) conviction of a felony; (C) acts (or fails to act)
         in bad faith and to the detriment of Endocare; (D) materially breaches
         his Employment Agreement or any other agreement with the Company; (E)
         engages in misconduct that is demonstrably and materially injurious to
         the Company, including, without limitation, willful and material
         failure to perform his duties as an officer or employee of Endocare or
         excessive absenteeism unrelated to illness or vacation.

         "Good Reason" under Nydam's Employment Agreement means Nydam's
         resignation (A) within the one hundred and eighty (180)-day period
         immediately following the six (6)-month anniversary of the date of the
         occurrence of a Change in Control (as defined below); (B) within six
         (6) months of the Company's material reduction of Nydam's level of
         responsibility; or (C) within six (6) months of the Company's material
         reduction of the base salary, except for any salary reduction that is
         generally applicable to the Company's executives.

         "Change in Control" under Nydam's Employment Agreement shall mean any
         of the following transactions: (A) a merger or consolidation in which
         the Company is not the surviving entity, except for a transaction the
         principal purpose of which is to change the state in which the Company
         is incorporated; (B) the sale, transfer or other disposition of all or
         substantially all of the assets of the Company; (C) any reverse merger
         in which the Company is the surviving entity but in which securities
         possessing more than fifty percent (50%) of the total combined voting
         power of the Company's outstanding securities are transferred to a
         person or persons different from those who held such securities
         immediately prior to such merger; or (D) the acquisition in a single or
         series of related transactions by any person or related group of
         persons (other than by the Company or by a Company-sponsored employee
         benefit plan) of beneficial ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3
         of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) of securities
         possessing more than fifty percent (50%) of the total combined voting
         power of the Company's outstanding securities.

         Agreement, dated March 25, 2003, Katherine Greenberg serves as
         Endocare's Chief Financial Officer. Our Nominees intend to appoint
         William A. Barry to serve as Endocare's Chief Financial Officer, but
         they do not have any present intention to terminate Katherine
         Greenberg's employment with Endocare. However, our Nominees do intend
         to conduct a review of the performance of all of Endocare's senior
         management to determine the prudence of retaining all or any member of
         Endocare's management team. In addition, our Nominees intend to review
         the circumstances surrounding the hiring of Nydam and Greenberg to
         determine the prudence and feasibility of attempting to void either or
         both of Nydam's or Greenberg's Employment Agreements.


         Under Greenberg's Employment Agreement, Endocare may have to pay to
         Greenberg severance payments equal to Greenberg's base salary
         ($185,000) and continue her health insurance for one year if Greenberg
         is terminated (A) by Endocare without "Cause"; or (B) by Greenberg for
         "Good Reason".

         "Cause" under Greenberg's Employment Agreement means (A) willful
         misconduct or dishonesty; (B) conviction of a felony; (C) acts (or
         fails to act) in bad faith and to the detriment of Endocare; (D)
         materially breaches her Employment Agreement or any other agreement
         with the Company; (E) engages in misconduct that is demonstrably and
         materially injurious to the Company, including, without limitation,
         willful and material failure to perform her duties as an officer or
         employee of Endocare or excessive absenteeism unrelated to illness or

         "Good Reason" under Greenberg's Employment Agreement means Greenberg's
         resignation (A) within the thirty (30)-day period immediately following
         the six (6)-month anniversary of the date of the occurrence of a Change
         in Control (as defined below); (B) within six (6) months of the
         Company's material reduction of Greenberg's level of responsibility; or
         (C) within six (6) months of the Company's material reduction of the
         base salary, except for any salary reduction that is generally
         applicable to the Company's executives.

         "Change in Control" under Greenberg's Employment Agreement shall mean
         any of the following transactions: (A) a merger or consolidation in
         which the Company is not the surviving entity, except for a transaction
         the principal purpose of which is to change the state in which the
         Company is incorporated; (B) the sale, transfer or other disposition of
         all or substantially all of the assets of the Company; (C) any reverse
         merger in which the Company is the surviving entity but in which
         securities possessing more than fifty percent (50%) of the total
         combined voting power of the Company's outstanding securities are
         transferred to a person or persons different from those who held such
         securities immediately prior to such merger; or (D) the acquisition in
         a single or series of related transactions by any person or related
         group of persons (other than by the Company or by a Company-sponsored
         employee benefit plan) of beneficial ownership (within the meaning of
         Rule 13d-3 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) of
         securities possessing more than fifty percent (50%) of the total
         combined voting power of the Company's outstanding securities.


         The entire expense of our proxy solicitation is being borne by Solana
Capital Partners. In the event that our Nominees are elected to the Endocare
Board, Solana will seek reimbursement of such expenses from Endocare. Our
Nominees do not intend to submit such reimbursement to a vote of Endocare's
stockholders. Costs related to the solicitation of proxies are expected to be
between $750,000 and $1,000,000.

         Douglas Chinn has advanced $200,000 to Solana Venture Group Fund, L.P.
under the terms of an Engagement Agreement and a Confidentiality Agreement,
dated March 5, 2003, but rescinded by the parties on March 27, 2003.
Contemporaneous with rescinding the Engagement Agreement and the Confidentiality
Agreement, Solana and Dr. Chinn entered into an Option of Money Pay-Back or
Assignment of Limited Partnership Units Agreement dated March 27, 2003. This
agreement is currently in effect and provides that Dr. Chinn has the option of
being repaid the $200,000 previously advanced to Solana in either (a) cash
payable one year from the date on which Solana received its last advance from
Dr. Chinn or (b) 1.3333 limited partnership units of Solana Venture Group Fund,
L.P (the "LP Units"). Some or all of the money Dr. Chinn paid to Solana Venture
Group Fund, L.P. will be used by Solana to pay expenses in connection with this
proxy solicitation. However, Dr. Chinn will not be responsible for any other
payments in connection with this proxy solicitation.

         In addition, in the event that our Nominees are elected to the Endocare
Board, Solana intends to seek options to purchase shares of Endocare's common
stock. However, there is no agreement or understanding among any of the members
of the Committee to Revitalize Endocare to grant Solana any options to purchase
shares of Endocare's common stock or any other compensation of any kind. Joseph
D'Angelo and John Queen, two of our Nominees and the fathers of two employees of
Solana, will each refrain from participation in the deliberations or voting on
any matters related to reimbursement or compensation of Solana.



1.       Except for the legal action described in the next paragraph, no Nominee
         of the Committee to Revitalize Endocare is involved in any material
         pending legal proceedings with respect to the Company.

         a)       220 Lawsuit. On April 7, 2003, Douglas Chinn, M.D. presented
                  Endocare with a demand to inspect materials identifying
                  Endocare's stockholders ("Stocklist Materials") and certain of
                  Endocare's books and records ("Books and Records") pursuant to
                  Section 220 of the Delaware General Corporation Law. Because
                  Endocare failed to respond to Dr. Chinn's demand, on April 15,
                  2003, Dr. Chinn filed a lawsuit against Endocare in the
                  Delaware Court of Chancery to enforce his April 7, 2003
                  demand. On May 6, 2003, the Court of Chancery entered an order
                  requiring the production of the Stocklist Materials. A trial
                  was held on June 9, 2003 for the Court to determine whether
                  Dr. Chinn should be given access to the Books and Records. At
                  the conclusion of the June 9, 2003 trial, the Court ruled in
                  Dr. Chinn's favor, stating that it had "no question in [its]
                  mind whatsoever" that Dr. Chinn had demonstrated a proper
                  purpose for the request he made to inspect Endocare's Books
                  and Records. The Court directed the parties to attempt to work
                  out arrangements for conducting the inspection and has
                  scheduled a hearing for June 26, 2003 to resolve any remaining
                  issues relating to the inspection.

2.       Except for the Consulting Agreements discussed in the following
         paragraphs, there is no arrangement or understanding between any
         Nominee of the Committee to Revitalize Endocare and any other person
         pursuant to which he was or is to be selected as a Nominee or director.

         a)       Consulting Agreements. Solana Capital Partners entered into a
                  Consulting Agreement, dated as of March 4, 2003, with David
                  Eller and William Barry. Under the March 4, 2003 Consulting
                  Agreement, Messrs. Eller and Barry provided consulting
                  services including assistance in assessing Endocare's current
                  management team, operations and business potential. This
                  Consulting Agreement contained a term of one (1) month and
                  terminated as of April 4, 2003. Under this Consulting
                  Agreement, Messrs. Eller and Barry each received $10,000 for
                  their consulting services. In addition, Messrs. Eller and
                  Barry received reimbursement for their reasonable
                  out-of-pocket expenses incurred in their performance under
                  this Consulting Agreement. This Consulting Agreement also
                  permitted the use of Messrs. Eller's and Barry's names as
                  potential Nominees for election as directors and officers of
                  Endocare, in the event that the participants to this Schedule
                  14A endeavored to nominate candidates for election as
                  directors of Endocare, subject to the execution of agreements
                  between Endocare and Messrs. Barry and Eller containing
                  mutually acceptable terms.

                  In addition, on May 16, 2003, Solana and Messrs. Eller and
                  Barry entered into a new Consulting Agreement, effective as of
                  April 5, 2003, on substantially similar terms as the March 4,
                  2003 Consulting Agreement, except that the April 5, 2003
                  Consulting Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated
                  by either Solana or Messrs. Eller or Barry upon three days
                  prior written notice. In addition, the April 5, 2003
                  Consulting Agreement provides for compensation of $20,000 per
                  calendar month to be paid to each of Messrs. Eller and Barry,
                  and to provide for payment to each of Messrs. Eller and Barry
                  of a success fee equal to 100% of all amounts paid as
                  compensation to Messrs. Eller and Barry under this Consulting
                  Agreement in the event the Committee to Revitalize Endocare
                  elects a majority of its Nominees to the Endocare Board of

                  Solana engaged an outside executive recruiter to identify
                  David Eller as a candidate for Chief Executive Officer of

3.       None of the Nominees of the Committee to Revitalize Endocare currently
         holds any position or office with the Company or has ever served
         previously as a director of the Company.

4.       Other than the option, warrant and engagement agreement,
         confidentiality agreement and option agreement described in paragraphs
         4(a-c) below, none of the participants or their associates has been,
         within the past year, a party to any contract, arrangement or
         understanding with any person with respect to any securities of the
         Company, including but not limited to joint ventures, loan or option
         arrangements, puts or calls,


         guarantees against loss or guarantees of profits, division of losses or
         profits, or the giving or withholding of proxies.

         a)       1999 Option. On January 27, 1999, Endocare issued to Dr. Chinn
                  an option to purchase 25,000 shares of Endocare common stock
                  at an exercise price of $3.00 per share pursuant to the terms
                  of a Stock Option Agreement, dated January 27, 1999, between
                  Endocare and Dr. Chinn. This non-statutory stock option
                  commenced vesting on January 27, 1999; twenty-five percent
                  (25%) of the shares subject to this option vested twelve (12)
                  months after January 27, 1999 and 1/48th of the shares vested
                  each month thereafter until all of the shares subject to this
                  option were vested. Dr. Chinn exercised 21,875 shares under
                  this option and as of the date hereof holds 14,583 shares
                  issued pursuant to this option. By its terms, this option
                  terminated on March 1, 2003, which was sixty (60) days after
                  the termination of Dr. Chinn's consulting relationship with

         b)       2000 Warrant. On January 3, 2000, Endocare issued to Dr. Chinn
                  a warrant to purchase 20,000 shares of Endocare common stock
                  at an exercise price of $9.00 per share pursuant to a warrant
                  agreement between Endocare and Dr. Chinn. This warrant became
                  exercisable with respect to 5,000 shares as of each of January
                  3, 2001, January 3, 2002 and January 3, 2003 and will be
                  exercisable with respect to 5000 shares as of January 3, 2004.
                  Dr. Chinn exercised 15,000 shares under this warrant and as of
                  the date hereof holds 5,000 shares issued pursuant to this
                  warrant. This warrant will expire by its terms on January 3,
                  2005. In addition, this warrant will terminate on the date on
                  which the License Agreement, dated February 14, 1997 between
                  Endocare and Dr. Chinn is terminated, and only the number of
                  shares available prior to the termination of that License
                  Agreement will remain exercisable after such termination date
                  until the ultimate expiration of this warrant on January 3,

         c)       Engagement Agreement, Confidentiality Agreement and Option
                  Agreement. Solana, General Partner of Solana Venture Group,
                  L.P., and Dr. Chinn entered into an engagement agreement dated
                  March 5, 2003. Solana and Dr. Chinn also entered into a
                  confidentiality agreement on the same date. Both agreements
                  were rescinded by the parties on March 27, 2003.

                  Pursuant to the engagement and confidentiality agreements, Dr.
                  Chinn engaged Solana to assist him in the attempted contest to
                  replace the Board of Directors of Endocare. These agreements
                  provided for the advancement of expenses incurred in the
                  effort to replace Endocare's Board of Directors as well as the
                  distribution of the reimbursement of expenses, if any, granted
                  by Endocare following a successful contest to replace the
                  Board of Directors of Endocare. Prior to the termination of
                  these agreements on March 27, 2003, Dr. Chinn had advanced a
                  total of $200,000 to Solana.

                  Concurrent with rescinding the engagement and confidentiality
                  agreements described above, Solana and Dr. Chinn entered into
                  an Option of Money Pay-Back or Assignment of Limited
                  Partnership Units Agreement dated March 27, 2003. This
                  agreement is currently in effect and provides that Dr. Chinn
                  has the option of being repaid the $200,000 previously
                  advanced to Solana in either (a) cash payable one year from
                  the date on which Solana received its last advance from Dr.
                  Chinn or (b) 1.3333 limited partnership units of Solana
                  Venture Group Fund, L.P (the "LP Units"). This Agreement also
                  grants Dr. Chinn a right of first refusal for the purchase of
                  16.5% of Endocare shares or options received by Solana Venture
                  Group, L.P, if any. Some or all the money Dr. Chinn paid to
                  Solana Venture Group Fund, L.P. will be used by Solana to pay
                  expenses in connection with this proxy solicitation. However,
                  Dr. Chinn will not be responsible for any other payments in
                  connection with this proxy solicitation.

5.       Except as set forth below, none of the participants and none of their
         associates has any arrangement or understanding with any person with
         respect to (i) any future employment with the Company or its affiliates
         or (ii) any future transactions to which the Company or any of its
         affiliates may be a party.

         If our Nominees are elected to the Board of Endocare, our Nominees
         intend to appoint the following people to the following offices:

                  o        Kurt Landgraf Chairman of the Board


                  o        David Eller Chief Executive Officer

                  o        William A. Barry Chief Financial Officer

                  o        Douglas Chinn, M.D. Chief Medical Officer

         We do not have any agreement with any of these individuals listed
         above, or with any other member of our Committee to Revitalize
         Endocare, with respect to the terms or their employment or compensation
         as officers of Endocare.

6.       Other than the option and warrant described in paragraphs 4(a) and (b)
         above and as set forth below in paragraphs 6(a-c), since the beginning
         of the Company's last fiscal year, none of the Nominees of the
         Committee to Revitalize Endocare or any member of their immediate
         families had any material interest in any transaction, or has any
         material interest in a proposed transaction, to which the Company or
         any subsidiary of the Company was or is to be a party.

         a)       Dr. Chinn's Consulting Agreement. Endocare entered into a
                  Consulting Agreement, dated as of January 17, 2000, with Dr.
                  Chinn and Mahlon Chinn, M.D. (collectively, the
                  "Consultants"). Under this Consulting Agreement, the
                  Consultants were engaged to assist Endocare in its product
                  development for Endocare's Cryocare System and related

                  At Dr. Chinn's request, this Consulting Agreement was mutually
                  terminated as of December 31. 2002, in accordance with a
                  letter dated December 20, 2002 from Endocare to the
                  Consultants. Dr. Chinn's request to terminate his consulting
                  relationship with Endocare was made as a result of Dr. Chinn's
                  dissatisfaction with Endocare's management. Under this
                  Consulting Agreement the Consultants agreed, at all times
                  during the term of this Consulting Agreement and thereafter,
                  to keep in confidence all confidential information received
                  from Endocare and to not directly or indirectly use or exploit
                  any such confidential information other than in the course of
                  performing the Consultants' duties under this Consulting
                  Agreement. The Consultants further agreed to use their best
                  efforts to ensure that such confidential information, and any
                  records or documents containing such information, are not
                  exposed to theft, embezzlement or unauthorized reproduction or
                  disclosure. Dr. Chinn believes that his participation in the
                  events surrounding this proxy statement and the preparation or
                  filing of this proxy statement do not abrogate his
                  confidentiality obligations under this Consulting Agreement.
                  Under this and previous consulting agreements, Endocare has
                  paid Dr. Chinn an aggregate amount of $581,069.91 since 1996.

         b)       Dr. Chinn's License Agreement. Dr. Chinn entered into a
                  License Agreement, dated as of February 14, 1997, pursuant to
                  which Dr. Chinn granted to Endocare a license to certain of
                  Dr. Chinn's proprietary technology and information. This
                  License Agreement is currently in full force and effect. Dr.
                  Chinn believes that his participation in the events
                  surrounding this proxy statement and the preparation or filing
                  of this proxy statement do not abrogate the provisions related
                  to confidentiality contained in his License Agreement.

                  Pursuant to this License Agreement, Endocare has paid to Dr.
                  Chinn an aggregate amount of $77,987.45 and issued to Dr.
                  Chinn a warrant to purchase 25,000 shares of common stock of
                  Endocare at $4.375 per share. This warrant expired February
                  14, 2002. In addition, in 2000, Endocare issued to Dr. Chinn a
                  warrant to purchase 20,000 shares of common stock of Endocare
                  at $9.00 per share, which warrant terminates upon termination
                  of the License Agreement. Under the terms of the License
                  Agreement, Dr. Chinn is entitled to royalties on Endocare's
                  sales of certain of its products.

                  Dr. Chinn received his last royalty payment under his License
                  Agreement over one year ago, on May 12, 2002. Dr. Chinn has
                  not received any current information on Endocare's sales of
                  its products, but has received anecdotal evidence that
                  Endocare continues to complete sales of the products which
                  give rise to Dr. Chinn's right to receive royalty payments
                  under his License Agreement. In addition, Dr. Chinn has
                  reviewed Endocare's May 28, 2003 press release disclosing
                  preliminary metrics for performance of prostate cryoablation
                  procedures during 2002 and believes that the figures contained
                  therein support his belief that Endocare may be past due on
                  amounts owing to him under his License Agreement. Accordingly,
                  Dr. Chinn believes that Endocare may be


                  past due on royalty payments under his License Agreement, but
                  is unsure of the amount of such past due royalty payments, if

         c)       Other Information. Dr. Chinn's father, James Chinn, M.D., as
                  trustee of the James Chinn Trust Dated September 6, 1984, is
                  currently in discussions with Endocare over claims by Endocare
                  that the James Chinn Trust Dated September 6, 1984 owes
                  Endocare certain amounts as payment for cryosurgical
                  equipment. Although Douglas Chinn, M.D. is a potential future
                  beneficiary of the James Chinn Trust Dated September 6, 1984,
                  Douglas Chinn, M.D. has no involvement in these discussions
                  between James Chinn, M.D. and Endocare. Douglas Chinn, M.D.
                  believes that the actions represented by this proxy statement
                  are wholly separate and apart from discussions between James
                  Chinn, M.D. and Endocare.

7.       None of the Nominees of the Committee to Revitalize Endocare or any
         member of their immediate families has been indebted to the Company or
         any of its subsidiaries at any time since the beginning of the
         Company's last fiscal year. Except for amounts paid by Endocare to Dr.
         Chinn under his Consulting Agreement and License Agreement discussed in
         paragraphs 6(a) and (b) above, no Nominee has received any compensation
         from the Company.

8.       Except as set forth below in paragraphs 8(a-b), no family relationships
         exist among the Nominees or between any Company director or executive
         officer and any of the Nominees.

         a)       Joseph D'Angelo, one of our participants, is the father of
                  Luke D'Angelo, the Secretary and Managing Director of Solana
                  Capital Partners, Inc.

         b)       John Queen, one of our Nominees, is the father of Christopher
                  Queen, an employee of Solana Capital Partners, Inc.

9.       The following is a summary of all transactions in Company common stock
         by our participants over the last two years.

         a)       Douglas Chinn, M.D. Transactions during the last two years in
                  the Company's common stock by Dr. Chinn:

Date Of Transaction                Nature Of Transaction                Number Of Shares(1)
-------------------                ---------------------                ----------------
     10/23/01                             Sell                                 8,455
     10/24/01                             Buy(2)                              10,000
     10/24/01                             Sell                                10,000
     10/24/01                             Sell                                  500
      2/21/02                             Buy                                  5,000
     10/22/02                             Buy                                 14,583


(1) Does not include 3,020 shares of Endocare common stock owned
    beneficially by Dr. Chinn's spouse and children, of which Dr. Chinn
    disclaims beneficial ownership.

(2) Acquired on margin.

         b)       Solana Capital Partners Transactions during the last two years
                  in the Company's common stock by Solana Capital Partners.

Date Of Transaction                   Nature Of Transaction                 Number Of Shares
-------------------                   ---------------------                 ----------------
     4/14/03                                   Buy                                 1,000

         c)       David Eller. Transactions during the last two years in the
                  Company's common stock by Mr. Eller.

Date Of Transaction                   Nature Of Transaction                 Number Of Shares
-------------------                   ---------------------                 ----------------
     4/16/03                                   Buy                                 1,000


         d)       John Queen. Transactions during the last two years in the
                  Company's common stock by John Queen.

Date Of Transaction                   Nature Of Transaction                 Number Of Shares
-------------------                   ---------------------                 ----------------
      5/9/03                                  Buy                                2,500(1)


(1) Represents 2,500 shares of Endocare common stock owned by John Queen, as
    co-trustee of the John R. and Patricia Queen Trust.


                          THE ELECTION OF OUR NOMINEES

                                VOTING PROCEDURES


         In order to ensure that your vote is represented at the 2003 Annual
Meeting of the Stockholders, we urge you to sign and date the enclosed GOLD
proxy card and return it to MacKenzie Partners, in the enclosed postage paid
envelope TODAY. Execution of the GOLD proxy card will not affect your right to
attend the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Stockholders scheduled for September 30,
2003 and to vote in person.

         You are eligible to execute a GOLD proxy card only if you owned the
common stock on the Record Date. Endocare's Board has set August 4, 2003 as the
Record Date for determining those stockholders who will be entitled to notice of
and to vote at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Stockholders. You will retain the
right to execute a proxy card in connection with this proxy solicitation even if
you sell your shares after the Record Date. Accordingly, it is important that
you vote the shares held by you on the Record Date, or grant a proxy to vote
such shares on the GOLD proxy card, even if you sell such shares after the
Record Date.

         On the Record Date, there were outstanding and entitled to vote
__________ shares of Endocare common stock, which is Endocare's only class of
voting securities. Stockholders will have one vote for each share of common
stock they own with respect to all matters to be considered at the 2003 Annual
Meeting of the Stockholders.

         If you have previously signed and returned a [BLUE] proxy card to
Endocare, you have every right to change your vote. Only your latest dated card
will count. You may revoke your vote made on any [BLUE] proxy card already sent
to Endocare by signing, dating and mailing the enclosed GOLD proxy card in the
postage-paid envelope provided. Unless contrary instructions are indicated on
the enclosed GOLD proxy card, all shares of stock represented by valid GOLD
proxy cards received pursuant to this solicitation (which have not been revoked
as described above) will be voted FOR the election of our Nominees and will not
be voted on any other matter that may come before the 2003 Annual Meeting of the
Stockholders of Endocare, including matters set forth in Endocare's proxy

         If your shares are registered in your own name, please sign, date and
mail the enclosed GOLD proxy card to MacKenzie, in the postage-paid envelope
provided with this Proxy Statement. If your shares are held in the name of a
brokerage firm, bank nominee or other institution, only it can sign a GOLD proxy
card with respect to your shares and only after receiving your specific
instructions. Accordingly, please sign, date and mail the enclosed GOLD proxy
card in the postage-paid envelope provided, and to ensure that your shares are
voted, you should also contact the person responsible for your account and give
instructions for a GOLD proxy card to be issued representing your shares.

         Any proxy may be revoked at any time prior to the 2003 Annual Meeting
of the Stockholders by delivering a written notice of revocation or a later
dated proxy for the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Stockholders to MacKenzie
Partners, or by voting in person at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Stockholders.



         Based on currently available public information of Endocare, a quorum
will exist at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Stockholders if holders of not less
than a majority of the shares of Endocare common stock outstanding and entitled
to vote at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Stockholders are present in person or
by proxy. Endocare's Amended and Restated By-laws require that in order to be
elected, nominees for director must receive the affirmative vote of a plurality
of those shares voted.



         The holders of not less than a majority of the number of shares of
Endocare common stock outstanding and entitled to vote at the 2003 Annual
Meeting of the Stockholders must be represented in person or by proxy in order
to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Abstentions and broker
non-votes will be included for purposes of determining whether a quorum exists.
Broker non-votes occur when brokers do not receive voting instructions from
their customers on non-routine matters and consequently have no discretion to
vote on those matters. If your Endocare shares are held in the name of a
brokerage firm, bank nominee or other institution, you should contact the person
responsible for your account and give instructions for a proxy card to be issued
so that your shares will be represented at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the


                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

         The principal executive offices of Endocare, Inc. are located at 201
Technology Drive, Irvine, California 92618. Except as otherwise noted herein,
the information concerning Endocare has been taken from or is based upon
documents and records on file with the SEC and other publicly available
information. Although we do not have any knowledge that would indicate that any
statement contained herein based upon such documents and records is untrue,
there can be no assurance that any information contained in Endocare's publicly
available documents and records were accurate on the date when made.

         The principal executive offices of the Committee to Revitalize Endocare
are at 990 Highland Drive, Suite 314, Solana Beach, California 92075.

                          PROXY SOLICITATION; EXPENSES

         Executed proxies may be solicited in person, by mail, personal
delivery, commercial delivery service, electronic mail, facsimile,
advertisement, telephone or telegraph. Solicitation may be made by our Nominees
or our agents and affiliates, none of whom will receive additional compensation
for such solicitation. Proxies will be solicited from individuals, brokers,
banks, bank nominees and other institutional holders. We have requested or will
request banks, brokerage houses and other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries
to forward all solicitation materials to the beneficial owners of the shares
they hold of record. We will reimburse these record holders for their reasonable
out-of-pocket expenses.

         In addition, the Committee to Revitalize Endocare has retained
MacKenzie Partners to solicit proxies on our behalf in connection with the 2003
Annual Meeting of the Stockholders. MacKenzie Partners will employ approximately
10 people in its efforts. We have agreed to reimburse MacKenzie Partners for its
reasonable expenses and to pay to MacKenzie Partners a fee up to $100,000.

         The entire expense of our proxy solicitation is being borne by Solana
Capital Partners.

         Douglas Chinn has advanced $200,000 to Solana Venture Group Fund, L.P.
under the terms of an Engagement Agreement and a Confidentiality Agreement,
dated March 5, 2003, but rescinded by the parties on March 27, 2003.
Contemporaneous with rescinding the Engagement Agreement and the Confidentiality
Agreement, Solana and Dr. Chinn entered into an Option of Money Pay-Back or
Assignment of Limited Partnership Units Agreement dated March 27, 2003. This
agreement is currently in effect and provides that Dr. Chinn has the option of
being repaid the $200,000 previously advanced to Solana in either (a) cash
payable one year from the date on which Solana received its last advance from
Dr. Chinn or (b) 1.3333 limited partnership units of Solana Venture Group Fund,
L.P (the "LP Units"). Some or all of the money Dr. Chinn paid to Solana Venture
Group Fund, L.P. will be used by Solana to pay expenses in connection with this
proxy solicitation. However, Dr. Chinn will not be responsible for any other
payments in connection with this proxy solicitation.

         In the event that our Nominees are elected to the Endocare Board,
Solana Capital Partners will seek reimbursement of such expenses from Endocare
and our Nominees do not intend to submit such reimbursement to a vote of
stockholders. In addition, in the event that our Nominees are elected to the
Endocare Board, Solana intends to seek options to purchase shares of Endocare's
common stock. However, there is no agreement or understanding among any of the
members of the Committee to Revitalize Endocare to grant Solana any options to
purchase shares of Endocare's common stock or any other compensation of any
kind. Joseph D'Angelo and John Queen, two of our Nominees and the fathers of
employees of Solana, will each refrain from participation in the deliberations
or voting on any matters related to reimbursement or compensation of Solana.

         In addition to the engagement of MacKenzie Partners described above,
costs related to the solicitation of proxies include expenditures for printing,
postage, legal and related expenses and are expected to be approximately
$650,000 to 900,000. Total payment of costs to date in furtherance of our proxy
solicitation is approximately $85,000.



         The following table presents, except as otherwise described herein, as
of June 13, 2003, the common stock beneficially owned by (i) each current
director; (ii) each Named Officer (as defined therein) of the Company; and (iii)
all current executive officers, directors and nominees for director of the
Company as a group.

         The information in the table is based on information contained in
Endocare's press release attached to Endocare's Current Report on Form 8-K filed
with the SEC on June 13, 2003. This proxy statement is Endocare's most recent
public filing containing the relevant information and we have found no public
filings that change or update this information. Although the table accurately
reflects the information set forth in Endocare's June 13, 2003 press release and
Current Report on Form 8-K, we cannot be certain that either Endocare or its
named stockholders have reported changes to this information in a timely or
accurate manner.

         Unless otherwise indicated, each of the named stockholders possesses
sole voting and investment power with respect to the shares beneficially owned.
Shares covered by stock options are included in the footnotes below.

         Beneficial ownership is determined in accordance with the rules of the
SEC and generally includes voting or investment power relating to securities.
Shares of common stock subject to options or convertible securities currently
exercisable or exercisable within sixty (60) days are deemed to be outstanding
for computing the percentage of the person holding such securities and the
percentage ownership of any group of which the holder is a member, but are not
deemed outstanding for computing the percentage of any other person. Except as
indicated by footnote, and subject to the community property laws where
applicable, the persons or entities named in the table have sole voting and
investment power with respect to all shares of common stock shown as
beneficially owned by them. Except as otherwise noted below, the address of each
person or entity listed on the table is Endocare, Inc., 201 Technology Drive,
Irvine, California 92618.

                                                                       NUMBER OF SHARES
NAME                                       POSITION                 BENEFICIALLY OWNED(1)        PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL(1)
------------------------        -----------------------------       ---------------------        ----------------------
Paul W. Mikus                   Chairman of the Board                        790,000(2)                     3.3%
Peter F. Bernardoni             Director                                     628,707(3)                     2.6%
Robert F. Byrnes                Director                                     296,613(4)                     1.2%
Benjamin Gerson, M.D.           Director                                      40,000(5)                       *
Ronald A. Matricaria            Director                                      10,000(6)                       *
Michael J. Strauss, M.D.        Director                                      60,000(7)                       *
Thomas R. Testman               Director                                          --(8)                      --
William J. Nydam                President and Chief Operating                     --(9)                      --
John V. Cracchiolo              President, Interventional                    161,542(10)                      *
                                Radiology and Secretary
Jay J. Eum                      Chief Technology Officer                     203,751(11)                      *
Katherine Greenberg             Senior Vice President and                         --(12)                      *
                                Chief Financial Officer
Kevin M. Quilty                 Senior Vice President, Sales                 126,666(13)                      *
                                and Marketing
TOTAL                                                                      2,317,279(14)                    9.5%


* Represents beneficial ownership of less than 1% of the outstanding shares of
Endocare's common stock.

(1)      Beneficial ownership is determined in accordance with the rules of the
         SEC and generally includes voting or investment power with respect to
         securities. Shares of common stock relating to options or convertible
         securities currently exercisable, or exercisable within 60 days of May
         15, 2003, are deemed outstanding for computing the percentage of the
         person holding such securities but are not deemed outstanding for


         the percentage of any other person. As of May 15, 2003, there were
         24,302,454 shares of common stock outstanding.

(2)      Includes 615,000 shares subject to options that are exercisable within
         60 days after May 15, 2003.

(3)      Includes 588,707 shares held by Technology Funding Partners III, L.P.,
         Technology Funding Venture Partners IV, an Aggressive Growth Fund, L.P.
         and Technology Funding Venture Partners V, an Aggressive Growth Fund,
         L.P. (collectively, the "Funds") and 30,000 shares subject to options
         that are exercisable within 60 days after May 15, 2003. Mr. Bernardoni
         is an officer of Technology Funding, Inc. and a partner of Technology
         Funding, Ltd., each a general partner of the Funds. Mr. Bernardoni has
         sole voting and shared investment power with respect to all shares
         owned by the Funds, and therefore may be deemed to be beneficial owner
         of such shares.

(4)      Includes 10,000 shares subject to options that are exercisable within
         60 days after May 15, 2003.

(5)      Includes 30,000 shares subject to options that are exercisable within
         60 days after May 15, 2003.

(6)      Represents 10,000 shares subject to options that are exercisable within
         60 days after May 15, 2003.

(7)      Includes 45,000 shares subject to options that are exercisable within
         60 days after May 15, 2003.

(9)      Mr. Nydam joined Endocare as President and Chief Operating Officer in
         March 2003. Mr. Nydam received options to purchase 750,000 shares of
         common stock on March 3, 2003, of which no shares are exercisable
         within 60 days after May 15, 2003.

(10)     Includes 161,542 shares subject to options that are exercisable within
         60 days after May 15, 2003.

(11)     Represents 203,751 shares subject to options that are exercisable
         within 60 days after May 15, 2003.

(12)     Ms. Greenberg joined Endocare as Chief Financial Officer in March 2003.
         Ms. Greenberg received an option to purchase 250,000 shares of common
         stock on March 3, 2003, of which no shares are exercisable within 60
         days after May 15, 2003.

(13)     Represents 126,666 shares subject to options that are exercisable
         within 60 days after May 15, 2003.

(14)     Includes 1,231,959 shares subject to options that are exercisable
         within 60 days after May 15, 2003.


         The following table presents, except as otherwise described herein, as
of May 31, 2003, the only stockholders known by the Committee to Revitalize
Endocare to beneficially own more than 5% of the outstanding common stock.

         The information in the table is based on the most recent public filings
made by Endocare's stockholders. Although the table accurately reflects the
information set forth in these public filings. We cannot be certain that these
stockholders have reported changes to their beneficial ownership in a timely or
accurate manner.


                                                       AMOUNT AND
                                                       NATURE OF
                                                       BENEFICIAL          PERCENTAGE
NAME AND ADDRESS                                      OWNERSHIP(1)         OF TOTAL(2)
----------------------------------------------        ------------         -----------
Kern Capital Management, LLC(3)                          2,493,800               10.3%
    114 West 47th Street
    New York, NY 10036
Entities affiliated with SAFECO Corporation(4)           2,196,645                9.0%
    4333 Brooklyn Ave, NE
    Seattle, WA 98185

Entities affiliated with FFC Partners(5)                 1,443,533               5.95%
    10 Glenville Street
    Grenwich, CT 06831


* Represents beneficial ownership of less than 1% of the outstanding shares of
the Company's common stock.

(1)      Beneficial ownership is determined in accordance with the rules of the
         SEC and generally includes voting or investment power with respect to
         securities. Shares of common stock relating to options or convertible
         securities currently exercisable, or exercisable within 60 days of May
         15, 2003, are deemed outstanding for computing the percentage of the
         person holding such securities but are not deemed outstanding for
         computing the percentage of any other person. As of May 15, 2003, there
         were 24,302,454 shares of common stock outstanding.

(2)      As of May 15, 2003, there were 24,302,454 shares of common stock of
         Endocare outstanding. This outstanding share number is based on
         information contained in Endocare's Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter
         ended June 30, 2002, filed with the SEC on August 14, 2002. This Form
         10-Q is Endocare's most recent public filing containing its outstanding
         share number and we have found no public filings that change or update
         this information. Although this number accurately reflects the
         information set forth in Endocare's Form 10-Q, we cannot be certain
         that Endocare has reported changes to this information in a timely or
         accurate manner.

(3)      Pursuant to a Schedule 13G filed on March 10, 2003 with the SEC, Kern
         Capital Management, LLC reported sole voting power and sole dispositive
         power over 2,493,800 shares and disclaimed any beneficial ownership
         over the securities of the Company held by Robert E. Kern and David G.
         Kern, the principal and controlling members of Kern Capital Management,

(4)      Pursuant to a joint Schedule 13G filed on February 13, 2003 with the
         SEC: (i) SAFECO common stock Trust reported that it had shares voting
         and dispositive power over 1,279,825 shares; (ii) SAFECO Asset
         Management Company reported that it had shares voting and dispositive
         power over 1,924,545 shares and disclaimed any beneficial ownership
         over 1,913,645 of the shares reported on the joint Schedule 13G which
         were beneficially owned by registered reporting companies for which
         SAFECO Asset Management Company serves as an advisor; and (iii) SAFECO
         Corporation reported shared voting and dispositive power over 2,196,645
         shares and disclaimed 2,185,745 shares.

(5)      Pursuant to a Schedule 13G filed on April 1, 2002 with the SEC: (i) FFC
         Partners I, L.P. reported sole voting power over 1,386,186 shares and
         sole dispositive power over 1,331,204 shares (FFC Partners I, L.P. has
         no dispositive power over 54,982 shares held in escrow); (ii) FFC
         Executive Partners I, L.P. reported sole voting power over 57,347
         shares and sole dispositive power over 55,072 shares (FFC Executive
         Partners I, L.P. has no dispositive power over 2,275 shares held in
         escrow); and (iii) Ferrer Freeman & Company, LLC reported shared voting
         power over 1,443,533 shares and shared dispositive poser over 1,386,276



         If a stockholder desires to have a proposal formally considered at the
2004 Annual Meeting of the Stockholders, and included in the Proxy Statement for
that meeting, the proposal must be mailed to the Corporate Secretary, Endocare,
Inc., 201 Technology Drive, Irvine, California 92618, and must be received by
the Secretary on or before _______________, 2004. Endocare will consider only
proposals meeting the requirements of the applicable SEC rules.



                                       /s/ DOUGLAS CHINN, M.D.
                                       The Committee to Revitalize Endocare
Dated: June _____, 2003                Douglas Chinn, M.D.


                                   PROXY CARD

                                 ENDOCARE, INC.


         The undersigned stockholder of Endocare, Inc. ("Endocare") hereby
appoints Douglas Chinn, M.D. and David Eller and each of them, as attorneys and
proxies, each with power of substitution and revocation, to represent the
undersigned at the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of Endocare, Inc. to be
held at ______________ on September 30, 2003, at ____ a.m, local time, and at
any adjournment or postponement thereof, with authority to vote all shares held
or owned by the undersigned in accordance with the directions indicated herein.

         Receipt of the Proxy Statement furnished herewith is hereby


                (continued and to be signed on the reverse side)



                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

FOR all nominees listed on the right     WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for all     NOMINEES:
(except as marked to the contrary).      nominees listed to the right.          Kurt Landgraf
                                                                                David Eller
( )                                      ( )                                    William A. Barry
                                                                                Douglas Chinn, M.D.
                                                                                Joseph D'Angelo
                                                                                Robert P. Fry, M.D., J.D.
                                                                                John R. Queen

                                                                                (Instructions: To withhold
                                                                                authority to vote for any
                                                                                individual nominee, write that
                                                                                nominee's name in the space
                                                                                provided below.)


                                                      * * * *



            Signature if held jointly:


         INSTRUCTIONS. Please sign exactly as name appears hereon. When shares
are held by joint tenants, both should sign. When signing as attorney, executor,
administrator, trustee, or guardian, please give full title as such. If a
corporation, please sign in full corporate name by president or other authorized
officer. If a partnership, please sign in partnership name by authorized person.
The signer hereby revokes all proxies heretofore given by the signer to vote at
the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of Endocare, Inc. and any
adjournment or postponement thereof.
